super agent

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Just after Bao Bai drove away for a while, three police cars roared to the entrance of the villa, then the doors opened, and Xu Qing, who was dressed in a police uniform, got out of the car.

As soon as she got out of the car, she frowned and looked around the villa, which was dilapidated, as if it had just been destroyed by an excavator, while other policemen also got out of the car to look around.

Xu Qing raised her eyebrows and glanced at Ye Fei and Yang Manying, then walked towards them.

"Uh, it's Police Officer Xu who's here. It's a rare visitor. Can you sit inside?" Ye Fei looked at Xu Qing who was coming from the door, and greeted him with a smile.

Xu Qing glanced at Ye Fei, then stared at Yang Manying and said, "Miss Yang, did you call the police?"

"Hehe, that's right."

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei and smiled lightly.

"What exactly happened? Why is your family like this?"

Xu Qing stared at Yang Manying and asked.

"'s nothing, the main reason is that two thieves came here before, and they have already escaped after you came." Yang Manying thought for a while and explained: "My house is going to be renovated recently, so I asked someone to clean up the surrounding area. It’s done, but it’s not finished yet, so it’s like this!”

"in this way?"

Xu Qing glanced at Ye Fei and Yang Manying with disbelief.


Yang Manying nodded, her face didn't blush and her heart didn't beat when she lied.

"Officer Xu, we are all on our own, can we still lie to you?"

Seeing this, Ye Fei hurriedly came to Xu Qing's side with a smile.

Xu Qing glanced at the police officers who were investigating the situation, then leaned close to Ye Fei and said in a low voice: "In the future, if there are special matters, just call me and alert the police. The police station, or someone else will do it."

"Well, I was also called by Yang Manying, otherwise how could I call the police." Ye Fei nodded and said.

"That's how it is, you settle it yourself here, and I'll take people out first."

Xu Qing glanced at the police officers who were searching the situation, fearing that they would find out something, she immediately whispered to Ye Fei, and then nodded at Yang Manying.

Immediately, Xu Qing turned around and walked towards the door, and said to the police officers: "It's just a small misunderstanding to withdraw the team."

Immediately, the policemen looked at each other in blank dismay, a little confused about the situation, is this the end of the matter?

However, after hearing Xu Qing's words, the others did not dare to say anything, and immediately followed.

Then, Xu Qing brought a group of people here in a hurry, and left with them in a hurry.

"Hehe, it's good to have a relationship, and get these people in minutes!"

Ye Fei chuckled and glanced at Xu Qing and the others who had already driven away.

"Come into the house, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Yang Manying whispered to Ye Fei coldly, and after speaking in a commanding tone, she took the lead and walked towards the house.

"Uh, okay."

Ye Fei could only follow immediately.

Living room sofa.

Yang Manying glanced at Wang Ma who was pale next to her, and said, "Wang Ma, go to sleep, we have something to talk about."

"Okay, miss!"

Wang Ma glanced at the two of them, then nodded, and immediately got up and walked towards her room.

"Tell me, what's going on?" After Wang Ma left, Yang Manying crossed her arms and stared at Ye Fei coldly.

"Didn't you say you came to seek revenge!"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying helplessly and said.

"Who are these revenge seekers?" Yang Manying looked directly at Ye Fei and asked.

"Wa people, haven't you heard their names?"

"People from the Wa country? What kind of outrageous things did you do when you were an agent? Even the people from the Wa country came to your door."

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei angrily and asked.

"I did a lot of work, and only a few Japanese people came here. Maybe there will be American and Southern Spanish people in the future!" Ye Fei muttered in a low voice.

Yang Manying raised her eyebrows suddenly, stared at Ye Fei and asked, "Then what should I do next? Don't repair that wall at all, it's broken every day, what else is there to repair?"

"Next, you also saw it, come two to kill a pair, come four to kill a pair... Don't worry, you haven't seen the strength of me and Bao Bai, who dares to find a home, promise to let him stand Go in, lie down and go out!" Ye Fei waved his hands and said with a smile: "As for the outer wall, don't repair it, it's really troublesome, I feel that the yard can be directly remodeled...reformed..."

"Turned into a duel field, you kill people there every day!" Yang Manying yelled at Ye Fei with a cold face, this bastard, why is he addicted to killing recently?

"Uh, Xiu, the fences still have to be repaired. In the future, I will try my best to take the enemy outside!" Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying in astonishment, and guessed that if he said something that made Yang Manying unhappy, Yang Manying would fight him directly. up.

"How about we move?"

Yang Manying thought about it and saw Ye Fei ask.


Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying with wide eyes and said, "I've already moved once."

"When did you move?"

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei with a puzzled face.

"Did you forget that I came back from abroad? Those enemies of mine were provoked by agents abroad. Now that they have found Huaxia, where do you think we will move?" Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying and explained.

"Well, when I didn't say it."

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei with twinkling eyes and nodded, then said: "The day after tomorrow will be the Mid-Autumn Festival, don't cause any trouble, let me clean up."

After speaking, Yang Manying got up and walked upstairs with a tired face.

"Mid-Autumn Festival the day after tomorrow?"

Ye Fei immediately stood up and walked towards his room.


At this time, San Diego Entertainment Center.


Susan stood in Ye Xuan's room, looked at the ragged Ye Xuan and asked.

"We fought, and it was quite intense!"

Ye Xuan nodded, took off his clothes, and walked to the closet.

"What about the situation?"

Susan's beautiful eyes flashed, and she asked immediately.

"Ye Fei and the others are fine!"

Ye Xuan took out a piece of clothing from the closet, glanced at Susan and said, "But those two members of the Heiyun family are not so lucky."

"What happened to those two?"

Susan asked.

"They were all killed."

Ye Xuan said with a face full of headaches: "Ye Fei got into a catastrophe this time, the identities of those two people are just average, and Hojo Okuyama is a general of the Japanese country, but Ye Fei killed him directly, if it was before, it would have been better." It's nothing, but now his identity is gradually being investigated by some people in Yanjing, and it may even implicate the Ye family!"

"He...he killed those two Japanese people directly?" Su Shanqiao's face was full of surprise, but she had heard Ye Xuan say that he was no match for those two people, but what Ye Fei didn't expect was that Ye Fei directly killed them. Those two were killed.

"There is another master in his family. With the cooperation of the two of them, they killed Hojo Okuyama and Hojo Morino. I couldn't stop them, hey!" Seeing Susan's expression, Ye Xuan immediately sighed, then took out his phone and said : "I have to call grandpa and my dad immediately and ask them how to deal with this!"


PS: Khan, Xiao Zeng doesn’t know what to say. He didn’t explain it very clearly yesterday. Xiao Zeng has some things to deal with at the beginning of next month, but I will still have three chapters a day. I believe that I am very kind, right?At the same time, I really hope that everyone will not regard me as a robot. Writing books every day is not just random writing, but requires brain thinking and revision. Moreover, I also have emotions and desires. It is rare to have the opportunity to learn. I want to meet other authors. , study hard, and write better when I come back, but even so, I will write well in advance and resolutely continue to update, but I still see some readers say that if I write three chapters a day, he won’t read it. I'm really uncomfortable, will three chapters a day be less?

If you go to read some books of great gods, it is common to have one or two updates a day, or even break them. Naturally, I can’t compare with the great gods, so even if I’m busy, I will prepare in advance and keep three chapters a day for everyone to read. The performance of the agent is not very good, but I have been insisting on it, because there are still readers who are willing to read it.

I have always been thinking, I am writing, you are reading, and after a few years, I am still writing, and you are still reading, this may be a very interesting thing, although we have never met each other, but we have long been It's a long time friend.

Having said so much, I still hope that everyone can understand Xiao Zeng. If you really have something to say, please add readers: 159529220
(End of this chapter)

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