super agent

Chapter 335 Resignation to fate?

Chapter 335 Resignation to fate? (five more)

After sending Shangguan Fei'er home, Ye Fei drove home. The subtle embarrassment between the two made him a little confused about the relationship.

When he was at the secret service base, what he cared about most was Shangguan Feier, and it was the same when he came back. What he wanted to do the most was to find Shangguan Feier.

But after he came back, too many things happened. First, he married Yang Manying, which completely changed the course of his life. Then, Guan Xin chased after him. Until now, he still can't figure out what he did to Shangguan Fei'er. Is the emotion of love belonging to the relationship between brothers and sisters, or the relationship between men and women?
"Maybe I liked it before, but now..."

The moment Ye Fei opened the door and entered the villa, Ye Fei seemed to understand something, but he felt vague, but he didn't bother to think about it, so he opened the door and went in directly.

"I'm back!"

Linda, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, noticed that Ye Fei came back, and quickly turned her head to say hello.

"Yeah, you guys haven't slept yet!"

Ye Fei nodded and walked to the sofa.

"It's only nine o'clock, sleep with your dead head!" Yang Manying turned her head to look at Ye Fei who was walking, her nose moved, and she frowned, "Stay away from me."


Ye Fei didn't react.

"Uh, you smell too much of perfume and alcohol, what are you doing?"

Linda next to her frowned, looked at Ye Fei and asked.


Ye Fei quickly smelled himself, and sure enough the perfume smelled very strong.

"I just went to see the vixen!"

Yang Manying said in a low voice with a cold face, anyway, there is no one else here.

"Fox spirit?"

Linda heard Yang Manying's words, and immediately looked at Ye Fei with beautiful eyes.

"Hehe, this question is too profound, let's talk about something else." Ye Fei grinned awkwardly, and continued, "Have you checked today?"


Speaking of this, Linda straightened her face, glanced at Yang Manying and nodded.

"Then what's going on?"

Ye Fei glanced at the two of them, and hurriedly asked.

"Her disease seems to be born with it, and it has penetrated into every cell. Even if the current medicine can get rid of it, it cannot be cured. It is predicted that it will grow out of a certain cell in the body within a few minutes, so it is It can’t be cured at all, the only thing we can do is, try to eat something that gets angry in the future.” Linda shook her head and explained.

"Eat things that get angry? There is such a saying."

Ye Fei nodded immediately, looked at Yang Manying in surprise, and said: "It can't be cured, I will find a way, anyway, you will be fine."

"Do you have a way?"

Linda looked at Ye Fei curiously.

"Forget it, stop working hard, wasting time and energy, it's better to use this time to do something meaningful."

Yang Manying said with a blank face, obviously she had no hope, and the state of her whole person was resigned to fate.

"What are you talking about, you'll be fine, trust me."

Ye Fei's complexion was serious, and he immediately glanced at himself, "I'll go wash up first, and you all go to bed early, Linda, you are having fun in Zhonghai City during this time, so let's accompany Manying by the way."


Linda nodded.

"that is it."

Immediately, Ye Fei went back to the room.

Linda watched Ye Fei leave, pondered for a moment, looked at the TV, then looked at Yang Manying and said, "Is there another woman outside him?"

"There is one known."

Yang Manying pursed her lips and nodded, her expression didn't fluctuate.

"He had a relationship with someone outside, and then that woman pestered him, right?"

Linda thought for a while and nodded.

"Yeah, I...I can't give him that, so he's going out to find a woman, and I can't stop him."

Yang Manying responded lightly, then looked at Linda and said, "Actually, I married him in a fake marriage at first, in order to use him as a shield, but now this guy refuses to leave."

"Hehe, I think so, but what I didn't expect was that he would choose to use this method to get close to you."

Linda said with a chuckle.

"Close to me? What do you mean?"

Yang Manying was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't understand what Linda meant when she asked this question.

"It seems that he didn't tell you, but he didn't dare to tell you. In fact, this is his last mission as an agent. Let me tell you, don't tell him!" Linda replied immediately with a smile.

"I... I'm his last mission? I still don't understand what's going on." Yang Manying's beautiful eyes flickered, her pretty face was full of puzzled expressions, and she said, "He seems to have come back from abroad, right? You are also a foreigner, your organization must be in a foreign country, I have no contact with those organizations."

"The old agent seems to be saying that he and your grandfather used to be comrades-in-arms, and then asked Ye Fei to come over to protect you. I think he has completed his task?" Linda explained.

"My grandfather? It seems that I heard that he was a soldier, and then he went into business after retiring from the army." Yang Manying nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Linda and said, "If you say that, his task is to help me find out The murderer of my parents?"

"Yes, but the old agent still has one condition: to protect you. He said that your career has just started, and we all heard it at that time." Linda nodded in response.

"Then he hasn't finished the task yet!"

Yang Manying smiled and shook her head and said, "Okay, after hearing what you said, I finally understand why he had my phone number in the first place. I didn't expect that everything was arranged in the dark!"

"Actually, Ye Fei is a very affectionate person. At our time, although he was frivolous, he was a very cold person when he was serious, and his strength was extremely strong. Things that four or five of us could not do, he alone He can do it easily, and he can do the tasks that are impossible for us to complete smoothly." Linda said with a bit of memory on her face.

"You seem to know him very well!"

Yang Manying looked at Linda and smiled softly.

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, we were just doing things together, and he saved my life a few times, so...but don't worry, I...I don't think that way about him." Linda chuckled, the whole People are a bit incoherent when they talk about it.

"You misunderstood. I can see that you also have inexplicable feelings for him, but don't worry, I won't mind. I understand my own situation." Yang Manying looked at Linda with a forced smile. , and then smiled: "Do you think I am the kind of 'good wife of China' like the one uploaded on the Internet?"

"You are too good to be normal, but don't be too depressed. What we can't do, Ye Fei may be able to do it. Believe him, if he says he will save you, he will definitely be able to save you." Linda looked at Yang Manying and couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Resign yourself to fate! I'll go to bed first, and you should go to bed early too!"

Yang Manying stood up, shrugged and said calmly.


PS: The fifth watch has arrived, brothers, where is your support?Rewards, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets are all the best ways to encourage Xiao Zeng! !
 The fifth watch has arrived, brothers, where is your support?Rewards, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets are all the best ways to encourage Xiao Zeng! !
(End of this chapter)

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