super agent

Chapter 300 Divorce

Chapter 300 Divorce

After lunch.

Ye Fei and Yang Manying bid farewell to everyone, found a hotel next to Su's house, and then they got a room respectively. After Yang Manying looked at her own room, she ran to Ye Fei's door and knocked on the door.

"Why? No nap?"

Ye Fei opened the door and looked at Yang Manying with a smile and asked.

"Ask you something."

Yang Manying pushed the door open and entered the room.

Ye Fei closed the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

"By the way, why does it feel like coming to your relatives' house is like going back to my mother's house?" Yang Manying sat on the bed in the hotel and stared at Ye Fei and asked.

"I didn't say that?"

Ye Fei rolled his eyes to see Yang Manying walking to the bed and said.

"How dare you say that if you knew it earlier, you wouldn't have come with you, making me look like a little daughter-in-law." Yang Manying pouted and said.

"Aren't you the little daughter-in-law?"

With that said, Ye Fei directly pushed Yang Manying down.

Yang Manying didn't bother to resist, anyway, she knew that Ye Fei couldn't treat her like that, she looked up at Ye Fei and said, "Wouldn't it be bad for us to stay in a hotel outside today?"

"Do you want to live in Su's house? In that case, if we sleep in separate rooms, people will be suspicious." Ye Fei pressed on Yang Manying's body and said.

"Yeah, I will doubt it, and your relatives say they want us to get married, but we are just married." Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei with complicated eyes and said: "Now my career is almost stable, and our contract has also arrived. When void..."

"Huh? Why, can't we really do a fake show like this?"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, and said quickly.

"Good? Do you really feel good?"

Yang Manying's throat moved, she stared at Ye Fei closely and asked.

"Don't you feel bad?"

Ye Fei helped Yang Manying up, then sat up straight and asked.

"If you think it's good, you will go outside to find a woman?"

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei coldly and asked: "I know that as a woman, a man who can't even give her the most basic things is indeed incompetent. If I hadn't thought about it so much before, but as we get along Time is getting longer and longer, I think you are really good, although you are usually joking, but you are more serious than anyone else when you are serious, but I can't give you that aspect, so we should clarify the relationship when we go back this time, you help I have so much, I will thank you well, what do you say?"

"That's how we live."

Ye Fei frowned and stared at Yang Manying. Originally, he didn't have to go to the secret service base, and when it was time to start a family, Yang Manying was naturally the best candidate.

"I...I can't stand my man with a woman outside."

Yang Manying shook her head to look at Ye Fei, her pretty face paled and said: "Besides, you are the eldest son of the Ye family, I can't bear children, the Ye family can't approve of me, and you also said that I may only live for a year or two, so... "

"It's fine if I agree, and you'll be fine. I'll definitely find a way to heal you completely!" Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying and said firmly, "This day won't be too long, and you'll be fine." It's my legal wife, Guan Xin...Guan Xin's place was purely accidental, I will tell her, how about telling her not to appear in front of you?"

"Forget it, now I've done everything I need to do, don't take risks for me anymore, you haven't been there for so long, that place must be very dangerous..."

Yang Manying stood up and shook her head at Ye Fei.

"For you, what about the danger? There are few people in life who care. I care about you, so I am willing to do this. I am like this. Even if my life ends tomorrow, I will marry you." Ye Fei stared Looking at Yang Manying, she opened her mouth and said.

"You're an asshole!"

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei, her eyes were slightly red, she stood up and cursed at Ye Fei, then turned and left.

"It seems that we need to settle the matter quickly, and then go to the Nine Lives Demon!"

Looking at the back of Yang Manying leaving, Ye Fei whispered to himself, but just as Yang Manying left, his cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that Guan Xin was calling.

"Hey, husband, where are you?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Guan Xin's voice that sounded bone-soft came.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Fei immediately asked with a guilty tone, after all, he just confessed his love to Yang Manying.

"Looking for you, don't you miss me?"

Guan Xin didn't hear Ye Fei's tone, and still excitedly said: "I specially changed shifts to fly to Yanjing with you, where are you now?"

"Now... I guess I don't have much time, so go back first."

Ye Fei replied after hesitating for a few seconds.

"What? I followed you all the way." Guan Xin immediately became a little unhappy.

Holding the mobile phone, Ye Fei got up and walked towards the door. After seeing the door closed, he hurriedly said: "It's really not possible, I... I'm at my grandfather's house, and he's sick, and that's not the most important reason..."

"What is the most important reason?"

Guan Xin immediately asked.

"Manying proposed to divorce me today." Ye Fei didn't bother to hide it from Guan Xin.

"What? Did you agree?!"

Guan Xin was startled and asked excitedly.


Ye Fei was speechless, the mistresses these days really look the same, wishing that the man and his wife divorced, he understood Guan Xin, and quickly said: "No, I confessed to her, saying that no matter what the reason is, I will They won't divorce her."

"You...why are you doing this? People don't want to live with you, and they are still begging for nothing, so what should I do?" As soon as Ye Fei finished speaking, Guan Xin felt as if a basin of cold water had been splashed on her , hastily opened the mouth in a state of exasperation.

"Aren't you pretty good? I'm not saying I don't love you!"

Ye Fei laughed and said.

"You love me. You only come to love me when you have to do it. Hmph, then I'll go back first. Next time I'll be in Zhonghai City, go shopping with me!" After finishing speaking, Guan Xin hung up the phone directly, obviously out of anger I don't know, at first she thought that her chance to become a leader had come.

"Hey, why do so many people like to look for mistresses outside? Such an annoying thing!" Ye Fei suddenly felt that it was really uncomfortable to have two women, and he was very busy.

Immediately, he slept in the hotel all afternoon, and went back tomorrow after the old man finished his inspection.


While Ye Fei was asleep, Ye Xuan and Su Tong had already gone to the best hospital in Yanjing. Ye Xuan naturally got Ye Fei's hair when Ye Fei was not paying attention. I went to find Su Tong, and then the two walked straight to the hospital.

"Mom, you still look a little nervous?"

Ye Xuan glanced at Su Tong who was sitting beside him, smiled and said, "You always said before that you just got a test report, why are you so nervous?"

"Eh? Yes, well, if I lose it and regain it, then I will definitely collapse, so I can't help but get nervous." Su Tong glanced at Ye Xuan in amazement and forced a smile.

"Ye Fei can't be wrong, he must belong to our Ye family, we're just here to get a test report."

Ye Xuan patted Su Tong on the back and comforted him.

(End of this chapter)

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