The strongest fury system

Chapter 993 The fifth limb!

Chapter 993 The fifth limb!
"Boy, will you give me another arrogant one now?" Guo Junbin brought people to Zhang Tianhao, extremely arrogant.


Zhang Tianhao's voice was cold and hard.


Guo Junbin became angry.He didn't expect that until this time, he was still so daring.

"Boy, kneel down and slap yourself [-] times. I'm considering letting you go!" Guo Junbin looked at Zhang Tianhao and gave orders.

"Hahaha... It seems that saying you're stupid is just flattering you. You're just an idiot. I'll give you a chance, kneel down, give me a hundred bangs, and call me grandpa three times. I'll think about letting you go You." Zhang Tianhao smiled disdainfully.

"Damn it, you are so brave, give it to me..." Guo Junbin said to the Guo family master behind him.

At this moment, Guo Junbin was extremely angry with Zhang Tianhao, and said to Zhang Tianhao: "Boy, I will break your limbs and cut you into a stick."


At this moment, another voice sounded.

A young man appeared with more than [-] warriors.This young man is Gu Zijie.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Lu, I've been looking for you for a long time, and I finally found you. That's great." Gu Zijie was overjoyed when he saw Zhang Tianhao.

Guo Junbin frowned when he saw Gu Zijie.He asked, "Gu Zijie, why are you here?"

When Gu Zijie saw Guo Junbin, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and said, "Why? Brother Zhang is my friend, why did you ask him for it? You look like you want to trouble him, and I don't agree to that. "

Guo Junbin looked at Gu Zijie and sneered and said, "Gu Zijie, how dare you offend me, don't forget that although you are the young master of the Gu family, our Guo family is not something you can offend!"

Gu Zijie frowned, Guo Junbin's words were not pleasant, but they were right.Although the Gu family is indeed one of the three major forces in Qingyan City like the Guo family.But Gu Zijie also knew that the Gu family's background was indeed far behind the Guo family's.Simply saying that the third son of the Guo family is an inner disciple of the Holy Land, this is beyond the comparison of his Gu family.

Even so, Zhang Tianhao is Gu Zijie's benefactor.How could Gu Zijie not be on Zhang Tianhao's side.

"Guo Junbin, don't bully others too much. You must know that I, Gu Zijie, are not afraid of you." Gu Zijie still stood by Zhang Tianhao's side without hesitation.

Zhang Tianhao nodded secretly, and even Li Jian and Lu Yunxuan looked admiring.

Originally leaving the Gu family, Lu Yunxuan and Li Jian had a lot of opinions on Gu Zijie.Although Zhang Tianhao also felt that the matter might have nothing to do with Gu Zijie.But there is still a grudge between the two of them.At this moment, with Gu Zijie standing on their side without hesitation, the smoke disappeared.Although these Guo family members, they did not pay attention to them.

"Okay...okay...since you insist on going against our Guo family, then I won't be polite."

Guo Junbin was furious.He shouted to the ten Guo family disciples behind him: "Give it to me."

These disciples of the Guo family all have the strength of Wu Zun's intermediate level.They are the ten iron guards of the Guo family.He made a lot of contributions to the Guo family.This is also the reason why Guo Junbin brought the top ten iron guards.In his opinion, there are these top ten iron guards to make a move.No matter how awesome Zhang Tianhao and others were, they would be torn to pieces.

As soon as Gu Zijie gritted his teeth, he wanted his own people to do it.Zhang Tianhao held him back.Feng Qing said calmly: "These native chickens and tile dogs don't need your Gu family to take action, Zijie, just watch from the sidelines."

Neither Lu Yunxuan nor Li Jian made a move.Li Jian is just the Martial Emperor, no matter how awesome he is, he is useless at the moment.Lu Yunxuan was a Martial Saint, so he didn't bother to make a move.


Zhang Tianhao sent an iron guard flying with one punch.The iron guard screamed and fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

Zhang Tianhao's shots were like lightning, and he threw three punches again, directly killing the three iron guards.These masters who once helped the Guo family rule the wilds are like paper in Zhang Tianhao's hands at the moment.

Zhang Tianhao didn't stop for a while, and slid out again, his shots were like lightning.Soon, all the ten iron guards brought by Guo Junbin were killed, and all of them became Zhang Tianhao's experience points.

Guo Junbin was trembling with fright at this moment, he himself was only the first level of Wu Zun.Originally, he felt that Zhang Tianhao and others were weird, so he didn't dare to make a move. That's why he brought the top ten iron guards of the Guo family, but he didn't expect that even the top ten iron guards of the Guo family would be calmly killed by Zhang Tianhao up.Is this still human?

Zhang Tianhao approached Guo Junbin step by step, and asked him: "Didn't you want me to kneel down. Slap yourself [-] times, how is it now, how crazy are you?"

Under Zhang Tianhao's pressing step by step, Guo Junbin also trembled all over, and said to Zhang Tianhao sternly: "What do you want to do, I am the eldest son of the Guo family, if you dare to do anything to me, the Guo family will never let go over yours."

"Hehe, if you lose, you will move out of the backstage, so I say you are naive." Zhang Tianhao shook his head at Guo Junbin, very disdainful.

"I'll count to ten. If you don't do what I say, I'll break your limbs." Zhang Tianhao said to Guo Junbin in a cold voice.

Guo Junbin was furious, although he was a little puzzled, why did Zhang Tianhao say five limbs, but he was undoubtedly angry at the moment.As the youngest of the Guo family.If he really knelt down to Zhang Tianhao in public.If word got out, his reputation would be gone.And after his father was furious, the position of heir to the Guo family really had nothing to do with him.

"I fought with you."

Guo Junbin roared and rushed towards Zhang Tianhao.

But before Guo Junbin threw himself in front of Zhang Tianhao, Zhang Tianhao slapped him casually.


Guo Junbin screamed, and fell into the air.He fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

Watching, Zhang Tianhao walked towards him step by step, Guo Junbin looked terrified, and said to him: "Don't come here, don't come here..."

"I've said it before, if you don't do what I say, I will cripple your five limbs, and now I will do what I say."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Tianhao kicked down hard on Guo Junbin's hand.


Guo Junbin let out a scream.His left hand was crushed severely.

Zhang Tianhao stepped on his right foot again.Immediately, Guo Junbin's other arm was trampled and broken.Next is the legs.This extreme pain almost made Guo Junbin faint.

" father will not let you go." Guo Junbin looked at Zhang Tianhao with extremely resentful eyes.

"You still dare to threaten me?" Zhang Tianhao looked at Guo Junbin with a faint smile.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Guo Junbin with a cold smile and said, "Do you want to know why I mentioned five limbs instead of four?"

(End of this chapter)

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