super agent

Chapter 358 Abolishing Golden Eyes

Chapter 358 Abolishing Golden Eyes ([-]rd)
The flying knives flew towards Jinyan's eyes as fast as three beams of light. Under Bao Bai's control, the three flying knives formed a line and rushed towards Jinyan's eyes. He also used the attack to resist, after all, he could see that Bao Bai's throwing knife was too fast.

There was no way to dodge the golden eyes, a golden glow shot out from the right eye, and it immediately blocked the two flying knives in front, but when the third flying knife rushed over, it was too fast, and it had already reached his eyes.

Immediately, the last throwing knife rushed towards his pupils.


When the flying knife hit Jinyan's eyeball, there was a crisp sound of gold and iron clanging, and on Jinyan's right eye, sparks flew everywhere.

Nima, what kind of eyes are these!

Seeing that the last throwing knife was not knocked off, Bao Bai immediately controlled the throwing knife, trying to blind Jinyan's eyes, but he felt a huge resistance.

"Huh? Is that okay?"

Seeing this, Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, and immediately, the Five Yin Steps were launched, and the whole person turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the golden eye at high speed.

"Fixing technique!"

Ye Fei rushed to the front and back of Jinyan's body, and cast the freeze technique without saying a word.

Then, the golden eyes were fixed. After all, when Ye Fei cast the body-holding technique, Guituo could be fixed. However, his eyes were not pierced, and they still burst out with powerful force to resist the impact of the flying knife.

"Golden eyes, I will blind you today!"

Ye Fei glanced at Jinyan with a sneer, and immediately slapped the flying knife vigorously with his right hand.

"Golden eyes!"

Guituo, who was being besieged by everyone, was keenly aware that Jinyan was in serious trouble. Normally, he would not care about Jinyan's life and death, but today there are too many enemies here, and it would be even more dangerous if they were defeated by them all, so He immediately yelled at Jinyan, but he found that Jinyan didn't move, and he knew that he had been hit by Ye Fei's trick just now.

"King Kong anger!"

Guituo roared angrily, and the vajra phantom on his body suddenly radiated light, and then a terrifying force erupted, and then sent everyone flying away. After he sent everyone flying, he was about to run to rescue immediately.



Just at this moment, Jinyan let out a shrill cry.

"Finally abolished this guy."

Ye Fei waved the blood on his hand, and looked indifferently at the golden eyes ahead.

"Ye Fei be careful!"

Just when Ye Fei looked at Jinyan with a sneer, Nine Lives Demon's urgent voice came, and he also felt like a light was on his back at this moment.

"go to hell!"

Guituo flew over from behind, and punched Ye Fei with a terrifying sound of breaking the wind.

The huge fist shadow gradually enlarged in Ye Fei's pupils, and finally looked like a hill rolling towards him.

Ye Fei knew that it was impossible to dodge, so he had no choice but to take the punch. He spread his palms, and white light burst out from his whole body.

boom -

Guituo rushed forward with a full blow, and directly blasted Ye Fei away.


After blowing Ye Fei away with one punch, Guituo snorted coldly, glanced at everyone, and then rushed to Jinyan, looking at Jinyan whose right eye was covered with blood and looked shocking, he frowned and looked Taking a look at the direction where Ye Fei fell, he immediately raised his golden eyes and swept towards the distance.

Obviously, Guituo knew that Jinyan had been fatally injured. If he continued to stay, he would not care about Jinyan at all, and there were too many people on Ye Fei's side. The presence of the same people as him has become a huge resistance for him today. Without the great help of the golden eye, he can only run away.

Of course, he also knew that his blow just now could not kill Ye Fei directly, at most he would be seriously injured.


Guituo flew forward at a high speed with his golden eyes.

"Stop chasing."

Nine Lives Demon glanced at Wang Min who was about to catch up, and shouted hastily.

"Mr. Ye!"

Bao Bai and the others also reacted immediately, the wall at the main entrance was also smashed to pieces, Ye Fei was hit from there, and the place was still dusty and dilapidated.

Seeing this, everyone immediately rushed towards the place where Ye Fei was knocked into the air.

"Cough cough~~~"

In the dilapidated brick and mud ruins ahead, there was a dry coughing sound, and I saw a figure covered in mud and sand, standing up tremblingly, the figure looked as if it could be blown down by a gust of wind.

"Ye Fei, are you okay?"

The Nine Lives Demon rushed to the front, came to Ye Fei and asked with concern.

"Mr. Ye..."

Bao Bai, Wang Min and others also came over to look at Ye Fei.

"This is the full blow of the commanding level. It seems that it can't kill me, hehe!"

Ye Fei had plasma dripping down from his mouth. He looked extremely embarrassed, his face was pale and blood was still dripping from his mouth. He glanced at the crowd and said with a sneer: "Today we have achieved a complete victory, although Guituo was not left behind, but the golden eye was disabled, and if he blinded that eye, he must be finished."

"I can only say that you are amazing!"

Nine Lives Demon patted Ye Fei with a faint smile.

"Cough cough~~"

Unexpectedly, when Ye Fei was slapped by him, his body suddenly became short, and he almost lost his balance.

"Mr. Ye, quickly, come into the house, you are so injured, you are still showing off!"

Seeing Ye Fei like this, Bao Bai thought it was okay, so he quickly walked to Ye Fei's side and helped him walk towards the room.

Others chattered on the sidelines, this time, only Ye Fei was injured, but he had a fruitful battle result, and he abolished the golden eye.

Inside the villa.

"It seems to have stopped?"

Yang Manying's pretty face was tense, her beautiful eyes looked outside and found that there seemed to be no movement, she quickly looked at Linda next to her and said.

"Well, it stopped, but let's wait."

Linda listened to it, and indeed found that there was no big movement.

"Miss, don't worry, my uncle will be fine!"

Seeing Yang Manying's worry, Wang Ma quickly comforted her.

dong dong dong-

"Hurry up and open the door!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door and Hua Qing's urging voice.

The spirit dog who had been standing aside heard the sound, glanced at the crowd, and immediately went to the door to open it.

The door opened, and Ye Fei walked in with Bao Bai's support.

"This...what's the matter?"

Yang Manying just stood up, and within two steps, she saw Ye Fei, who was in a panic and bleeding from the corner of his mouth, almost being carried in by Bao Bai.

"Ye Fei, you...are you seriously injured?" Linda turned pale when she saw this.

"Hehe, it's just a small injury, it's okay!"

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying and Linda with droopy eyelids and smiled lightly.

"Is this still a minor injury? You've left so much blood!"

Yang Manying walked to Ye Fei's side, she was so anxious that tears flowed out, and quickly helped Ye Fei to the sofa.

"Don't panic, everyone. Ye Fei suffered internal injuries. However, the outside seems to have been scratched in many places, so get some water to wash him first, then bandage him up, and then we will check the internal injuries." Nine Lives Seeing that the women were a little flustered, Yao hurriedly spoke to comfort her.

"It's really not a serious injury. You can see that I can still speak so fluently, but I'm just a little tired. I used the hold technique many times before and consumed too much, but this time it was worth it. Once the golden eyes were abandoned, Guituo turned over by himself. Don't worry about any big waves."

Ye Fei immediately grinned and explained to everyone. After all, the injuries he suffered before were much more serious than this, and he finally managed to fight back.


PS: Xiao Zeng is a little tired for so many days in a row. I originally planned to write five chapters today, but I feel very tired after writing until evening. Please allow me to rest for a day, and I will continue with the fifth watch tomorrow. Thank you Everyone's support all the time!

(End of this chapter)

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