super agent

Chapter 200 Su Tong's Dinner

Chapter 200 Su Tong's Dinner
After hearing Ye Fei's words, Linda's expression paused, and she immediately tilted her head and said with a smirk, "Is this your tasker this time? Isn't she a beautiful woman? Are you willing to let me protect you?"

"It's a little trouble. I want you to take care of it. At the same time, she has a strange disease. I don't know if it can be cured with today's medical level?"

Ye Fei smiled and nodded to explain.

"Oh? That's right, that's good. I'll make things worse here as soon as possible, and then I'll go to Huaxia to find you." Linda said lightly, then nodded.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you then."

Ye Fei nodded and smiled.

"Well, why don't you tell me something interesting about your time in China?" Linda thought for a while and asked.

"Interesting things? Where I am, everything is also interesting!" Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Linda and said.

"Haha, yes, although you are a mess of strength, you are also a humorous man, even with a bit of a wicked feeling!" Linda laughed.

Then, Ye Fei and Linda talked about some trivial matters, and then turned off the computer. After all, his purpose was to find Linda to come to China and take care of Yang Manying for him. There is nothing to be done about it, but Linda, an ordinary person, can still handle it.

dong dong! !
"What are you talking about in the room alone?"

Just after Ye Fei turned off the computer, Yang Manying's dissatisfied voice came from outside: "Come out quickly, go to Aunt Su's house for dinner!"

"Can't you hear it?"

Ye Fei's complexion changed slightly immediately, and he ran over to open the door, only to see Yang Manying changed into a casual outfit, looking in the direction of the room with her arms crossed, "Did you hear that?"

"No, I just heard you chattering when I came downstairs, and then you stopped right away, why? What are you doing so shamelessly?" Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei coldly and explained.

"Uh, what do you mean doing shady things again? Do I often do shady things? I was just on the phone just now." Ye Fei was relieved when Yang Manying said that he didn't hear anything, and then explained with a smile road.

"It must be talking to some vixen again." Yang Manying immediately stared at Ye Fei with a cold face, "Let's go."

"Oh, let's go."

Ye Fei touched his nose, walked out and closed the door behind him.

Immediately, Yang Manying and Ye Fei walked towards Su Tong's house together. At a distance of 500 meters, Ye Fei and Yang Manying walked in a casual manner.

A few minutes later, the two came to the door. The door was not closed. It was obvious that Su Tong had left the door for them, but there were four men in suits wearing sunglasses standing at the door. Seeing Ye Fei and Yang Manying walk to the door, Still unmoved, it seems that Su Tong has greeted him well.

Immediately, Ye Fei and Yang Manying walked into Su Tong's villa, the style looked quite similar to Yang Manying's.

"You two are here, and I said to call you."

Su Tong just walked out of the room and saw Yang Manying and Ye Fei approaching at a glance. Unfortunately, the two did not hold hands like a normal couple. Seeing this scene, Su Tong felt a little uncomfortable.

Her son actually married someone in a fake way. A mother must feel uncomfortable, but at this moment, she can't help it.

"Hehe, come on, come in!"

Su Tong felt uncomfortable, but still pretended to be okay. After all, today was the first time she cooked for her children. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Ye Fei more, and she didn't know what he had been doing for more than 20 years. over here.

"Well, thank you Aunt Su for your hospitality!"

Yang Manying smiled politely, then walked into the room.

Ye Fei looked around and followed. As soon as they came to the living room and kitchen, they saw Susan eating with chopsticks.

"Damn girl, the guests are here, why don't you get up to welcome them!" Seeing this, Su Tong pretended to be angry, and shouted at Susan angrily.

Seeing this, Susan quickly swallowed the braised pork that she had secretly eaten into her mouth, then put down her chopsticks, and said with a smile, "Hello, two guests."

After finishing speaking, she sat back in her seat, rolled her eyes at Su Tong, and said to herself, "Why are there guests and not guests, it's just your son and daughter-in-law."

"Please hurry up."

Su Tong hurriedly asked politely.

Soon, Ye Fei and Yang Manying also sat down to eat, but Ye Fei didn't dare to look casually at Susan while eating, otherwise there would be cold stares from the side, and he ate quietly without making a sound.

Immediately, several people had dinner in harmony. It seemed like an ordinary dinner, but it was of great significance to Su Tong. Cooking a meal for her son was something she had been eager to do for more than 20 years. things.

It took almost an hour for a meal to come down.

At around 07:30 in the evening, Ye Fei and Yang Manying sat at Su Tong's house for a while, then bid farewell and left.

Su Tong sent Yang Manying and Ye Fei to the gate all the way, and then reluctantly went back to the house.

"Auntie, shouldn't you be happy? Why do you still look depressed?" Susan came out of the room, looked at Su Tong who was not very good-looking, and supposedly did not cook for Ye Fei today. Well, she should be happy!
"Why are you happy? Seeing Ye Fei like this now, the more I feel sorry for him. We threw him outside a few months after he was born. It's been more than 20 years..." Su Tong shook his head, His face became more and more serious, and he looked at Susan and said: "It seems that he and Xiaoying are really just a fake marriage. There is nothing between them, they don't even hold hands when they go out, and Ye Fei is still sleeping downstairs."

"Then aunt, let me marry Ye Fei sometime!" Seeing this, Susan raised her eyebrows and looked at Su Tong with a smile, "I will really become your daughter-in-law by then."

"Let's see when the time comes, first observe and observe, and at this point, do you think Ye Fei will approve of the decision we made? We don't have the qualifications, and the matter of marriage depends on Ye Fei's own choice. In fact, Yang Manying This girl is really good, Baimei International's performance is obvious to all, I think she is more suitable to be the hostess of the Ye family." Su Tong glanced at Susan, this girl must have something happened to Ye Fei, and now she is so urgent I hope to marry Ye Fei.

"I will be obedient, I will take care of the family business for you in the future..."

Upon hearing this, Susan hurriedly caught up with Su Tong who was walking into the house with a flattering expression.


At this time, Ye Fei and Yang Manying had already returned to their home, Yang Manying sat on the sofa and watched TV, glanced at Ye Fei who was about to go to her room, and suddenly said, "Hey, why does Aunt Su look a little off? ?”

"Eh? What's the situation?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, and stopped to look at Yang Manying.

"She seems...seems to have a different attitude towards you. Don't tell me, you haven't even noticed?" Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei speechlessly and said.



PS: Thanks to Xiaofu for rewarding again, the first deacon in this book was born, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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