super agent

Chapter 198 The Eight Diagrams Guest

Chapter 198 The Gossip Guest

Immediately, Su Tong took Susan and walked directly towards Yang Manying's villa. Su Tong's new villa was about 500 meters away from Yang Manying's villa.

The two walked quickly, and they arrived at the door of Yang Manying's house within a few minutes.

"Wait and pay attention when you speak."

When he came to the door, Su Tong was about to knock on the door, but suddenly thought of something, turned his head and told Susan worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion!" Susan rolled her beautiful eyes, stuck out her tongue at Su Tong and responded impatiently.

Su Tong glanced at Susan, knowing that he had nothing to do with her, and knocked on the door immediately.


Wang Ma ran to the gate and opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, she saw that it was Su Tong, her eyes lit up, and she said, "You are here."

"Yes, Sister Wang came to say hello to you. I just bought a house nearby, and we will be neighbors from now on!" Su Tong opened his mouth to look inside with a smile on his face.

"That's right, I bought a house next door to us. It's a good relationship. I will come to visit you often when I have something to do." Wang Ma nodded immediately, and looked at Su Tong's expression: "Miss is not at home now, but she will be back soon. Come on, Xiao Su, come in and sit down."

As she spoke, Wang Ma opened the door, and then she turned her attention to Susan and asked, "Who is she?"

"Oh, it's my niece, named Susan!" Su Tong quickly introduced Susan.

"Hello Auntie!"

Susan said hello politely.

"Hehe, hello girl, please call me Wang Ma. I think you are about the same age as our lady, and she usually calls me that."

Wang Ma looked at Susan and said with a smile, although Susan may look a little more charming, but the overall image is not bad, she doesn't look like that kind of slutty woman.

"Come in and sit down."

Immediately, Wang Ma smiled and invited the two of them in.

Su Tong and Susan nodded. Susan looked around curiously. It was the first time for her to visit Yang Manying's house, so it seemed pretty good.

The two followed Wang Ma into the house, and after sitting down on the sofa in the living room, Wang Ma said to the two with a smile, "I'll go get some tea, you guys watch TV."

After saying that, Wang Ma walked away.

"Where's Ye Fei?"

As soon as Susan sat down, she eagerly looked for Qi Yefei.

Seeing this, Su Tong quickly frowned and pulled Susan down. At the same time, he did not forget to glance at Wang Ma who was walking towards the kitchen, and then said in a low voice, "Be honest, don't let others see anything."

"Uh, okay."

Susan nodded helplessly, and then looked around.

Not long after, Wang Ma brought over the brewed tea and poured it for the two of them with a look of enthusiasm.


At this time, the door of the room was closed, and Ye Fei was coming out with a towel wiping his own wet hair. He had obviously just finished taking a shower. When he came to the living room, he saw Susan sitting with Su Tong. He was terrified. I had to throw away the towel in a hurry, and hurried to the sofa to stare at Susan and said, "Why did you come here?"

"Come and see you!"

Seeing Ye Fei coming out, Susan's eyes lit up, and she quickly said with a smile.

"Miss Su knows my uncle?"

Wang Ma, who was pouring tea, looked at the two in confusion and asked.

"I know, I have known each other for a long time."

Susan spoke first.

"Hehe, yes, we know each other!"

Ye Fei smiled with a face that was uglier than crying, and kept winking at Susan. He knew that Yang Manying didn't seem to have a cold for Susan, and now she came directly to the house, and Yang Manying would be back soon.

"Oh, Xiaoye, Susan is my niece, she came with me."

Su Tong on the side couldn't see the tricks between the two of them, so he quickly explained with a smile.

"Oh fine."

Ye Fei saw Su Tong nodding his head, then glared at Susan sullenly.

"Xiaoye, we will be neighbors in the future." Su Tong looked at Ye Fei with a strange emotion in his eyes, but she concealed it very well, suddenly thought of something, and looked at Wang Ma and said: "Sister Wang, you should still return now." Didn't cook?"

"Uh, not yet, I'm planning to do it."

Wang Ma was taken aback for a moment, then she reacted immediately and shook her head.

"Well, then don't do it tonight, go to my house for dinner, how about celebrating our becoming neighbors and my moving into a new house?" Su Tong nodded and said, but her eyes were actually on Ye Fei However, Ye Fei was the only person she really wanted to invite.

"Ask my uncle."

Wang Ma smiled and looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei shrugged and said with an indifferent expression: "I don't care, the key depends on Mr. Yang."

"Okay, I won't cook your meals that night, you can go to Xiao Su's house for dinner later." Wang Ma responded softly, and then walked towards the kitchen.

Su Tong immediately looked happy, but seeing Wang Ma's appearance, he asked, "Sister Wang, are you going with me?"

"I won't go, let the couple go there, I plan to go outside at night." Wang Ma, who was walking towards the kitchen, waved her hands and smiled.

"OK then."

Seeing this, Su Tong didn't ask for it anymore, the key point was that Ye Fei agreed.

At this time, Susan, who was sitting next to her, saw Wang Ma walking away, and hurried to Ye Fei's side and said, "Is the president and his wife still in harmony recently?"

"Why do you ask this?"

Ye Fei glanced at Susan, then sat down and turned on the TV.

"Let's see if there is a chance to poach the wall!" Susan said without blushing.

Su Tong, who was sitting next to her, couldn't stand it any longer, so she stretched out her hand and pinched Susan's exposed slender thigh.


Susan immediately groaned in pain, turned to look at Su Tong, saw Su Tong staring at her gloomyly, immediately stuck out her tongue and didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"Xiaoye, can I ask you something?"

Immediately, Su Tong looked at Ye Fei with a look of hesitation flashing across her face, but she still had the courage to ask this question.

"What's the matter? Ask."

Ye Fei glanced at Su Tong with the remote control and said.

"I'm just curious to ask." Su Tong smiled, pondered for three seconds and asked: "It seems that Ms. Yang lives on the second floor, why do you live on the first floor?"


Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, why was this question extremely gossip, but he didn't think too much about it, and said directly: "I've always slept downstairs."


Su Tong was taken aback immediately, and glanced at Susan. It seemed that what Susan said was pretty much the same. The two of them were really a fake marriage. Otherwise, why haven't they consummated their marriage yet? Originally, she still wanted to have a grandson.

Thinking about it, Su Tong still didn't give up and asked: "But...but you are both married, why do you still live upstairs and downstairs?"

"This... This question is more profound. If you are curious, you can ask my wife later."

Ye Fei looked at Su Tong, didn't know how to speak for a while, and quickly shifted the topic to Yang Manying, but he couldn't help but stare at Susan, she must be gossiping about something.


At this time, a horn sounded outside the door, obviously Yang Manying had also returned.


PS: Thank you for 'people live tired', 'Ever.Wei Ai, "Hugging @你的味味" and "Autumn" four children's shoes took the time to give a reward. At the same time, I would like to declare that yesterday was the fourth watch, not the third watch. Let Xiao Zeng strive for the fifth watch today!

 Thank you for 'people live tired', 'Ever.Wei Ai, "Hugging @你的味味" and "Autumn" four children's shoes took the time to give a reward. At the same time, I would like to declare that yesterday was the fourth watch, not the third watch. Let Xiao Zeng strive for the fifth watch today!

(End of this chapter)

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