super agent

Chapter 312

Chapter 312
When Ye Fei and the others who were talking heard Linda's scream, their nerves tensed up, and they quickly turned around and came to Linda's side.

"Wait a minute, let me see..."

Linda glanced at several people and stretched out their hands, and then began to operate the instruments on the table.

Ye Fei and the others looked at each other and waited with bated breath.

Immediately, Linda started to operate the instrument, and soon a line of words appeared on the blue and white crystal screen:

"I'll pick you up when I get off work tonight, baby!"

"Eh? Who posted this? The relationship is obviously very close, and it's just an unknown account." Linda stared at the line of words on the screen, and she muttered awkwardly.

"How did you set it up?"

Ye Fei also said with a speechless face.

"I set it to eavesdrop on calls transmitted to strangers' numbers, and intercept text messages!" Linda looked at Ye Fei and explained.

"Is this a bit too broad? There are a lot of people in the Su family!" Ye Fei glanced at Su Tong and said.

"It's okay, there are not too many people, but your instrument is quite developed." Su Tong looked at the instrument in front of Linda, and suddenly felt strange, no wonder Ye Fei was so confident.

"Then everyone continue to wait, first find out who is the inner ghost, then it will be easier to do things." Ye Fei waved his hand, and then sat beside him and waited.

"Do you have any doubts?"

Su Tong glanced at Linda, and immediately came to Ye Fei and asked.

"there's a few."

Ye Fei glanced at Su Tong and nodded.

"Who do you suspect?"

Ye Xuan also came over to look at Ye Fei.

"Do you have anyone you suspect?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Xuan and asked.


Ye Xuan shook his head, and said: "They are all my relatives since I was a child, and I really can't suspect any of them."

"Yes, they are all close relatives. We have been together since childhood."

Ye Fei's face changed slightly, and he nodded thoughtfully.

"Then who do you suspect?"

Yang Manying, who was on the side, noticed Ye Fei's strange mood, and asked quickly, "Say it directly."

"I'm too lazy to talk about the bodyguards of the Su family. There are indeed a few core members of the Su family. After all, I haven't gotten along well with them. So I don't have any special emotions." Ye Fei pondered for a moment He continued to explain: "Su Xuan was the most suspicious before, the emotions she showed at that time were very wrong, and it didn't mean that she was the one who gave the old man food at first, she was one.

Next, there is Su Quan. I feel that he is a relatively calm person who takes everything in his heart. If the motives for committing crimes are excluded, once such things happen that the murderer cannot be found and the imitation is ambiguous, the person who is suspected There must be him.

Finally, there is Su Jianhui, whose performance and tone of voice are also relatively suspicious. "

"What? You said Jianhui is also suspected?"

Su Tong stared at Ye Fei in shock. She couldn't imagine that Su Jianhui would be suspected. After all, Mr. Su is also Su Jianhui's father. How could he poison his own father to death!

"Ye Fei, you made a mistake, how could Second Uncle do such a thing!"

Ye Xuan also frowned and looked at Ye Fei and said.

"He is the most suspected."

Ye Fei didn't have too much affection for this so-called uncle and said: "The Su family has such a large family business, who is in charge?"


Ye Xuan nodded without hesitation, but immediately said: "But Second Uncle won't do that."

"Perhaps, he used to be very talkative, but as time goes by, people will change. The person you knew before, you haven't seen him for a long time, won't he change?" Ye Fei thought for a while and explained.


Ye Xuan just wanted to refute.

"Don't talk about it, wait for the result, I can't guess anything now."

Su Tong stopped Ye Xuan's words with a gloomy face.

"Yeah, let's wait for the answer to be revealed, we can't discuss anything now." Ye Fei nodded and glanced at Su Tong and said.

The next few people began to wait quietly, and the time passed by. During this period, they received a lot of spam text messages and nonsense calls.

After half an hour.

"Huh? Another strange message came." Linda was also a little disappointed. After all, she didn't show up after waiting for so long, so she did all this for nothing, but when she clicked on the content of the message casually, she was stunned.

"Look, it's this, it's this!"

Linda excitedly patted Ye Fei next to her and said.


Ye Fei immediately turned to look at the display screen.

At this time, Ye Xuan, Su Tong, and Yang Manying also came over immediately, looking at the display screen curiously.

Content of the message: Ye Fei and Ye Xuan are going to make some moves next, please arrange it carefully and don't reveal it!
"Has the news been sent?" Su Tong looked at the news in front of him, his heart trembled, and he asked quickly.

"No, I blocked it."

Linda shook her head and said.

"Is it positioned well?"

Ye Fei also asked quickly.

"It's located, it's our area. It seems that it is really an important member of the Su family." Linda looked at Ye Fei and nodded in response.

"Are you sure Miss Linda?"

Su Tong's body trembled, and her whole face turned pale. She couldn't imagine which close relative would be found to have done such a thing. Everyone in the Su family was her close relative.

"I'm sure, and if my guess is correct, it seems to be in the direction of that Uncle Su Jianhui's house, so..." Linda nodded with a positive expression.

"Well, the biggest suspects are Su Xuan or Su Jianhui." Ye Fei shrugged, but his expression was calm.

"Then what should we do next?"

Ye Xuan frowned, and said with the same ugly face.

"Go straight to it?"

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei and asked.

"That's up to you. My presence in the Su family isn't that strong, so it's not easy to make a decision!" Ye Fei looked at Su Tong and said.

Su Tong looked at the line of words on the display screen with complicated eyes, then glanced at Ye Fei, gritted his teeth and said, "Look for it, if it's really Jianhui, I want to ask why, is he crazy? Now……"

"Mom, how should we speak?"

Ye Xuan pulled Su Tong down with an ugly face and asked.

"Just get straight to the point and find evidence from them."

Su Tong thought for a while, then glanced at Linda and asked, "Can't you confirm the phone number to send the message?"

"I can't be sure, it's obviously a new number."

Linda shook her head and said.

"Then just go there, the old man is still lying on the hospital bed and suffering, we have to find out the real reason for this as soon as possible." Su Tong went straight away with a cold face, with an expression of pleading guilty .

Seeing this, Ye Fei and Ye Xuan naturally followed up quickly. Now they can see whether it is Su Xuan or Su Jianhui?


PS: I’m sorry, I haven’t written for a few days. I need to get used to the plot. Today, I’m trying to write these three chapters. Xiao Zeng thinks about it when he sleeps tonight. I’ll try to write more tomorrow for everyone to see. I’m sorry. up!
 Sorry, I haven’t written for a few days. I need to get used to the plot. Today, I’ve been thinking about writing these three chapters. Xiao Zeng will think about it while he’s sleeping tonight. I’ll try to write more tomorrow for everyone to read. I’m sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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