super agent

Chapter 223 Backhand?

Chapter 223 Backhand?

As she said that, Ling Wei sobbed with pear blossoms on her pretty face. No matter how capable she was in the mall, she was helpless when she encountered such a rogue thing, after all, she was just a woman.

"Well, 200 million is indeed quite a lot, especially for a white-collar worker like you." Ye Fei nodded thoughtfully, and continued: "Then it probably won't be enough for you to sell this house." , 200 million, this house is worth 80 million at most, plus your own savings, it is only a million? If you carry it alone, what are you going to do with 100 million?"

"I... I don't know what to do, so I'm worried." Ling Wei shook her head helplessly and said.

"Sister Ling Wei, don't worry, since I have come to look for you, I will definitely help you. I will accompany you home tomorrow? Or should I go back today?" Ye Fei replied to Ling Wei with a smile.

"This... No, it's not good, Mr. Yang wants your help." Ling Wei trembled, but immediately shook her head and said: "And the two of us left suddenly, if someone with a heart finds out, it's not too bad Okay?"

"It's okay, just treat it as a business trip." Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "I'm doing something just, who dares to say that?"

In fact, even if he told the current Yang Manying clearly, Yang Manying would not stop him, on the contrary, he would support him.

Seeing that Ling Wei still looked a little anxious, Ye Fei continued: "Don't sell the house yet, I will pay you 200 million yuan in advance, and you can pay it back when you make money, okay? I don't think you don't plan to save you Dad?"

Ling Wei thought for a while, looked up at Ye Fei gratefully and nodded, "Xiao Ye, thank you."

"Hehe, don't be polite to me. Firstly, you are an excellent employee under my wife. We will definitely help out if an employee has an accident. Secondly, you are also one of the few friends of mine in Zhonghai City who can help you." I will try my best to help." Ye Fei smiled and continued to eat with chopsticks.

"Then Mr. Yang really doesn't know how to say it?" Ling Wei asked Ye Fei still a little worried.

"Don't worry, she will definitely not say it."

Ye Fei looked up at Ling Wei and nodded, and then said: "Your father borrowed usurious loans with high interest rates, and you can't delay it for a day. I will book the tickets later, and we will rush to your house after lunch."

"Well, okay." Ling Wei nodded lightly and nodded lightly. She naturally knows how terrible the interest rate of usury is, especially now that the base number has reached 200 million. If it delays for a day, if it goes down, she Ken couldn't afford it, "If you buy the ticket, I'll come. It's more convenient to take the bullet train from Zhonghai City to our county seat directly. Otherwise, if you take a plane, you have to transfer to the county seat when you arrive in the urban area, and then go to my hometown in the countryside. too slow."

"what ever."

Ye Fei nodded, then put down his chopsticks and said, "Then I'll give you the ID number later. You bought the car to go back to your home at about one or two o'clock in the afternoon. Can you come to your home today?"

"No accident, I should be able to arrive at seven or eight in the evening. It takes about four hours to get to the county town by train, and then one or two hours from the county town to the countryside." Ling Wei replied after thinking for a while.

"Okay, then I will go home later and come to see you at noon."

Ye Fei put down his chopsticks and looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock. He immediately got up and smiled at Ling Wei: "Don't worry too much, it will be fine."

"Yeah, go back first and explain to Mr. Yang."

Ling Wei hurriedly got up to see Ye Fei off, and her complexion improved a lot. It would be great if Ye Fei could help. After all, he is Yang Manying's husband, and a mere 200 million yuan is nothing at all.

"Well, don't send it away, prepare yourself." Ye Fei went out and waved to Ling Wei, then walked downstairs.

Immediately, after learning about Ling Wei's situation, Ye Fei drove the car and left Ling Wei's community, and then headed towards the house. Yang Manying's mood might not be very good, so he should go home first. .

Half an hour later, Ye Fei drove home.

As soon as I walked into the room, I saw that the atmosphere in the house was quite depressed, and everyone had sad faces. After seeing today's news, Su Tong came over to inquire about the situation, and was also sitting on the sofa at the moment.

"Master, are you back?" Hearing the voice at the door, Wang Ma, who was sitting on the sofa, came back to her senses and asked Ye Fei.

"Well, I'm back."

Ye Fei nodded and came to the sofa, then sat down and poured a glass of water, and saw Wang Ma asking, "Where is Man Ying?"

"Miss is alone in the room now, she said she wants to have a quiet time!"

Wang Ma glanced at the direction of the stairs and said.


Ye Fei nodded and drank the water.

"Xiaoye, those women are obviously trustees. Did you find out who might be deliberately sabotaging?" Su Tong, who was next to him, frowned and asked Ye Fei. When she saw the news, she knew Someone must have deliberately picked a fault.

"It's not just those few, but they are in the dark, and we are in the light, so it's hard to hide." Ye Fei shook his head and said.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Su Tong nodded, naturally guessing something.

"Look as you walk, foxes will always show their tails." Ye Fei shrugged and said, "I might go to another place today, so take good care of Man Ying."

"Uh? Where are you going at this time?" Su Tong immediately looked at Ye Fei in astonishment, what time is it, and he is still running around, why don't you stay by Yang Manying's side.

Wang Ma also stared at Ye Fei with a bad face.

"Something happened to a friend's house, and I need to help to deal with it, and it's urgent, so I'm leaving today." Ye Fei walked towards the stairs, while watching Su Tong and Wang Ma explain casually.


Immediately, Wang Ma and Su Tong looked at each other and said to themselves: "Your wife has something to do too!"

At this time, Ye Fei had already arrived at the door of Yang Manying's room and knocked on the door.


Yang Manying's voice came from inside the room.

"It's me, I have something to tell you." Ye Fei rushed inside and said.

"come in."

Yang Manying in the room was silent for a moment and said.

Ye Fei immediately opened the door and entered the room, and a faint fragrance wafted into the room. He swept his eyes and saw Yang Manying sitting on the bed with her arms around her, her beautiful eyes were slightly red. Seeing Ye Fei coming in, she raised her head and asked Said: "What's the matter?"

"Oh, I might have something to do today, so I have to go somewhere else." Ye Fei walked to the bed and said.

"That's all? Whatever you want."

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei with raised eyebrows, then nodded, and replied calmly with a pretty face.

"Actually, there is one more thing."

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying with flickering eyes and said.


Yang Manying turned her head to look out of the window and spoke. She was actually very disappointed. Ye Fei didn't even want to be by her side when she was at this point.

"Before you forgot about me, did you install bugs and cameras in your aunt's house?"

Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying calmly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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