super agent

Chapter 221 Ling Wei Has Something on Her Mind

Chapter 221 Ling Wei Has Something on Her Mind
Yang Manying looked forward, and the women who came to make trouble were dragging the reporters and crying, how miserable it was, obviously the situation at this time was already very bad.

She hesitated for a moment, and then said helplessly to the other people next to her: "Then let's go first, leave someone to chat with them, and find evidence to prove it."

After finishing speaking, Yang Manying took the lead and walked towards the door, and Ye Fei quickly followed after seeing this.

The other high-level executives of Baimei International naturally knew to follow up quickly. Today's originally perfect press conference unexpectedly happened at the last moment. Suddenly, the preparations of Yang Manying and others were in vain!

"Hurry up, people from Baimei International are going to escape."

Seeing this, the women who were crying to the reporters were about to catch up, but the company's security guards immediately blocked their way.

Seeing this, the woman with the bag even took out the packaged facial cleanser from the bag, and threw it at Yang Manying, saying viciously, "Throw them, throw these unscrupulous businessmen to death."


When Ye Fei saw an unknown object flying towards him, he immediately pulled Yang Manying aside.

"Crazy, all crazy."

Yang Manying immediately looked behind angrily, and several bottles of facial cleanser flew in, so she hurried outside.

Immediately, the scene of the entire press conference was in chaos. Seeing the people from Baimei International going out, those women who made trouble still chased after them and threw things, as if they were fighting with Yang Meiying and the others.

After a while, Yang Manying and others walked out of the press conference. As soon as they came outside, Yang Manying's face was livid. She knew that someone must be deliberately slandering her this time, but why are they so cruel?Making a big fuss at the press conference and completely smearing her products is not giving her a chance at all!

"What should Mr. Yang do now?"

After Zhao Wanrong followed Yang Manying out of the press conference, she hurriedly asked with an ugly expression.

"Call the police, this time I will investigate to the end."

Yang Manying's pretty face was pale and she said angrily, "At the same time, hire the best lawyer in Zhonghai City."

"I'm very annoying now, go home first, you guys deal with it, there is something important calling me."

After finishing speaking, Yang Manying shook off the bag in her hand, stepped heavily on her high heels and walked towards the entrance of the hall, but immediately thought of something, turned to look at Ye Fei and said, "Why are you still standing there? Go home!"


Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying, who looked like she had taken dynamite, and said bravely, " go back first, I still have something to deal with."

Yang Manying paused, looked back at Ye Fei, thought of something immediately, nodded with a slightly lonely expression, "Okay, I'll go back by myself."

"Well, then be careful."

Ye Fei didn't know how to explain it, because he knew that Yang Manying definitely thought he was going to find Guan Xin, but he really didn't plan to go to Guan Xin this time.

Yang Manying nodded with twinkling eyes, and left first.

Ye Fei was smoking a cigarette, and followed slowly out of the lobby of Baimei International. When he came outside, he watched Yang Manying get in a taxi before walking to his car, threw the cigarette butt away, opened the door, and started the car. .

Immediately, he drove towards the city. The place he was going to now was naturally the address of Ling Wei's home that he had asked from Mr. Tony today.

Because, that day, he felt that something was wrong with Ling Wei. As the only few people in the company who had a good relationship, he naturally still had to take care of her.

About 10 minutes.

Ye Fei drove to a residential area, which is considered a medium-sized residential area, and the style of a set of houses still looks quite good.

And Ling Wei bought her own house in this community. A woman who came to such a metropolis to work hard can afford a commercial house like this. I have to say that her ability is still very strong.

Ye Fei drove to the gate, and smiled at the guard at the gate: "I'm here to find Ling Wei on the second floor of Building 6, can you open the door and go in?"

The guard sitting in the guard room took a look at Ye Fei and saw that he was driving a BMW. He was also familiar with Ling Wei. He was pretty, very temperamental, and very capable. It couldn't be more normal, he nodded immediately and said: "Okay, but Miss Ling Wei seems to have gone out."

"Going out? Oh, oh, it's okay, I can wait downstairs for her to come back."

Ye Fei responded lightly, then nodded and smiled.

The guard nodded and raised the obstacle, but at this moment, he saw something out of the corner of his eye and hurriedly said to Ye Fei: "Wait a minute!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Ye Fei immediately looked at the guard in confusion and asked.

"Miss Ling Wei is back."

The guard pointed to the sidewalk opening in the road ahead.

Ye Fei quickly turned his head to look, and saw that Ling Wei bought some food in his hand, but he walked back absent-mindedly, obviously something was on his mind.

"Oh, thanks."

Ye Fei nodded at the guard and smiled, then opened the door and got out of the car, and walked towards Ling Wei, but before leaving, he still said to the guard, "I'll drive the car away right away."

With that said, Ye Fei walked towards Ling Wei.

When he was only seven or eight meters away from Ling Wei, Ling Wei hadn't found him yet, so Ye Fei could only helplessly look at Ling Wei and shouted: "Sister Ling Wei, are you going to buy vegetables?"


As soon as Ling Wei heard a familiar voice, she looked up at Ye Fei in astonishment and asked, "Xiaoye, why are you here?"

"Come to find you."

Ye Fei took the dish from Ling Wei's hand, smiled and said, "Sister Ling Wei, didn't you say you asked for sick leave? Why didn't you go to the hospital?"

"Hehe, I just want to take a rest today."

Ling Wei looked at Ye Fei with a chuckle, and explained with a flustered face, even a discerning person could see that the reason was far-fetched.

"Hmm, come to your house to welcome me?"

Seeing Ling Wei nodding, Ye Fei didn't point it out directly, after all, it was on the main road.

"Of course you are welcome."

Ling Wei nodded at Ye Fei and smiled.

While the two were talking, they came to the car, Ye Fei put the vegetables he bought behind, greeted the guards, and drove Ling Wei into the community.

The car drove to the gate of the sixth building in the community, Ye Fei turned off the engine and stopped the car.

When Ling Wei saw this and was about to open the door and get out of the car, Ye Fei suddenly said: "Sister Ling Wei, is something wrong with you? If there is something wrong, treat me as a friend and just say it, maybe I can help you Woolen cloth."


Ling Wei immediately picked up the hand to open the door, a complex look flashed across her pretty face, but she still shook her head to look at Ye Fei and said, "'s nothing, I'm just a little tired recently, so I just want to rest."

Ye Fei glanced at Ling Wei helplessly, then grabbed her hand and asked: "Sister Ling Wei, don't hide it from me, I know you have something on your mind, and it looks very difficult, just tell me, I will try my best to help you."

After speaking, Ye Fei stared at Ling Wei with flickering eyes, waiting for her answer.


Ling Wei's beautiful eyes were complicated and she wanted to break away from Ye Fei's grip, but Ye Fei was too strong, she couldn't help it, she shook her head and still gritted her teeth and refused to say clearly.


PS: The fifth update has arrived, thank you for your support!
 : The fifth update has arrived, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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