The strongest fury system

Chapter 996 Heading to Qinglong Cave Mansion

Chapter 996 Heading to Qinglong Cave Mansion
Three days passed quickly.

Early morning on the fourth day.Gu Zijie came to the door.

"Brother Zhang, the Qinglong cave is about to open, let's go there right away!" Gu Zijie said to Zhang Tianhao.

Zhang Tianhao nodded, and said to Lu Yunxuan and Li Jian behind him: "Brother Lu, Li Jian, you just wait here for my return!"

Lu Yunxuan and Li Jian were also a little helpless, if it wasn't for their age exceeding the standard, otherwise they would definitely go with them.After all, the inheritance of Qinglong Cave Mansion is no small matter, and Zhang Tianhao can't do it alone, so he also needs their help.

"My lord, you must be careful." Lu Yunxuan also looked at Zhang Tianhao worriedly.

Although Lu Yunxuan also knew that Zhang Tianhao's strength was still stronger than his own, but this was the Emperor's Domain after all, and it was different from the outside world.Yes, there are still some concerns.

"Oh, I see."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly.

After explaining to Lu Yunxuan, Zhang Tianhao boarded Gu Zijie's carriage.Following him, he came to a flying boat outside the city.

On the flying boat, there were already nineteen young people. These young people were very young. Zhang Tianhao could tell at a glance that none of them were over 20 years old.Knowing that this should be the other 19 people sent by the Gu family besides himself.The master of Qinglong can take 20 people with him.Plus myself is 21 people.

Zhang Tianhao observed carefully and found that the strength of these people was that of Wu Zunjing.At the age of less than twenty, he has the strength of Wu Zunjing, which is definitely a top genius in the Northern Territory.Of course, there are only two geniuses of this kind in the Northern Territory, one is Xiao Long, and the other is naturally Zhang Tianhao.Unexpectedly, in the imperial domain, even in small families far away from the center, there are so many Wu Zun who are less than 20 years old.It can be said that the background of Qingyan City alone exceeds that of the Northern Territory.

"This is Brother Zhang." Gu Zijie pointed to Zhang Tianhao and introduced to those young people.

"Hello Mr. Zhang!"

Most of these people were curious and scrutinized Zhang Tianhao.Of course, although in the past few days, the news that someone killed the Patriarch of the Guo family has been rumored throughout Qingyan City.But no one equated this matter with Zhang Tianhao.Because it only took a few minutes for Zhang Tianhao and Guo Ziyi to fight against each other.Not many people have seen him there.

Zhang Tianhao nodded to the children of the Gu family as a greeting.After all, after entering Qinglong Cave Mansion, everyone still needs to help each other.He is also a comrade in the trenches.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhao felt that there was something wrong with the way a young man looked at him.It seems that there is still hatred.He was a little confused, he felt that this person was very strange to him, but why did he have such great hostility towards him.Zhang Tianhao shook his head, gave a wry smile, and thought to himself: Could it be that my nima is born with a physique of hatred?
The flying boat took off, and according to Gu Zijie, the flying boat will reach its destination in an hour.

A little bored, Zhang Tianhao looked around.Looking around at the disciples of the Gu family who were meditating cross-legged, he praised: "These disciples of the Gu family, it seems that apart from cultivating resources and the environment, their own efforts are also inseparable from their own efforts to achieve such great strength."

"Hello, my name is Gu Yuntong. After entering the Qinglong Cave, please take care of me a lot!" A young man with a chubby face said to Zhang Tianhao with a smile.

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, and said to Gu Yuntong, "Zhang Tianhao."

This Gu Yuntong is obviously acquainted, and he talked to Zhang Tianhao about the top ten talents of the White Dragon Empire this time.Originally, Zhang Tianhao only knew the top ten talents, but he was not very clear about who the top ten talents were. Now, under Gu Yuntong's explanation, he finally knew who the so-called top ten talents were.

Wen Xilai from Wenchuan Mansion, and Huo Qingcheng from Xizun Mansion.Gu Yuqing from Donglai Prefecture.Dou Xinde of Hengshan Sect...

These are the top ten talents.It can be said that all the warriors of the White Dragon Empire have come this time.For Zhang Tianhao, there is a trace of pressure.Although these warriors of the White Dragon Empire do not have a warrior saint.The strongest is only a half-step Martial Saint, and his strength is comparable to him.But Zhang Tianhao didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.After all, these are real geniuses.It seems that these Tianjiao seem to be only as good as him.But the real talent can be said to be more than ten blocks away from Zhang Tianhao.After all, although Zhang Tianhao's cultivation is also at the peak of Wu Zun, he obtained it all through the system.If it weren't for the system, it is estimated that each of these warriors could beat him by more than ten blocks.

The difference between Tianjiao and ordinary warriors lies in Tianjiao's combat effectiveness.In the same realm, maybe these Tianjiao can explode ten times or even a hundred times stronger than ordinary warriors after using their background.This is Tianjiao.Although Zhang Tianhao's background is full, but in the place of the Emperor's Domain, he dare not say that he can stabilize the Tianjiao of the Emperor's Domain.

"Thank you, brother."

Although Zhang Tianhao can't say he likes this familiar Gu family warrior very much.But the look is still good.Such people are generally popular.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Yuntong and asked him: "Yuntong, do you know who that guy is? Why do I feel that he seems a little hostile to me?"

Gu Yuntong looked at the martial artist opposite, and said with a half-smile: "His name is Gu Haifeng, he is one of the three great talents of our Gu family, and his strength is the pinnacle of Wu Zun's elementary level."

"Oh..." Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly.

"You haven't said why Gu Haifeng showed such hostility towards me, I don't seem to know him!" Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Yuntong and said a little confused.

Gu Yuntong smiled slightly and said: "This is actually quite normal. Because you blocked the way of his younger brother. His younger brother is Gu Haiwen, who is also a genius of the Gu family, but his strength is only the first level of Wu Zun. Originally, if you hadn't appeared, this time he would have entered the Qing Dynasty. The opportunity in Emperor Dong Mansion belongs to his younger brother. Just because of you, his younger brother's spot was taken by you."

Zhang Tianhao sneered in his heart and said, "If he has any opinions, he can go to Gu Zijie. Why should he have such deep hostility towards me?"

Gu Yuntong shook his head and smiled: "You are right in saying that, but it is impossible for Gu Haifeng to find Gu Zijie. Master Zijie is the next head of the family, but Gu Haifeng is a man who must take revenge. I am worried that he will still find Gu Zijie. You're in trouble. Just be careful."

Zhang Tianhao nodded slightly, and said to Gu Haifeng, "Thank you."

He didn't take Gu Yuntong's words too seriously. If Gu Haifeng didn't come to trouble him, it would be fine. If he dared to come, hehe, Zhang Tianhao didn't mind letting him know why the flowers were so popular.

(End of this chapter)

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