super agent

Chapter 315 The Real Insider

Chapter 315 The Real Insider

Immediately, everyone fell silent, looking at Su Xuan one by one, unexpectedly she actually recognized her.

"Okay, can you tell me why?"

Su Tong's face darkened, and her eyes were fixed on Su Xuan. She was really disappointed, she didn't expect that Su Xuan really did it.

"Xuanxuan, why are you doing this?"

Su Jianxun stared at Su Xuan with a deep expression and said.

"No why!"

Su Xuan's face gradually calmed down, and she insisted that it was her.

"Then tell me, who ordered you? I don't believe that you would do such a thing by yourself."

Su Tong asked Su Xuan with a cold face, but he didn't forget to glance at Su Jianhui when he asked Su Xuan.

"Xuanxuan, how could it be? How could you?"

Su Xuan's mother came over with an ugly face, pulled Su Xuan and asked in a low voice.

"How to deal with it, how to deal with it."

Su Jianhui also made a statement and said.

"I feel... are you hiding something?"

Ye Fei touched his nose, walked up to Su Xuan with his mobile phone and asked, "Who did you send the message to? The Yan family or the Qian family?"

"I have no idea!"

Su Xuan glanced at Ye Fei coldly.

"Su Xuan, what time is it, and you still want to hide it? Have you forgotten your last name? You can do things that are unexpected."

Seeing that Su Xuan was still acting like this, and she was still yelling at Ye Fei, Su Tong was naturally unhappy, so she said loudly.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, we will find it ourselves."

Ye Fei shrugged and thought for a while, then turned on Su Xuan's phone to send a message.

"what are you doing?"

A look of panic flashed across Su Xuan's face.

"Xiao Fei, what are you doing?" Su Jianhui couldn't help asking.

"Send a message to draw out that golden eye. If you don't tell me, I can find a way."

Ye Fei shrugged and looked at Su Xuan, then put away his phone and looked at Ye Xuan, "Shall we meet that golden eye again?"


Ye Xuan glanced at Su Xuan, then asked.

"It should come out."

Ye Fei nodded in response.

"Okay, then let's go."

Ye Xuan thought for a while and replied.

"Wait a minute, you two just go like this? Ye Xuan, go and gather some people to go there together." Seeing this, Su Tong said with a worried expression on his face.

"No need, the two of us are enough. That guy was lucky last night, but he is not so lucky today." Ye Fei waved his hand and said confidently, but he thought of something and said quickly: "If she If we are willing to be honest, as a family, we will be punished lightly, but if we find out by ourselves, then don't blame us for not thinking about family affection."

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Su Xuan's whole body trembled, her eyes flickered, she turned her head to look at Mr. Su's room, a look of unbearable flashed across her face, she turned her head, and tears welled up in her eyes , suddenly knelt down.


Seeing Su Xuan's actions at this time, Ye Fei was stunned for a moment.

Ye Xuan stopped in his tracks immediately, and looked at Su Xuan with a frown. He didn't expect her to make such a big move all of a sudden.

"Dad, I...I'm sorry grandpa, I don't want to go on like this."

Su Xuan knelt in front of Su Jianhui and burst into tears.

"You...what are you talking about? If you do such a thing, my Su family will not recognize you, better get out of here!"

Seeing Su Xuan's appearance at this time, Su Jianhui's expression changed drastically, and he quickly stammered and spoke.

"Are you going to get out later? Tell me what's going on. If you say it, your conscience will feel better!"

Ye Fei squinted his eyes at Su Jianhui, then stared at Su Xuan and said.

"Xuanxuan, tell me, I don't believe you would do such a thing, there must be some reason?" Ye Xuan frowned and stared at Su Xuan and said.

"Yeah, Xuanxuan, I don't believe you would do such a thing, get up first, and talk about it." Susan also walked to Su Xuan with a bad face, and pulled her up. Such a thing happened at home , It is estimated that no one will be comfortable.

"Let me kneel down and speak."

Su Xuan shook her head and glanced at Susan, then looked at Su Jianhui, and said guiltily: "Dad, I'm sorry, I can't pamper you like this anymore."

"You bitch, what do you want to say?"

Su Jianhui's face suddenly became ferocious, and he was about to rush up to beat Su Xuan.

"Second uncle, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan quickly frowned and walked in front of Su Xuan to stop Su Jianhui.

"Let me first say, who am I contacting? I don't know who I am contacting with the Yan family. Anyway, if there is any news from the Su family, I can just send the message to that number." Su Xuan glanced at Su Jianhui, and then He spoke directly.

"The Yan family? It really is the Yan family!"

Su Tong was startled immediately, and said angrily. After all, the victim this time was her father, so it's no wonder she wasn't angry.

"Mom, I'll call Dad and Grandpa later, this time I must not just forget about it casually."

Ye Xuan was furious when he heard the news, and said quickly.

"Yes, we must not spare the Yan family lightly this time." Su Jianxun glanced at Su Jianhui and said loudly.

When the other members of the Su family heard that it was the Yan family, they were itching with hatred.

"Listen to her going on. It's definitely the Yan family, but there must be a lot of insider information."

Ye Fei glanced at the furious crowd, and said hastily.

"And the reason why I did this is all because of my dad!"

Su Xuan continued to speak, looking directly at Su Jianhui.

"Don't talk nonsense, it has nothing to do with me."

Su Jianhui's face was green and pale, and he pointed at Su Xuan and said angrily.

"Jianhui, listen to what Xuanxuan said, after you finish speaking, tell me what you have to say." Su Tong glanced at Su Jianhui and said coldly.

"Xuanxuan, keep talking."

Ye Xuan opened his mouth to look at Su Xuan and said.

"Once I delivered food to my grandpa, I saw... I saw my dad sneaking in the kitchen and putting something into the food, and then... Then I stopped him and asked him the cause and effect, only to know that he had I just put medicine in it, after my dad was found out, he begged me, I had no choice but to finally agree, who knows..." Su Xuan said with a sad face, with her grandfather on one side and her father on the other, she really I don't know how to choose.

"I want to ask, why is this?"

Su Tong's face was pale, and he glanced at Su Jianhui in disbelief, then stared at Su Xuan and asked.

"Because...because when grandpa gets old, everything in the Su family doesn't belong to my father, so...he will take the risk and cooperate with the Yan family." Su Xuan stared at Su Jianhui and said.

"Sister... Are you crazy? How could Dad do that?"

Su Yi, who had been listening behind him, stared at Su Xuan with red eyes.

"Okay, I figured something out."

Ye Fei rubbed his nose and tilted his head to look at Su Jianhui with a smile.


PS: Sorry everyone, three chapters today, Xiao Zeng has recovered, but I haven't found the status yet!
(End of this chapter)

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