super agent

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Ye Fei raised his head, looked at the childish looking student in front of him with a little embarrassment, and grinned.

"Uh, he's... a young teacher who came to attend class."

Shangguan Fei'er looked at Ye Fei and thought for a while and said.


The two students immediately looked at Ye Fei and then at Shangguan Fei'er. They always felt that something was wrong, but they didn't dare to ask, and immediately walked to their seats with their schoolbags.

Following the entry of these two students, other students entered the classroom one after another, making the originally quiet campus lively.

Especially in Class 5 of the third year of high school, a goddess-level teacher came this morning, which attracted people from various classes to come to the class frequently. In the afternoon, a young man who was young but absolutely impossible to go to high school appeared suddenly. Visual inspection She has a close relationship with Shangguan Fei'er.

Of course, when the students looked at Ye Fei, his eyes were not idle, and he looked around randomly.

Although Zhonghai No. [-] Middle School is a state-run school, the students who can enter this school are either top students or students with power, status, and money from their families, so these students have a good temperament. Suits and ties, girls are also the kind of uniform long leg socks, it looks like a unique charm.

"There are still many beauties in this class."

Ye Fei looked at the students in this class, his eyes rolled.

"Are you an intern teacher?"

Just as Ye Fei was contemplating, a crisp girlish voice sounded, and a female student with long hair dyed yellow was looking at Ye Fei curiously and asked in a low voice.

"Uh, I... I am!"

Ye Fei glanced at the female students, she was one of the class leaders he saw looked pretty good.

"Wow, teacher, what's your name? What do you teach? A goddess-level beautiful teacher came to our school today. I didn't expect such a young and handsome teacher to come suddenly." Wang Qianyi blinked her beautiful eyes and stared at Ye Fei, then turned around and shouted to the other female students behind: "Come here quickly, such a handsome teacher must be easy to talk to, what are you afraid of?"

Immediately, the female students next to her also came over one after another. They were all pretty good-looking in the class, but they all looked quite rebellious, with either dyed yellow hair or red hair.

"I... my name is Ye Fei, I teach... I teach physical education!"

Ye Fei always knew everything about beauties, but when it came to what he was teaching, he really couldn't tell. It took him a long time to remember the identity of one of the teachers.

"Teaching physical education?"

Wang Qianyi was stunned for a moment when she heard Ye Fei's words, and then she chuckled, "It seems that Teacher Ye is a very humorous person."

"haha, yes!"

"What kind of class does the physical education teacher come to attend?"

"It seems that there is some inexplicable relationship with Teacher Shangguan!"

Immediately, the female students next to her were all laughing. Looking at Ye Fei's expression, they felt that he was a very humorous person.

Ye Fei immediately rolled his eyes at the female students. He really thought that the physical education teacher was not a teacher. He glanced at the female students and whispered, "How is your teacher Shangguan?"

"Very good, she is pretty, and she is also very friendly. The boys in the class wish they could be her class all day long." Wang Qianyi glanced at Shangguan Fei'er, although it was a compliment, her tone was full of jealousy Suddenly thought of something, he stretched out his hand quickly, and smiled at Ye Fei: "By the way, my name is Wang Qianyi, hello teacher, I hope you can teach us in the future."

Ye Fei glanced at Wang Qianyi's outstretched hand, and was about to reach out to hold it, but at this moment, he felt a glance here, he raised his head to look at Shangguan Fei'er, looked at Wang Qianyi and said, "Well, hurry back Go to your seat, class is about to start, and you are a student, so don't dye your hair, and listen to Teacher Shangguan more in the future."


Wang Qianyi glanced at Shangguan Fei'er, pouted slightly, then looked at Ye Fei and said, "Okay, I'll dye it back to black later, but you have to promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

Ye Fei asked subconsciously.

"Let's not talk about it now, anyway, you agreed."

Wang Qianyi smiled sweetly, with a sense of mystery.


Ye Fei was speechless, when did he agree, he just wanted to explain.

bell bell-

Just then, the class bell rang.

"Students, go back to your seats."

Shangguan Fei'er glanced at Ye Fei's direction behind her, clapped her hands and said.

Immediately, the students who had been chatting together in twos and threes all sat upright and looked towards the podium with high spirits.

However, a few female students who were more rebellious stared at Shangguan Fei'er with displeased faces. Obviously, they also saw that Shangguan Fei'er was not much older than them, but that beautiful face showed something that they didn't like. His mature and charming feeling made them jealous, so they all thought about how to fight against Shangguan Fei'er.

"Hey, this is the classroom!"

Looking at the students sitting upright in front of him, Ye Fei couldn't help sighing secretly, the student days were indeed the most youthful and innocent, and the classmate Wang Qianyi just now was even more youthful and lively, full of the carefree temperament of a girl.

"Students, we met for the first time this morning, so in the afternoon, as agreed before, we will start selecting the class monitor and class cadres. Let's start with the class monitor. Who has the best grades?" Shangguan Fei'er stood on the podium, He glanced at the students below with satisfaction and asked.

"Teacher, this is not very kind, is it? Why should the best learner be the class monitor? Our studies are not bad. Today's society advocates fairness, justice, and openness, so it is the most appropriate for everyone to vote."

Wang Qianyi, who was sitting in the fourth row, stood up, glanced at everyone, and then spoke righteously. (There are seven rows in the whole class, two people at a table, you at the same table)

"Okay, Wang Qianyi, your suggestion is very good, so let's see who is willing to be the class leader now!" Shangguan Fei'er glanced at Wang Qianyi helplessly. Since the third class today, this female classmate has been following her. She was right, and there was nothing she could do to deal with such a student, and then said: "Then the students who want to be class monitors should stand up."

"I want to be!"

Wang Qianyi stood up without hesitation and looked at Shangguan Fei'er.

"I want, too."

At this moment, a nerdy-looking student wearing glasses stood up and stared at Shangguan Fei'er and said, "I want to do something for Teacher Shangguan."

"You are Li Haoran's classmate, right? I heard that your grades have been ranked among the top three in the whole grade." Shangguan Fei'er immediately glanced at Li Haoran who was in the third row, and nodded with a bit of satisfaction on her face. In fact, she most wanted to choose Li Haoran is also the class monitor. This student has good grades and is stable. It is a good choice for him to lead the class reunion. She immediately glanced at the others and nodded, "Okay, let's start with the class monitor."

(End of this chapter)

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