super agent

Chapter 309 Wanted Criminal: Golden Eyes

Chapter 309 Wanted Criminal: Golden Eyes
A gunshot rang out, and everyone in the Su family was awakened instantly.

"Someone is really coming!"

In a room not far from Linda, Ye Xuan woke up immediately after hearing Ye Fei's small voice just now. Because Ye Fei had reminded him before, he was only in a light sleep, and he was a little disturbed. , Wake up immediately.

Lifting the quilt, Ye Xuan rushed outside without thinking.

At this time, Ye Fei and Jinyan were standing together, Jinyan shot fiercely and powerfully, his strength was quite powerful, unexpectedly Ye Fei's strength was so strong, originally thought that killing Ye Fei was just a matter of effort, Didn't realize it would be so hard to do.

"You are so strong?!" Jin Yan punched Ye Fei, but he still couldn't help but whispered to Ye Fei.

"Your is not bad, but I'm just warming up, I don't know how strong you are."

Ye Fei directly confronted Jinyan head-on with his fists, but his expression was downplaying.

"damn it."

Jinyan suddenly felt a little tricky, but he still believed that the few people who went in should be able to kill Linda, but he couldn't wait too long, otherwise it would be troublesome when there were too many people. Thinking, Jinyan's left eye snapped Open it, and then saw a golden light as thick as an arm flickering out, and immediately shot towards Ye Fei.


Ye Fei raised his brows, flickered quickly, and shouted: "Damn, there is another trick, put the hidden weapon!"

Ye Fei immediately stepped out of the Wuyin step, and his body suddenly flashed to the side, and the golden beam of light continued unabated, directly blasting a deep pit on the ground that was more than half a meter deep and more than one meter in diameter.

"Wow, that eye of yours is so perverted!"

Seeing the big pit next to him, Ye Fei was taken aback. No wonder this guy kept his eyes closed. It turns out that the power is so great when he opens it. Fortunately, his reaction ability and speed are beyond ordinary people, otherwise this time it would be over.


At this time, Jinyan was even more surprised. The two were fighting, and the distance was so close, but they were still avoided by Ye Fei. It seems that Ye Fei really underestimated Ye Fei. I didn't expect this guy to be so strong. .


At this time, Ye Xuan who rushed out of the room kicked towards Jinyan directly.


Jinyan reacted immediately, and quickly stretched out his hands to resist.

Ye Xuan kicked with great strength, but Jinyan was also strong, and was only kicked a few meters away, but obviously after Ye Xuan appeared at this time, it would be more troublesome next time.

"At first I thought Ye Xuan was the only one, but I didn't expect Ye Fei to be so powerful. It seems that I have to withdraw first." After Jinyan was kicked a few meters away to stabilize his figure, his eyes flickered at Ye Fei and then at Ye Xuan. It was a bit difficult for these two brothers to leave, but fortunately he had no other skills, but he had some skills to deal with the aftermath and escape, so he rushed into the room and shouted: "Retreat!"

"I guess I can't go back!"

Just as Jinyan finished yelling, he saw a slender figure walking out of the room. Linda in a tight black leather jacket came out with a jet-black pistol in his hand, glanced at Jinyan and shot straight at his forehead. The gun passed.

The bullet spun rapidly towards Jinyan, but at this moment, Jinyan's left eye opened, and a strange energy fluctuation was released. Under the gaze of the light beam in his left eye, the speed of the bullet rushing forward It fell suddenly, and before it reached Jinyan's forehead, it automatically lost the power to charge forward, and a bullet casing fell directly to the ground.

"Let's just grab it, I'm done warming up, maybe I'll beat you up." Ye Fei glanced at Linda, then walked towards Jinyan with a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan walked towards Jinyan with a gloomy face.

Glancing at the few people with flashing golden eyes, he quickly gritted his teeth, turned around and ran away.

"Want to run?"

Ye Fei sneered. When he was about to perform the hold technique, the pupils of the golden eyes were shining brightly, covering a range of several meters. Suddenly, he only felt that his body was moving slowly, and he was hindered even if he wanted to perform the hold technique.


Ye Xuan was also radiated by the golden light, and his whole body became in slow motion, moving slowly.

"What ability is this?"

Linda, who was the only one who was not restrained, flashed her beautiful eyes, and then, regardless of other things, raised her hand and shot at Jinyan.

At this moment, Jinyan was sweating profusely, with a laborious look on his face. It was obvious that performing that move put a lot of pressure on him. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to kill Linda, but who knew that Linda would preemptively and directly shoot at him. Gun, under such circumstances, he was not sure that he would face the bullet head-on, so he could only run away and talk.

Immediately, Jinyan glanced at a few people, and immediately ran away to the distance. This time it can be said that it was a complete failure, nothing was done, and a group of people were lost.


At this moment, a large group of people in military uniforms rushed towards the distance.

"Eh? What are those things that guy used just now? It's very powerful. I feel like I'm inside the light beam, and all the movements I want to do are slowed down." Ye Fei watched Jinyan leave, although He was very unwilling, but he couldn't do anything about it. Originally, he was going to perform the freeze technique just now, but who knew that he was hit first.

"Slowness, this is a supernatural skill, very powerful. Fortunately, this guy is only one person. If there is a helper, we will be in danger." Ye Xuan frowned and explained in the direction of Jinyan's departure.

"You know this ability?"

Ye Fei asked in a little surprise.

"Yes, I know who he is. His name is Jinyan. He is the third most wanted criminal among Yanhuang Guardians. I never thought he would dare to come to Yanjing." Ye Xuan nodded in response.

"Golden eyes? The third most wanted criminal of the Guardian of Yanhuang?"

Ye Fei nodded after pondering for a moment, then quickly asked, "Who is number one and number two?"

"The number one is called 'Gui Tuo'. This guy is powerful. He came from Fanyin Temple. He is just a monk of wine and meat. He often commits murder and arson, so he is called Gui Tuo. The second number is called Jiuming Yao. This person is very mysterious. , has always been at the border, and the Guardian of Yanhuang once sent a leader to arrest him, but he escaped!" Ye Xuan glanced at Ye Fei and explained.

"Eh? The Nine-Life Demon is ranked second. It seems that Guituo is even stronger!" Ye Fei chuckled in astonishment. Unexpectedly, the Nine-Life Demon is quite famous among Yanhuang Guardians. , They are all wanted criminals in the adult family.

"It is indeed stronger. I heard that Guituo's strength has reached several commanding levels, so it is too difficult to catch him."

Ye Xuan nodded and explained.

"Well, well, I didn't expect that a wanted criminal came to Su's house." Ye Fei rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Then why don't you ask people to go to the whole city to arrest him?"

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Ye Xuan pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "The golden eyes must be covered by someone important, otherwise he wouldn't dare to appear in Yanjing, and anyone who dared to attack the Su family would definitely Not ordinary people, if the whole city is searched and arrested, it will not help."

"Huh? Then stop chasing and killing that golden eye?"

Ye Fei looked at Ye Xuan in astonishment and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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