super agent

Chapter 231 Evil has evil retribution

Chapter 231 Evil has evil retribution
At this moment, Brother Hui opened his mouth wide in shock, completely shocked, this person in front of him is too frighteningly scary, right?
"You... who are you?"

Brother Hui spoke tremblingly, and fired continuously at the same time, but the bullets he fired stopped when they rushed in front of Ye Fei, and then fell to the ground.

"Save a bullet for yourself."

Ye Fei walked slowly towards Brother Hui with a playful smile on his face.

ka ka ka-

At this moment, all the bullets in the gun in Brother Hui’s hand were emptied, and he was trembling with the gun, looking at Ye Fei as if he were looking at a monster, but under the desire to survive, he still chose to turn around and run away. I have to say, Brother Hui He is not tall and his legs are not long, but he still runs very fast, and he is about to run into the door of the small room just now.

Ye Fei's eyes turned cold, he raised his leg and kicked the handle of a machete on the ground, and then saw the machete turned into a white glow, and rushed towards Brother Hui who was about to run to the door.


A clear voice sounded, and then looking ahead, Brother Hui's body had already been nailed to the wall next to the door by the machete, and his whole body was hanging on the wall in a miserable state. middle.

Brother Hui struggled twice, couldn't even turn his head, and died completely.

Immediately, Ye Fei glanced around and said to himself: "Finally, I can sleep with peace of mind."

Immediately, Ye Fei turned around and went back.

Not long after, he returned to Ling Wei's house. I believe that Lianhu Town will be shocked tomorrow, but these have nothing to do with Ye Fei. What he needs to do now is to sleep well.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was bright, Lianhu Town had already begun to gradually become lively.

Ye Fei washed up briefly, then went downstairs to the living room downstairs, and saw Ling Wei in a long lavender dress packing her clothes in the living room.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Ling Wei, who was packing her clothes, looked up at Ye Fei who was going downstairs, and hurriedly said hello and smiled.


Ye Fei twisted his neck and nodded, "What are you doing?"

"Pack up my dad's clothes."

Ling Wei opened her mouth, and then said excitedly, "I really felt relieved of my parents this morning, so I mentioned it to them and asked them to follow me to Zhonghai City. Unexpectedly, my father agreed."

"Eh? You mean, your parents will also go to Zhonghai City?"

Ye Fei was speechless, so it seemed that his busy work was wasted last night, and he said that he would solve Ling Wei's parents' worries.

"Yeah, anyway, the house I bought is big enough, and I wanted to take them to go there together, but they didn't agree before, but now it's okay, they have agreed to go together." Ling Wei nodded, the whole person is still quite Excited, she naturally hoped that her parents would live with her.

"Oh, hehe, that's pretty good."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

"Xiaoye woke up, did you sleep well last night?"

Ling Guofeng came in from the outside wearing a tracksuit, obviously coming back from running outside.

"very good."

Ye Fei turned his head to look at Ling Guofeng and said, "Uncle, I heard that you agreed to go to Zhonghai City together?"

"Yeah, girl Xiaowei, look at how old she is, we don't trust her, we have to urge her to settle the lifelong affairs as soon as possible, so that we can come back with peace of mind." Ling Guofeng walked into the living room and poured himself a glass Water, and then explained to Ye Fei.

"Well, it's good, the family lives together."

Ye Fei came to the sofa and sat down, looked at Ling Wei and said, "Then when are you leaving?"

"Oh, my mother said that she was leaving after breakfast. When you come to our house, you must have a meal, otherwise the hospitality will not be good!" Ling Wei explained to Ye Fei with a smile.

"The hospitality has been very thoughtful."

Ye Fei smiled.

And at this time, a panicked figure ran in from outside the door, it was Mama Ling carrying a large basket of vegetables.

"Mom, why are you in such a hurry?"

Ling Wei saw that it was her mother who came, and quickly put down the clothes in her hands, stood up and walked to Ling Ma to take the food in her hands.

"Big news, absolutely big news!"

Ling Ma went to the drinking fountain, poured herself a glass of water, and drank it on her own.

"What big news?"

Ling Guofeng looked at Ling Ma curiously while holding the teacup and asked.

Immediately, Ling Wei also opened her beautiful eyes to look at Ling Ma with a curious expression on her face.

As for Ye Fei, he wasn't very interested, and he didn't need to think about it to know that it must have happened last night.

"Brother Hui's group were all killed overnight by someone." The more Ling Ma said, the more excited she said, "I heard that Brother Hui died the worst, and he was directly nailed to death with a knife. It’s not that there will be no retribution, it’s not that the time has come, it’s unexpected that yesterday it will be Brother Hui’s turn to end, it’s really satisfying.”

"Hui...Brother Hui and the others... are all dead?" Ling Guofeng was stunned. Brother Hui, who was fine yesterday, was unexpectedly killed overnight.

"Yeah, he's dead. That bastard has been punished. I really don't know who killed him. If I know who it is, I will definitely cook him a delicious meal." Ling Ma nodded and said with a smile.

Ye Fei next to him rubbed his nose and fell silent. Mama Ling still seems to be a soft-tempered person.

"Haha, good death, good death!" Seeing Ling Ma's serious expression, Ling Guofeng nodded with a quick laugh, "Are you still at the scene now?"

"No, the people from the police station sealed off the scene, and the bodies of those people were also taken away. It's a pity that Brother Hui's tragedy cannot be seen."

Mama Ling said with a regretful expression.

"Cough cough~~"

Ling Guofeng coughed twice, glanced at Ye Fei, and said to Ling's mother, "Okay, okay, it's none of our business if those wicked people get punished, go make breakfast, and we'll leave together after eating. "

"Xiaowei, it's rare for you to go home and have a good rest."

With that said, Ling Guofeng took the dish from Ling Wei's hand again, and then walked towards the kitchen.

Mama Ling smiled at Ye Fei and Ling Wei and said, "Then sit down for a while, and I'll get to work first."

"Yes, Aunt."

Ye Fei immediately nodded in response.

Ling Wei stared at Ye Fei with abnormal eyes after watching her parents leave. What her mother said just now was too shocking. Brother Hui and others have been dominating this generation for so many years. What about being killed?

If there is something extraordinary about Lianhu Town these days, it is that she came back with Ye Fei yesterday, and went to find Brother Hui, and she also saw Ye Fei's very good skills yesterday.

"Huh? Why are you staring at me?"

Ling Wei looked at Ye Fei with hairs all over his body, and asked in a puzzled manner.

Ling Wei stared at Ye Fei, then glanced in the direction of the kitchen, and said in a low voice, "Did you do what Brother Hui did?"

(End of this chapter)

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