super agent

Chapter 249 Conflict

Chapter 249 Conflict

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei, enjoying the bastard's deflated look, telling you to dare to go out and find women everywhere in the future.

"Mr. Passerby A, please make room for me. I want to have dinner with the beautiful and noble Ms. Yang." Seeing this, Tang Hai turned his head and looked at Ye Fei coldly, with the tone of a victor.

Ye Fei took a look at himself, and then at Tang Hai. Damn it, it was a few meters away, so there was nothing blocking him. Thinking that he was furious, he was about to step forward and punch Tang Hai to argue.

"If a big man fights for jealousy, then he is really a useless man." Seeing Ye Fei's actions, Yang Manying quickly pursed her lips and smiled, "Are you jealous?"


Hearing Yang Manying's teasing voice, Ye Fei quickly stopped in his tracks. With a manly attitude, he just said no, otherwise it would be a shame for a big man to admit that he was jealous.


Yang Manying shrugged, looking in a good mood, then glanced at Tang Hai next to her and said, "Tang Hai, do you have any arrangements?"

"Eat, and then go sing a song?"

Tang Hai thought for a while and said.

"Then do I need to change clothes?"

Yang Manying nodded, quickly glanced at her clothes and asked.

"No, the important thing about wearing clothes is your temperament and appearance. With Manying's outstanding appearance and temperament, you can overwhelm those so-called beauties with whatever you wear." Tang Hai looked at Yang Manying and smiled. Said: "People are not good-looking, and it is difficult to hide it by wearing anything!"

"Although it's a bit ambiguous, I know it's a compliment!"

Yang Manying responded with a chuckle.

"Well, shall we go eat first?"

Tang Hai immediately made a gesture in a very gentlemanly manner.

"it is good."

Yang Manying responded, then nodded, glanced at Ye Fei, and walked towards Tang Hai's sports car.

"Uh, looks like it's my wife? Are you going with another man like this?"

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, Yang Manying really took the wrong medicine.

"Aren't you going with other women in front of me?"

Yang Manying glanced back at Ye Fei and spoke indifferently, then continued to walk forward.


Ye Fei knew that Yang Manying was purely revenge, but she also acquiesced before?

Before he could think about it, Yang Manying was already in the car with Tang Hai. Seeing this, Ye Fei immediately ran into his car, started the car, and followed Tang Hai's car. something came out.

Ye Fei is really touched, is this the retribution of being romantic?
However, he couldn't help it. The relationship between him and Yang Manying was not that solid. If he got in a hurry and Yang Manying directly terminated the contract with him, it would be over.

The car behind also followed Ye Fei's car immediately. Ye Xuan was driving the car with a confused expression on his face, looking at the front and muttering: "Which one is this playing on?"

"Forget it, let's observe first and see what kind of character Ye Fei is." After thinking for a while, Ye Xuan shook his head and planned to take a look. Although he heard what Susan said about Ye Fei, he still Seeing is believing.


Ye Fei followed Tang Hai's car to a western restaurant and stopped.

After Tang Hai and Yang Manying found a good place to sit down to eat, Ye Fei naturally followed, found a table next to him, and also ate Western food, watching cautiously.

After eating western food, night fell, and the wonderful and rich nightlife in Zhonghai City began. Tang Hai drove Yang Manying into a luxurious KTV.

"Damn, is she really going into this kind of place? Is she crazy?"

Ye Fei got out of the car and scratched his head, glanced at the car following in the distance, then turned his head and followed into the KTV.

Following Tang Hai and Yang Manying all the way to a KTV on the second floor, Ye Fei stood aside after remembering the box, not knowing how to get in.

Because, there were a few mighty men in suits standing at the door, and the impact of breaking in was too bad, and he was too perverted to do something so trivial.

However, the door was closed, and he was worried. After thinking about it, Ye Fei suddenly saw a young man in waiter clothes, coming with a plate of fruit.


Ye Fei called the waiter to stop and straightened his clothes.

"Hello, sir, what's the matter?" The waiter man saw Ye Fei was wearing a famous brand suit, so he naturally knew that he was a powerful person, so he quickly asked respectfully.

"Who is this?"

Ye Fei took a piece of watermelon from the fruit plate and asked.

"Oh, it was taken to Mr. Tang's box."

The waiter replied.

"Tang Hai?"

Ye Fei nodded, and then asked, "What is his identity?"

"Eh? You know it's Mr. Tang Hai, but don't you know who he is?" The waiter looked at Ye Fei in astonishment.

"I don't know, what identity is it?"

Ye Fei shook his head.

"The Tang family in Zhonghai City, the only son of Secretary Tang Yanmin Tang!"

The waiter spoke immediately.

"Well, it turned out to be a second-generation official."

Ye Fei nodded.

"It's not just the second generation of officials, there is even the Tang family behind him!" The waiter corrected with wide eyes.

"Well, this fruit is not enough, go and get some more." Ye Fei grabbed the fruit plate from the waiter's hand and said.

"Then this one?"

The waiter was taken aback.

"I'll send it there, just in time to get to know Mr. Tang."

With that said, Ye Fei took out 300 yuan to the waiter.

After the waiter took the money from Ye Fei, he nodded and left with a smile.

Ye Fei held the fruit plate in his hand and pondered, "Tang Yanmin? It seems a little familiar, oh yes, the senior official at the charity gala that night? Unexpectedly, Tang Hai is his son."

Immediately, Ye Fei walked towards the door of the box with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"It's you?"

One of the bodyguards at the door recognized Ye Feilai at a glance, and immediately said coldly: "You can't go in."

"I'm delivering the fruit, and I have something to do with you Young Master Tang."

Ye Fei brought the fruit to him, and said to the two of them.


Immediately, the two looked at Ye Fei warily.

"Hey, I still have to use my strength."

Ye Fei sighed, in this day and age, it's useless to say all the good things, only strong means can achieve the goal, at least for him.

"What do you want?"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, one of the mighty men was about to draw his gun with sharp eyesight and quick hands.


Ye Fei stretched out his left hand, pointing at the man's hand.


The mighty man suddenly felt that his hands seemed to be stiff, and by the time he realized it, Ye Fei's knife had already hit him at the base of his neck.

Then the man was seen collapsing.

"You are this?"

When the man next to him saw this scene, his eyes widened, and he had no idea what was going on.

"You fall too."

Immediately, Ye Fei hit the man's neck extremely quickly.


Immediately, this person also fell down.

To bring these two down, for Ye Fei, it was a matter of minutes.

"The body-holding technique is indeed very practical, but it's a pity that it's too difficult to practice. It took me so long to practice to freeze a certain part of the body."

Ye Fei shook his head, looked at the two fallen in front of him, then turned around, and kicked away the empty KTV room opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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