super agent

Chapter 245 Admirer

Chapter 245 The Admirer (Part Two)

After Ye Fei changed into his suit, he drove away from the villa and headed towards Victor Western Restaurant. Although there are many western restaurants with the same name in Zhonghai City, there should be that one next to Yang's Group. .

Xiyuan Villa is relatively far away from Yang's Group. It took Ye Fei about an hour to drive, and he stopped at the entrance of Victor's restaurant under the guidance of the navigator. It is relatively prosperous, and there are several enterprises and groups in the surrounding area.

After parking the car, Ye Fei opened the door and got out of the car. He looked up at the magnificent and luxurious building a few hundred meters ahead. It was the headquarters of the Yang Group. It was more than 40 floors high, and it was much more magnificent than Baimei International few.

Originally, all of this should belong to Yang Manying.

Shaking his head, Ye Fei turned around and walked into the western restaurant in front.

When he came to the restaurant, a Caucasian man in a small silver suit stepped forward, looked at Ye Fei, and quickly asked in fluent Chinese, "Sir, do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, Miss Yang Manying has reserved a seat."

Ye Fei nodded and scanned the restaurant.

"Oh, you are Mr. Ye, right? Miss Yang told me before, come with me."

The white waiter quickly showed a more respectful expression, and led Ye Fei towards the window seat in the restaurant.


Yang Manying was dressed in a professional women's suit, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, turning her head to look at Ye Fei and greeting with a smile.

"Yeah, my wife treats you, and I'm still late, so I'm too confused." Ye Fei grinned at Yang Manying, then turned to look at the waiter and said, "Steak, medium rare, thank you!"

"Okay, sir."

After the white man poured Ye Fei a glass of red wine, he nodded and left.

Ye Fei sat across from Yang Manying, picked up the red wine and looked at Yang Manying with a smile, "Look at your rosy face today, you're in a good mood!"

"It's okay, my next goal is the building in front of me."

Yang Manying pursed her lips and looked at the magnificent building of the Yang Group outside the transparent glass, and said with a longing smile.

"Then I wish you success in advance, let's have a toast."

Ye Fei glanced out the window, then raised his red wine glass to look at Yang Manying and said.

"Okay, I'll make it."

Yang Manying nodded and toasted.

The sound of wine glasses colliding sounded, and Yang Manying and Ye Fei drank red wine together comfortably.

"Have you been living in style these few days?"

Yang Manying lowered her head to pour herself red wine, glanced at Ye Fei and asked.

"Still being chic with you!"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Hypocrisy, I can't give you anything. Aren't men all lower-body animals? Guan Xin can satisfy you, but I can't." Yang Manying said very flatly, as if the whole person looked away.

"Sir, enjoy your steak slowly."

At this time, the waiter brought a delicious steak and placed it in front of Ye Fei.

"Thank you."

Ye Fei raised his head and smiled at the waiter, then picked up the tableware, looked at Yang Manying and said, "Don't think of me as that kind of man, I don't know why, but when I'm with you, I have a strange feeling, as if I have become dependent Same."

After speaking, Ye Fei ate the steak like a starving ghost.

"Reliance? You're kidding me. Tell me so well, you still go outside to find a mistress?" Yang Manying glared at Ye Fei angrily. In fact, she was flattered in her heart. After all, she couldn't even give Ye Fei the most basic things for a woman. Fei, it's normal for him to go out to steal, and she subconsciously acquiesces. Although helpless, she can't think of a better way, after all, she...

"Uh, didn't you say it was an accident!"

Ye Fei ate the steak, and said with some embarrassment.

At this time, a black waiter brought over a bottle of red wine and put it on the table for two people.

Before the waiter could speak, Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying in confusion and asked, "You order two bottles? Don't you want to go to work in the afternoon?"

"I didn't call!"

Yang Manying shook her head, with the same confused expression, and then looked at the black waiter.

"Oh, two, this bottle of 82-year-old Lafite was called by a gentleman."

The black waiter finally had a chance to speak, explained quickly, and then looked at the opposite table.

At this time, the person on the opposite side seemed to be aware of the gaze from this side, and immediately a young man turned his head and smiled at the two of them, more precisely, he should have smiled at Yang Manying.

This young man was dressed in a neat suit, his hair was neatly combed, and his face looked upright, but his slightly narrowed and slightly frivolous eyes ruined his overall image, giving him a bit of a playboy look. Feel.

"Your admirer, it seems that the charm is not diminished!"

Ye Fei curled his lips, and muttered with no good looks, after all, his wife was being pursued by such a 'gentleman', which man would be in a good mood?
"It has never been reduced!"

Seeing Ye Fei deflated, Yang Manying suddenly felt a sense of relief. She glanced at Ye Fei, then raised her wine glass and pursed her lips to signal to the man.

Seeing this, the young man showed joy in his eyes, and quickly raised his glass to respond.

Ye Fei immediately looked at Yang Manying with wide eyes. The glamorous and ruthless President Bingshan hates this kind of frivolous dude the most. He is in a good mood today, so don't be like this, in front of his husband?
"What? Is there a problem?"

Yang Manying smiled at the young man, then asked Ye Fei with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, there is a big problem."

Ye Fei nodded subconsciously.

"How to say?"

Yang Manying frowned and looked at Ye Fei with a smile.

"You flirting with other men in front of your husband, isn't that a big problem? Especially with a serious and indifferent woman like my wife!" Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying seriously and explained.

"Everyone has to change. I have always been indifferent and serious. In fact, I am very tired. Treating people with a smile is the real me. Now I can see it. Next, I will be able to truly liberate myself by taking back the Yang Group. Now You can live without being so tired.”

Yang Manying drank red wine, looked at Ye Fei calmly and said.

"Uh, okay, but your change caught me off guard!" Ye Fei touched his nose and looked at Yang Manying. In fact, Yang Manying is really good at the moment, giving off an optimistic and sunny feeling.

"You will get used to it."

Yang Manying smiled.

"You are Miss Yang Manying, right?"

At this time, the young man next to him had already walked over with a red wine.

Ye Fei looked around, and following the young man's movements, at least five or six bodyguard-like men in suits and sunglasses turned their attention to this side.

Another powerful and rich second generation!
"Hehe, yes, I don't know who you are?"

Yang Manying immediately raised her head and smiled at the young man.

"Let me just say, I'm sure I didn't mistake someone. Miss Yang is such an outstanding woman, how could I admit it!" The young man glanced at Ye Fei, then smiled at Yang Manying and said, "My name is Tang Hai, and I admire you." It's been a long time!"

As he spoke, the young man named Tang Hai stretched out his hand and looked at Yang Manying with a gentlemanly look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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