Chapter 998
"I don't believe it, I must beat you."

Gu Haifeng's face turned blue and white, and a black sword came out.

The blue-patterned sword, a low-grade treasure of the holy rank.

"Break it for me!"

Gu Haifeng stabbed Zhang Tianhao with a sword.

This sword is as powerful as a broken bamboo.The endless sword light seemed to tear Zhang Tianhao apart.

"In order to defeat him, Gu Haifeng even used the Qingwen sword. It seems that he is really angry."

"Now, this guy is in danger. Although he has good body protection skills, but that is a holy treasure! His shield is absolutely unstoppable." A child of the Gu family analyzed.

A trace of anger flashed across Zhang Tianhao's face.This guy completely disregarded his own life in order to defeat him.This has already touched his bottom line.It seems that if you don't show him how powerful he is, this guy will never know how powerful he is.

Zhang Tianhao snorted coldly and punched him.

"Crack!" sound.

Zhang Tianhao's punch was completely the earth's left uppercut.If there is any difference between it and the earth's boxing, it is that Zhang Tianhao's uppercut is definitely much faster than the earth's.And the power is a thousand times stronger.

Gu Haifeng felt a black shadow flash in front of his eyes, and Zhang Tianhao's uppercut punched hard on his chin.


Gu Haifeng screamed, and this person flew back upside down like a kite with a broken string.

dead silence all around

Even Gu Zijie was taken aback.Although he knew that Gu Haifeng was not Zhang Tianhao's opponent at all, but he did not expect that this speed was so fast.Gu Haifeng was sent flying without any resistance.


Zhang Tianhao came in front of Gu Haifeng, looked at him and said with a cold smile: "Gu Haifeng, now you think me and your brother are more qualified to enter Qinglong Cave Mansion?"

" are more qualified..."

Although Gu Haifeng was full of hatred towards Zhang Tianhao.But at this moment, he knew that he was completely no match for the opponent.Yes, you can only bow your head temporarily.

"Brother Zhang, I apologize to you on behalf of Gu Haifeng."

Gu Zijie came to Zhang Tianhao and bowed to the end.

Zhang Tianhao looked at Gu Zijie and said, "Okay, to save face, I just hope that this kind of thing won't happen again. I have a bad temper, and I'm worried that next time, if one of them is bad, if someone is killed, it will be bad. "

The children of the Gu family around were silent like cicadas.Even Gu Haifeng, one of the top three warriors of the Gu family, was defeated by one move, let alone others.

The flying boat soon arrived at the Black Cloud Mountains.It fell in front of a huge valley.

At this moment, in front of this huge valley, many warriors from various major forces have gathered.The breath of these warriors is very strong.

"Strange, why are there so many people gathered here?"

Gu Zijie was very confused.

"Why is there a problem?" Zhang Tianhao came to Gu Zijie's side at some time,

Gu Zijie nodded and said: "Well, it's a little strange, because as far as I know, the total amount of Qinglong tokens is only 40 yuan. But there are obviously more than 1000 people here. Are you surprised?"

Zhang Tianhao glanced at Gu Zijie, nodded slightly and said, "It's really strange."

"Let's go down and see the situation first!" Gu Zijie said.

Zhang Tianhao slowly followed behind the disciples of the Gu family, looking curiously at the warriors around him.Although in Qingyan City, I also met many warriors from the Imperial Domain.But only here is the gathering of the elites of the White Dragon Empire.

"Here we come! Did you see that flying boat? It's the flying boat of Wenchuan Mansion."

More than [-] warriors fell from the flying boat.

Zhang Tianhao frowned, and he could feel that the aura of these warriors was very strong.Compared with the average strength of the warriors in the past four weeks, it is much higher.

"That's Wen Xilai! Sure enough, he's young and handsome." Many female warriors at the scene said nympho.

"That's right, it should be Wen Xilai, as expected, it's better to meet each other than to be famous!"

There was a lot of compliments at the scene.

Zhang Tianhao's eyes also fell on Wen Xilai.From his body, he also felt a lot of pressure.

Sure enough, he is the pride of the empire
Zhang Tianhao's heart sank and he thought to himself: Although Wen Xilai only has half the strength of a martial sage.But the strength of a genius cannot be measured by cultivation.Which one can not be challenged by leapfrogging.

Immediately afterwards, another flying boat flew over,

"That's Xizun Mansion!"

Another 21 warriors flew down from the airship.The young man in black at the head also put a lot of pressure on Zhang Tianhao.

"Wu Sheng?"

Zhang Tianhao was slightly surprised.Didn't it mean that the strongest of these Tianjiao is only a half-step martial saint?It seems that the rumors may not be accurate!In this way, the pressure on his heart was even greater.What Wu Sheng masters is the true energy, which can greatly restrain the true energy.Wu Zun is at a disadvantage against Wu Sheng.It would be fine if Huo Qingcheng was an ordinary warrior.But the opponent is a genius who can leapfrog to fight, this is different.

Next, several other Tianjiao of the White Dragon Empire also appeared.Among these people, several have broken through to Martial Saints.It seems that for the inheritance of Qinglong Dongfu this time, these Tianjiao have improved their strength one by one.

Zhang Tianhao was originally confident because he had various hole cards, but now he is not sure.After all, he has a trump card. These Tianjiao of the Emperor's Domain come from various families and have a deep background.There may also be various hole cards.Therefore, Zhang Tianhao absolutely did not dare to underestimate the great talents in the Imperial Domain.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, no matter what, the Pearl of Profound Truth is mine." Zhang Tianhao's face revealed a firm expression.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhao suddenly heard a commotion coming from all over.He frowned, because he could tell that these voices were coming from the children of the Gu family.Zhang Tianhao hurriedly took a few steps and followed.The scene that caught his eyes made him frown.Because the children of the Gu family were surrounded by a group of young people.

"I advise you to hand over the Azure Dragon Token. Of course, we won't rob you. How about buying your Azure Dragon Token with a thousand middle-grade crystals?" An eighteen-nine-year-old man with a slender figure and a sinister look The young man in blue said proudly to Gu Zijie.

"One thousand mid-grade crystals, thank you for telling me. I will offer [-] mid-grade crystals, let's see if you can sell them?"

Gu Zijie was a little annoyed. The man kept saying that he would not rob, but how was the other party's behavior different from robbing?
"It seems that you don't want to drink fine wine after toasting? With your strength, entering the Qinglong Cave Mansion is just to die. You might as well give it to me. If you dare not know how to praise, don't blame me for being rude." The young man in blue had a cold expression and a threatening tone.

The strength of these young people is indeed higher than that of the Gu family's children.The weakest ones also have the strength of Wu Zun's elementary peak.No wonder you dare to be so arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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