super agent

Chapter 173 Sky-high price auction

Chapter 173 Sky-high price auction (seeking monthly ticket)

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Yang Manying's complexion improved a little, but she immediately turned her face, stared at Ye Fei and said in a low voice, "If no one bids for this, wouldn't it be a waste of money?"

"Okay, is there a higher price for Mr. Ye's quotation of 300 million? This is a cultural relic of the Qin Dynasty that Secretary Tang has collected for many years. It is priceless, and it is impossible to put it up for auction under normal circumstances!" At this time, it was a woman who spoke. The host, she glanced at Ye Fei with beautiful eyes, and said to the people present in the same bewitching tone.

"One... 400 million!"

As soon as the hostess finished speaking, a slightly hesitant voice came from the seat behind.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that Guan Zhenhai was panting violently in his chest at this time. Obviously, the decision just now was also a lot of ideological work for him!
As for this offer, he has also carefully considered it. Ye Fei is obviously here to slap his face and ruin the situation. Now is the best time to perform.


"That's right, Mr. Guan. Although your Guan's company is not very large, I have some impressions. I have inspected it once!" Tang Yanmin's slightly flushed face finally calmed down. He naturally knew that Ye Fei was slapping his face. Now that someone is fighting against him, he is naturally very happy.

"Hehe, Secretary Tang is being polite, I really like that sword!"

Guan Zhenhai chuckled and said to Tang Yanmin on the stage with a smile, in fact, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was just nonsense, but what Tang Yanmin said about the inspection work was also nonsense, would Guan Zhenhai remember whether he had inspected his company?

"Uncle Guan, if you have more than 2000 million, don't mess around!"

Tang Linjun next to him glanced at Ye Fei, and then said to Guan Zhenhai, obviously he was planning to help Guan Zhenhai at this moment, after all, Ye Fei was the one who made the offer.

"Lin Jun, don't worry, I have my sense of proportion!"

Guan Zhenhai nodded with a smile on his face.

At this time, Guan Xin, who was originally expressionless, turned her pretty face slightly, and looked towards Ye Fei.

"500 million!"

Ye Fei raised his hand to offer the price indifferently, and after quoting the price, he still didn't forget to turn his head to look behind him, intending to provoke him, but when he suddenly met that familiar gaze, he turned his head away quickly.

"600 million!"

After Ye Fei finished bidding, Wu Weisen was unwilling to fall behind. One was the boss of a small business, and the other was a man who seemed to him a wild bastard. If he lost to them, what would his face be?

"700 million!"

Guan Zhenhai raised his hand and said.

"One million and eighty thousand!"

Ye Fei continued to quote, but just as he finished quoting, his thigh hurt, and he saw Yang Manying pinching his thigh with a livid face.

Immediately, Ye Fei threw an innocent painful expression at Yang Manying.

Immediately, Yang Manying muttered a small mouth, looking like a vicious warning!
"900 million!"

Wu Weisen stared at Ye Fei and said.

"Two... two million!"

Guan Zhenhai quoted for the last time, if they still add more, then he will forget it, and then he took a look at Tang Linjun.

Tang Linjun nodded at him.

"Twenty-six and a half million!"

Ye Fei held the wine glass, took a sip, and then leaned on the seat with a lazy expression, as if what he reported just now was just a number!


Yang Manying vomited blood immediately, especially when she saw Ye Fei's unbeatable appearance. If Wu Weisen and the others didn't continue to make an offer later, it would be a disaster. It cost more than 2000 million to buy such a broken sword. She doesn't like any treasures!

But at this time, the celebrities and big names present held their breaths, not knowing who would win in the end. As soon as Ye Fei finished quoting the price, everyone's eyes turned to Wu Weisen.

"Wu Dong, Secretary Tang's collection of antiques is very valuable for collection!" The male host on the stage said to Wu Weisen with a smile, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Tang Yanmin glanced coldly at Ye Fei at this moment, and immediately stared at Wu Weisen with a look of hope on his face, the meaning was already obvious.

At this moment, under the attention of everyone, Wu Weisen's face became cloudy and uncertain. 2000 million is far beyond the budget. If it is because of spending 2000 million to buy such a useless thing, it will cause too much damage to his reputation, and God knows if that bastard Ye Fei will make an offer.

"Weisen, Secretary Tang is watching!"

Yang Xueqin next to her whispered to Wu Weisen with an ugly expression, and then glanced indifferently in the direction of Ye Fei and Yang Manying.

"Twenty-six and a half million!"

Wu Weisen listened to Yang Xueqin's words, glanced at Tang Yanmin above the stage, and gritted his teeth to make an offer. If Ye Fei dared to make an offer, he wouldn't follow even if he didn't please Tang Yanmin. After all, the offer at this time had already far exceeded the budget. He is no longer planning to buy this sword, but wants to trick Ye Fei more...

More than 2000 million to buy a sword, you must be sick, it is really cheap to buy!

Immediately, as soon as Wu Weisen's quotation came out, everyone's eyes turned to Guan Zhenhai, wondering if the boss of this small company would follow.

Soon, everyone was disappointed. When everyone looked at Guan Zhenhai, Guan Zhenhai shook his head helplessly, the meaning was obvious.

Seeing this scene, everyone turned their eyes and locked their eyes on Ye Fei, the last hope.

Seeing this, Ye Fei straightened his body, with a slightly painful expression on his face. He glanced at Yang Manying, only to see that Yang Manying was winking at him at this moment, and her movements were relatively large. When I was sitting right, I just pinched it all the time.

"Cough cough~~~"

Ye Fei rolled his eyes at Yang Manying, then cleared his throat, and said loudly, "Okay, the deal is done."

clap clap-

After speaking, he clapped his hands vigorously.


Wu Weisen was the one who reacted the fastest. The sound of Ye Fei slapping his hands was as if he was being slapped on his face one by one. The pain was burning. His whole face was green with anger at this time. Standing up and pointing at Ye Fei, his mouth moved slightly, but under so many gazes, he didn't know what to say!

Regretted, it has just reached 2000 million and should not be quoted, but under Tang Yanmin's gaze, he couldn't help but take a gamble, but unfortunately he lost the bet.

"You cheat..."

Seeing this scene, Yang Xueqin's face changed drastically. With such a sky-high price to buy a sword, she will definitely become the laughing stock of everyone in the business world.

"Auction auction, you auction, I sell, I quit if I want to quit, is it possible that there is no one who stipulates that you can't quit?"

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Xueqin indifferently, shrugged and said with an indifferent expression.

Seeing that the matter had settled down, Yang Manying, who was next to her, breathed a sigh of relief, and withdrew the hand that was pinching Ye Fei. After all, Baimei International is developing new products, and the funds are a little overwhelmed. She has already put some of her old Ben has invested in it, and if she is asked to take out 2000 million now, she might as well sell the house directly.

"Hehe, is there a higher price? 200 million once... 200 million twice, 200 million three times, deal!"

The male host chuckled, knowing that no one should make an offer, he immediately made the final decision.


PS: It’s October 10st, brothers, start monthly tickets, now there are [-] monthly tickets, that is to say, only enough to add one chapter, Xiao Zeng wants to add more, but needs everyone’s encouragement and support, monthly tickets Vote quickly!

Still the same sentence, ten votes plus one chapter.

 It’s October 10st, brothers, start monthly tickets, now there are [-] monthly tickets, that is to say, only enough to add one more chapter, Xiao Zeng wants to add more, but needs everyone’s encouragement and support, monthly tickets quickly Vote!

(End of this chapter)

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