super agent

Chapter 120 The Old Cow Eats the Young Grass

Chapter 120 The Old Cow Eats the Young Grass
Hearing the sound of the car outside, Feng Yuan frowned suddenly, he didn't expect Ye Fei to come back so soon.

"Uncle Feng, sit down, I'll open the door for him!"

The more Yang Manying sat with Feng Yuan, the more uneasy she felt, wishing to get away from him immediately.

Yang Manying knew that since she knew that Feng Yuan was eavesdropping on her, she would not be as naive as before thinking that Feng Yuan really cared about her. Judging from these few contacts, she always felt that Feng Yuan treated her a little bit Coveted, as for what coveted her, I didn't know for a while, anyway, she felt a sense of rejection from the bottom of her heart.

"Hehe, since he's back, I'll take a step first." Feng Yuan looked at Yang Manying with a smile, but there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

"Ah? Good, good!"

Yang Manying froze for a moment, then nodded, and walked towards the door of the living room first.

But at this moment, when Ye Fei just drove home to the entrance of the road, the cars in front stopped him at the entrance. Eight or nine men in suits and dark glasses stood in a row, and the indifferent man standing at the front said in a deep voice: "Stop!" !"

Ye Fei stopped the car with a frown, then poked his head out and said, "Who are you? This is my home!"

"Your house is not allowed either. Our boss is inside, so no one is allowed to pass through." The indifferent man in the suit said in a cold tone.


Ye Fei was immediately amused, it was ridiculous that he had to get permission from strangers to enter his home, but he immediately thought of something, and got out of the car with indifferent eyes.

"Go away."

After Ye Fei got out of the car, he came to the man in the suit with an indifferent expression and shouted in a low voice.

clack clack...

Seeing this, other men in suits and sunglasses took out their black pistols one after another, and aimed at Ye Fei.

The man in the suit standing at the front held a silver-white pistol in his hand, pointed at Ye Fei and shouted coldly: "Go away, or don't blame me for being rude."

"You're welcome? How to be polite?"

Ye Fei sneered, instead of retreating, he continued to walk towards the man in the suit, with an expressionless face, not afraid of the gun in the man's hand, and continued to walk forward.

"Go two more steps and try!"

The man in the suit and sunglasses tightened his grip on the gun, and gently pressed the engine plate with his fingers.

"Two steps?"

Ye Fei walked three steps with a smile on his face.


The man in the suit and sunglasses was furious. He really thought that he didn't dare to kill people, and he was about to shoot. At this moment——

"Wait a moment."

As soon as Yang Manying went out, she saw this tense battle, her pretty face changed drastically, and she hurriedly ran out and shouted.

The man in the suit and sunglasses turned his head and saw that it was Yang Manying. He immediately twisted his neck, stared at Ye Fei and slowly put down the gun in his hand. Obviously, he also knew Yang Manying.

"Are you OK?"

Ye Fei glanced at the man in sunglasses holding a silver pistol, then turned his head to look at Yang Manying who was walking over and said with concern.


Yang Manying smiled at Ye Fei. For some reason, after seeing Ye Fei, her hanging heart finally let go.

"Well, Feng Yuan is here!"

Ye Fei frowned and glanced at the gate, just as he finished speaking, he saw Feng Yuan walking out.

Yang Manying glanced at Feng Yuan and nodded.

"Why didn't you call me?"

Ye Fei immediately asked angrily.

"I didn't find the right opportunity!"

Yang Manying replied.


Ye Fei nodded, then walked in front of Yang Manying, "You stand behind me, leave it to me now."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei stared at Feng Yuan who was slowly walking towards them, his eyes narrowed slightly, this was the first time the two met!
"Ye Fei!"

Feng Yuan came to Ye Fei, and after taking a look at him, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he stared at Ye Fei with a forceful aura.

"Feng Yuan!"

Ye Fei nodded, and looked at Feng Yuan without showing any weakness.

"You should call me elder."

Feng Yuan said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, after I became an adult, I don't know what an elder is. I only know an old man who I can respect, so I will be called an elder."

Ye Fei shook his head and smiled.

"Hehe, well, I will make you respect me."

Feng Yuan stared at Ye Fei with colder eyes, then chuckled lightly.

"It is estimated that when I pay homage to you, I may burn incense more devoutly." Ye Fei thought for a while and said.

"I admit that you are very capable, but don't be too confident. I have seen many young people like you, but most of them died because of being too confident." Feng Yuan said with a gradually cold expression.

"Actually, I know you should be thinking right now, why did I come back so soon?" Ye Fei shrugged indifferently and changed the subject. After speaking, he stared closely at Feng Yuan.

"Why ask that?"

Feng Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he regained his composure and asked.

"You know it well, everyone will wait and see, the good show is about to be staged." Ye Fei noticed the strangeness in Feng Yuan's gaze at a glance.

"A good show? Hehe, then I'm really looking forward to it." Feng Yuan naturally knew what Ye Fei meant. He immediately glanced at Yang Manying, smiled and said, "Xiaoying, then Uncle Feng will go back first. I have time to see you."

"OK, all right."

Yang Manying, who had a worried expression on her face, came back to her senses and nodded quickly in response.

Feng Yuan nodded, his eyes lingered on Yang Manying for a moment, then glanced at Ye Fei, before turning around and leaving.

"Wait a minute, let me explain one thing, you are not welcome in our house, so I don't want to see you at home, otherwise..."

Ye Fei suddenly warned indifferently.

"Why else? I have endured you for a long time."

When the man in suit and sunglasses next to him heard this, he became furious, and raised his gun to point at Ye Fei again.

"Xiao Lei!"

Feng Yuan immediately stopped in his tracks, gave a deep drink to the man in the suit and sunglasses, then turned to look at Ye Fei, and said with a sneer, "You are the first person who dared to warn me, and you are so straightforward."

"How? Don't you want to kill someone now?"

Ye Fei looked at Feng Yuandao with an indifferent expression.

"Let's... wait and see."

Feng Yuan said coldly.

"You are always welcome."

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and said.


Feng Yuan stared at Ye Fei with dark eyes, then turned around and went straight to the car.

Soon, Feng Yuan and his party drove away.

Seeing Feng Yuan and the others leave, Yang Manying breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried up to Ye Fei and worried, "Are you crazy just now? Why are you acting so stubborn like a fool with a gun in your hand? If it's true Shoot and you're done."

"How can it be so easy to finish, you think too much."

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying, then walked back to the car, and said to Yang Manying, "Go back to the room first, and tell me what Feng Yuan said today."


Yang Manying nodded immediately and walked into the house.

Ye Fei also drove the car back to the villa, and after parking the car, he immediately got out of the car and walked into the house.

As soon as he returned to the room, Ye Fei took a sip of water and asked, "What is that guy doing here today?"

"Just talk about trivial matters, and today he confessed to me about the bug. I always feel that he has an inexplicable affection for me."

Yang Manying frowned and explained.


Hearing Yang Manying's words, Ye Fei almost spit out the tea he just drank.

What the fuck is this rhythm?Do you still want an old cow to eat tender grass?

PS: VIP agent group: 159529220, looking forward to real readers joining the group to talk about the plot!

 It's on the shelves, begging everyone to subscribe! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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