super agent

Chapter 145 The Angry Nine-Life Demon

Chapter 145 The Angry Nine Lives Demon (fourth update)

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei went into the bathroom to wash up. It seems that tonight will be very exciting.

In less than 5 minutes, Ye Fei ran to Qian Songyi's place after washing up, and told them to get ready, they were going to get ready to do it in the evening, and we had dinner together by the way.

At the door of Room 007, Ye Fei knocked on the door.

Not long after, Liu Na came to open the door, looked nervously, looked around and whispered, "Come in."

"it is good."

Ye Fei walked into the room immediately, and saw at a glance that Qian Songyi, who was wearing a tight black leather jacket and tied up her hair, was fiddling with guns, no wonder Liu Na was nervous Xi expression.

"Just getting ready?"

Ye Fei walked towards Qian Songyi and said with a smile, "Is the injury all right?"

"Well, it's okay, by the way, when are you going to do it?"

Qian Songyi turned her head to look at Ye Fei, and threw the black gun with a cold light in her hand to Ye Fei.

"It's usually better to work in the early morning, and we're in the military area this time, so we must be more cautious."

Ye Fei took the gun thrown by Qian Songyi, looked it up and answered.

"Okay, just this time."

Qian Songyi held another gun in his hand, thought for a while and nodded.

"Are you here just to talk about this?"

Liu Na stared at Ye Fei and asked.

"Of course not just this!"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and shrugged while playing with the gun in his hand.

"Then what's the matter?" Liu Na frowned in confusion.

"Eating is the most important thing in life." Ye Fei looked at Liu Na speechlessly and said.


Liu Na gave Ye Fei a blank look, then walked towards the door.

"Well, I don't feel hungry if you don't tell me, but when you say it, I'm really hungry."

Qian Songyi nodded, threw the gun directly on the bed, and followed behind Liu Na.

"Uh, big star, you just go out like this? Wouldn't it be bad to wear such dazzling clothes?" Ye Fei shouted at Qian Songyi from behind.

"Where do I go without being dazzling?"

Qian Songyi turned her head and blinked her beautiful eyes at Ye Fei, then flicked her hair, leaving behind a charming back.


Ye Fei immediately followed silently.

Today, however, the few people didn't pay much attention to what they ate, so they casually ate something in the restaurant downstairs of the hotel, then hurried back to the hotel, and began to quietly wait for the night to come.

After Ye Fei had dinner, he didn't do anything. He just sat in front of the computer in the hotel room and played games. During the period, Yang Manying and Susan both called to express their condolences to him. Are they going to do something today? The reason is prevaricated.

Time passed quietly——

At this time, in the direction of the harbor pier in Zhong Hai City, the waves were surging and the sea wind howling.

At this moment, at the harbor pier, there were dozens of people standing in a group, all of them were burly men wearing suits and sunglasses, and standing at the front was a middle-aged man who had a broken hand and was also wearing a suit.

Apparently, the middle-aged man looked like he was just recovering from a serious illness. Under the howling sea wind, his already pale and bloodless face became more haggard.

Next to the middle-aged man stood a middle-aged woman, who tightened his clothes from time to time.

"Brother Kun, when the boss of the Nine Lives Monster comes, you must ask him to avenge you." Beside the middle-aged man was a cold young man with a few strands of white hair, staring at the surging waves with a ruthless expression. The sea opened up.

"Let's wait until the boss of Nine Lives Demon arrives."

The person who spoke was naturally Leng Kun who had already been released. Because the Nine Lives Demon was coming here suddenly, he was released immediately, but at this time, he no longer had the ferocious appearance of the past.

"Look, here we come."

Suddenly, Leng Kun's wife, Zhao Hong, pointed at the light that appeared on the sea level, and said excitedly.

"Everyone pay attention later, the boss of Nine Lives Demon is coming to our Zhonghai City once in a while!"

Seeing the lights appearing on the sea level, Leng Kun immediately became awed. If the Nine Lives Monster really came, then he can avenge his next big revenge. However, the person he wants to kill most now is not Ye Fei, but Ye Fei. Feng Yuan.

Following Leng Kun's words, the expressions of the brothers in the back also became serious.

After all, the person to meet next is the famous Nine Lives Demon.

chug chu...

The sound of the speedboat moved from far to near, and the people on the speedboat appeared more and more clearly in everyone's eyes.

I saw a tall and burly figure standing at the front of the speedboat. It was a man with long hair in a shawl. Under the sea breeze, he fluttered gracefully, giving people a more mysterious aura. And this man's His face was unclear, and he was wearing a mask with nine blood-colored lines drawn on his face. He was wearing a black coat, which also swayed with the sea breeze.

Nine Lives Demon, the person in front of him is a famous giant owl who has made countless people fearful. He is mysterious and powerful, and his life is full of countless legends. He has been active in the border between China and Vietnam, but he has never been caught. Can explain why.

Everyone only knows that he is called Nine Lives Demon.

The speedboat drove very fast, and there was no one on board the speedboat except for the person who drove the speedboat and the Nine Lives Demon.

Nine Lives Demon usually goes out alone. For him, bringing more people will become a burden.

"Boss Nine Lives Demon!"

When the speedboat docked, Leng Kun rushed to meet him respectfully.

"Boss Nine Lives Demon!"

"Boss Nine Lives Demon!"

The brothers in the back greeted the Nine Lives Demon one by one with full respect.

The Nine Lives Demon came down from the speedboat. Inside the weird mask, a pair of indifferent eyes glanced at everyone. Immediately, the eyes were fixed on Leng Kun's right hand. Then he walked up to Leng Kun and said, "Your hand How was it abolished?"

Since the Nine-Life Demon is also a native of Huaxia, and he is often active in Huaxia, his Chinese level is not bad, but his voice sounds thick and somewhat hoarse, which makes people listen to his voice. A feeling of fear.

As soon as the Nine-Life Demon spoke, the entire harbor pier could only hear the sound of waves hitting the shore and the sound of sea wind.

"Brother Nine Lives Demon, our family is old and cold, and for no reason, we were beaten up by a young man who received a thousand knives, and then brought to the police station. After returning, it became like this, woo woo~~~" Before Leng Kun could explain, his wife Zhao Hong had already looked at Nine Lives Demon crying and said.

"What's going on? Does anyone in Zhonghai City dare to provoke the Giant Whale Gang?"

Jiuming Yao glanced at Zhao Hong indifferently, then stared at Leng Kun and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know where that kid came from. He said that he wanted to investigate something, and then he took me directly to the police station and threatened me with my wife and son. Later, I agreed to help him, but I was blackmailed by Feng Yuan, that guy actually wanted to kill me, but luckily you came today, otherwise I would definitely die." When Leng Kun said this, he also had snot and tears.

"Feng Yuan? He dared to chase and kill my people? Huh, I said why did Yan Han call me, but Feng Yuan dares to touch my people, he will die!" Nine Lives Demon's murderous intent flashed across indifferently, This is obviously trampling on his majesty, how can he not be angry?He quickly asked: "And who is that young man?"


PS: Today's update is a bit early, it's very powerful, don't you all express it?And thanks 'pity?Ling' tip!

 Today's update is a bit early, it's very powerful, everyone still doesn't express it?And thanks 'pity?Ling' tip!

(End of this chapter)

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