super agent

Chapter 349 Exposed?

Chapter 349 Exposed? (four chapters)
Next, Ye Fei and others started their own plan, and Bao Bai drove Yang Manying to XX Hotel.

And Ye Fei and the others naturally followed from a distance. Of course, he also called Wang Min and others. After all, at least they had to rely on them to determine whether that guy was really a member of the heretic alliance.

Around 06:30.

Yang Manying came to XX Hotel as scheduled. After entering the hotel, she announced Wei Tian's name and she had already reserved a seat, but unfortunately he hadn't arrived yet.

"Miss Yang, you don't need to be too nervous. Mr. Ye and the others will pay attention to this place, and with me here, I can't let that guy succeed all at once." Bao Bai, who was standing next to Yang Manying's seat, glanced at Yang Manying, and said quickly said comfortingly.


Yang Manying nodded, but she still had a worried look on her pretty face and said, "I don't know if he will really come."

"Should come!"

Bao Bai didn't dare to raise his head to look around for sure and said.

"Then let's wait!"

Yang Manying took a deep breath, and immediately sat down and waited quietly.

10 minutes, two 10 minutes, half an hour...

An hour has passed in the blink of an eye, but it's a pity that Wei Tian didn't come.

Outside the XX Hotel.

"Damn, it's been more than an hour, and he hasn't come yet. Is that guy really late or did he find something?" In a car on the street opposite the hotel, Hua Qing stared at the door of the hotel intently, but there was nothing. I found someone special to go in, and I didn't see anyone approaching Yang Manying to strike up a conversation.

"I think we should have been exposed." Linda stared at the door of the hotel with a sullen face. The trick they used this time was too low-level, and she didn't think such a trick could fool the heretics. .

"It's unscientific, why did we expose it?"

Ye Fei sat in the driver's seat looking depressed at the hotel entrance.

"You have to know that the people we are dealing with are not ordinary people!" Linda glanced at Ye Fei and said.

"Well, okay, I'll make a call to Wang Min and the others to see if they have been exposed." Ye Fei nodded and took out his mobile phone, found Wang Min's number and called.

"Hey, Mr. Ye, have you been exposed? It's been more than an hour, why haven't you come yet?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Min asked in a questioning tone.

"Khan, I also want to ask if you have been exposed."

Ye Fei was speechless for a moment. It seems that the people on Wang Min's side probably didn't expose their targets.

"Impossible. The people here are all professionally trained, and all of them have supernatural powers. How could they expose the target?" Wang Min denied without saying a word.

"We are also professionally trained!"

Ye Fei curled his lips and said: "It seems that there is only one explanation that can explain the problem. The other party is too cunning. In fact, he has already noticed our movements."

"Probably, let's wait. If we don't show up in half an hour, then we'll go find Miss Yang." Wang Min sighed and said.

At this time, in the XX hotel.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Yang Manying had already started to feel irritable.

"I feel that that guy may have discovered something, so he didn't dare to show up." Bao Bai's eyes sank slightly, and he said after thinking about it.


Just at this moment, Yang Manying's mobile phone rang.

"A text message?"

Yang Manying was taken aback for a moment, looked up at Bao Bai, and then at the mobile phone on the table.


Bao Bai asked subconsciously.

"Wei Tian!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Manying picked up the phone and looked at it, and then saw Yang Manying's pretty face was pale and full of horror.

Bao Bai turned his head, and saw the message on Yang Manying's mobile phone: Junior girl, you have disappointed me so much, you even designed a trap to deal with me, but you think I'm that stupid, well, now you know me too Let me tell you clearly, Ye Fei’s fate is decided, not only because of you, but also because this guy is too annoying. Of course, I might take care of the people around you. This is betrayal My end, wait for my crazy revenge!
"He... how did he find out?"

Yang Manying raised her head to look at Bao Bai with an ugly face, and said in shock.

"I don't know too well, let's go to Mr. Ye."

Baobai shook his head solemnly.

"Okay, let's go find Ye Fei now."

Yang Manying nodded, quickly picked up the bag next to her and stood up, her footsteps became a little unsteady, this was the first time someone directly threatened her with Ye Fei, suddenly she felt a bit hollow in her heart, she She didn't know when Ye Fei became so important in her heart.

However, Yang Manying knew that Wei Tian dared to cut straight to the point and say that she wanted Ye Fei's life, so she must have confidence. Invisibly, Ye Fei had already played the role of a pillar in her heart. A man is everything in a family. Once a man falls , how can this family be supported by her alone?

Immediately, Yang Manying and Bao Bai hurried out of the hotel and walked straight towards the opposite street.

Ye Fei and the others in the car saw Yang Manying walking out in a panic, and immediately knew what happened, so they opened the door and ran out without saying a word.

As soon as Yang Manying came in front of Ye Fei, her eyes were slightly red, she hugged Ye Fei without saying anything.

Seeing the situation, Wang Min and others got out of the car and came over. They saw the situation at a glance, and hurriedly walked subconsciously and slowed down.

"What's the matter? What about this street?"

Feeling the loneliness in Yang Manying's heart, Ye Fei patted Yang Manying's shoulder with a chuckle and smiled.

"Let me hug you for a while!"

Yang Manying spoke with a tearful tone.


Ye Fei glanced at Baobai a little confused.

"I think, let Miss Yang explain."

Bao Bai thought for a while, took a look at Yang Manying and said.

"Hehe, Manying, if you have something to say, just say it, it's okay if that guy didn't come."

Ye Fei chuckled and continued to comfort him, "Wang Min and the others are here, let us know what happened, okay?"

Immediately, Ye Fei supported Yang Manying's shoulders and slowly pushed her away, only to see that there were crystal clear tears on Yang Manying's pretty face.

" look at this!"

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei, her words choked up, she picked up her mobile phone and showed Ye Fei.


Ye Fei's face darkened, and he took Yang Manying's cell phone to look at it. After reading the content on it, he smiled and said: "Many people have said that they want to kill me, but I am still alive and well."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. You can believe this kind of casual threatening words. I can't be killed so easily. If I'm found out, I'll be found out. I believe he will always reveal it." When the fox is tailed, and he said he wants to kill me, he will definitely come to the door, which saves us a lot of energy." Ye Fei patted Yang Manying on the shoulder and comforted him. Seeing Wang Min coming, he quickly turned his mobile phone Submit it to Wang Min.

"Mr. Ye, the members of the Heretic Alliance are very crazy. He may not be able to kill you, but there are quite a few powerful beings in the Heretic Alliance!"

Wang Min's expression sank after reading the short message, and he looked at Ye Fei's reminder with a bit of worry.

(End of this chapter)

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