super agent

Chapter 247 Your Wife Has a Date

Chapter 247 Your Wife Has a Date (Fourth Update)
Susan was silent for a moment, looking at the handsome and upright cousin in front of her. The two hadn't seen each other for almost ten years. Unexpectedly, after he came back this time, the changes were really great.

"Tomorrow, this guy, I don't know what's going on today, so I just hung up the phone after answering the call." Susan said to Ye Xuan with a smile.


Ye Xuan nodded, and then said: "Don't tell my mother about my coming here, I want to see him first, my mother wants to take it easy, but I think it's better to get straight to the point, it's all men, he should I can understand my parents' difficulties."

"Cousin, after you were sent to Kunlun by your uncle, you have really changed a lot!"

Susan responded lightly, then changed the subject and said, "Is this the Mid-Autumn Festival when you come back from vacation?"

"Uh, my cousin wore a military uniform for the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Ye Xuan glanced at Susan in astonishment. It seems that this cousin hasn't changed much for so many years, and the problem with her head is still the same. I was arranged by my father to be the guardian of Yanhuang, and now I am a younger brother, starting from scratch."

"Excellent, I was assigned to be the guardian of Yanhuang as soon as I came back." Susan stared at Ye Xuan with an envious expression and said, "Teach me a little bit, you must be very good when you come back from Kunlun?"


Ye Xuan looked at Susan a little speechlessly, why is he still like a little girl sometimes? Immediately, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly on his expressionless face: "Cousin, I heard that my uncle and my mother had an agreement at the beginning, saying that we would Marry you into our family, now that he has found him, what do you say?"

"Be your sister-in-law!"

Susan blushed and smiled.

"You are in a hurry!"

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"He, how should I put it, is a man with completely different personalities from you and your father. You are like your father, as cold as wood, while that guy is full of passion, and he is also a rascal, likes to play hooligans..." Susan After thinking about it, he said.

"Men are not bad, but women don't love?"

Ye Xuan nodded in response.

"You still know this truth?"

Susan immediately stared at Ye Xuan as if she had discovered the New World.

"It can be seen that you are also a more passionate person, and my father was strict with me when I was young, and then I was training in Kunlun..."

Ye Xuan glared at Susan sullenly and explained.

"Okay, but it's over now, your brother has already found a wife, hey!"

Susan said with a lonely expression.

"Hehe, that Ms. Yang? She is indeed outstanding in temperament and appearance. I think my parents will be very satisfied with her being the daughter-in-law of my Ye family. Then you, cousin..."

Ye Xuan chuckled, he naturally also read the news, Yang Manying's appearance and temperament, as long as a normal person sees it, he will appreciate it!

"What me? Don't worry, I won't marry you little brat."

Susan glared at Ye Xuan angrily and said.

"I haven't married you yet."

Ye Xuan shrugged, then walked upstairs, suddenly thought of something, quickly turned his head to look at Susan and said: "Cousin, I will stay with you for a while, rest now, if I have time, I will I want to go directly to Ye Fei."

"up to you."

Susan waved her hand in response.


Xiyuan villa area.

A brand-new Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle was parked in front of Su Tong's house. Lin Zicong, who was wearing a suit and had shawl and curly hair, got out of the car. He brushed aside his curly hair to look at Su Tong's villa, and at the horse who got out of the car next to him. Professor Lin said: "Is it next to Ms. Yang Manying's house?"


Professor Marin glanced at the villa not far away and nodded.

"Then it can't be wrong."

Lin Zicong nodded, then smiled and walked towards the door.


There were four tall men in suits and sunglasses standing at the door, one of them with a mustache and a look of iron and blood came up to look at Lin Zicong vigilantly.

"Lin Zicong, come to visit Mrs. Ye."

Lin Zicong straightened his neckline and nodded.

"Lin Zicong?"

The man with the mustache nodded slightly twitching, and said, "Then you wait, I'll ask Madam if she sees you."

After finishing speaking, the man with a mustache shook his head at the person next to him. Obviously, this person had heard of Lin Zicong.

"You said Mrs. Ye will meet us?"

Professor Ma Lin glanced inside, then asked Lin Zicong.

"I don't know. My reputation in Yanjing is a little bit bad. Whether Mrs. Ye will see me or not is another matter." Lin Zicong said with a smile.

Soon, the man with the mustache came out, looked at Lin Zicong and said, "Young Master Lin, our wife asked you to come in."

"hehe, ok."

Lin Zicong chuckled, just when he was about to step into the villa.

"Is this a perverted scientist?"

A car was coming, Ye Fei slowed down, looked at Lin Zicong who was about to enter the villa, and laughed quickly: "Haha, I said how could I have misidentified the person, unexpectedly it is really Young Master Lin!"

"Oh, hehe, so it's Mr. Ye, you live here too?" Lin Zicong turned to look at Ye Fei, and asked knowingly.

"Yes, are you here?"

Ye Fei nodded and asked.

"Visit a friend."

Lin Zicong smiled at Ye Fei.

"Well, don't bother me then."

Ye Fei nodded, and then drove away. Although he was curious about how this perverted scientist knew Su Tong, it was his business, so he didn't bother to ask about it. He went home to rest and prepare for the night. That Tang Hai really made him He was so pissed off that he openly asked his wife to sing, damn it!

Immediately, Ye Fei drove home and took a lunch break.



Afternoon, around 04:30.

"Heh, that guy's tracking skills are too sloppy, I'm afraid I won't find the same thing!" Ye Fei drove to check the rearview mirror and rested for an afternoon. He was full of energy and could fight Tang Hai and Yang Manying tonight Yes, but when he drove to the city, he found that someone followed his car all the way, but the tracking level of that person needs to be improved.

It's just that Ye Fei doesn't have time to deal with these things now, so he drove straight to Yang's Group, because he knew that Yang Manying had something to deal with there today, so he was there after get off work.

When he drove to the entrance of the Yang Group, he saw Tang Hai driving a dark blue sports car, holding a large bouquet of roses in his hand, leaning against the side of the car, posing in a pose that he thought was chic and handsome.

"Damn, this digging is too weird. Why does it feel like I am chasing my girlfriend? Yang Manying seems to be my legal wife?" Ye Fei looked at Tang Hai standing at the door of the Yang Group. When he was in the ecstasy posture that countless nymphomaniacs admired, he was so angry that he really wanted to throw this bastard at the door and beat him up.

After parking the car, Ye Fei opened the door and got out of the car, walking towards Tang Hai with a smile.

"What are you doing here?"

Tang Hai frowned when he saw Ye Fei approaching.

"Pick up my wife, otherwise what do you think?"

Ye Feiyun looked at Tang Hai calmly and smiled.

"Your wife has a date!"

Tang Hai looked at Ye Fei proudly.


Ye Fei almost got violent and beat the guy into a pig's head.


PS: Today's fourth update, I don't want to write too fast, Xiao Zeng hopes that each chapter will be written more carefully, I hope everyone can understand!
 Today's fourth update, I don't want to write too fast, Xiao Zeng hopes to write each chapter with more heart, I hope everyone can understand!

(End of this chapter)

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