My wife is so sweet

Chapter 204 She Delicious Anything

Chapter 204 She Delicious Anything
After being pulled away, the woman waved her hand vigorously, as if she hadn't hit enough.

Her chest heaved violently, and her eyes were full of cruelty.

"Come with me." Seeing her like that, the prison guards pulled her aside to educate her, fearing that she would become violent again and beat her to death.

For these, Yan Jingshi naturally didn't know.

After taking care of the enemy, he returned to the villa in a good mood.

After entering the living room, he began to unconsciously search for Yang Chuyue.

"Young Madam is in the kitchen." The servant said as if he had read his mind.

"Yeah." Yan Jingshi nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

Yang Chuyue was wearing an apron, holding a fish in her left hand and a knife in her right.

"Bang." She raised the knife, slapped the head of the fish hard, flicked the tail of the fish hard, and then did not move again.

It can be seen that the fish is completely dead!
The corners of Yan Jing's eyes twitched while watching the brutal scene.

Yang Chuyue couldn't ignore his overly intense gaze.

Turning her head, seeing that it was him, she said angrily, "I just killed it and you will come back."

Did he do it on purpose?
"Aren't you done with it?"

"That is." Who made her a man?
Yan Jingshi hugged her from behind: "My wife is really virtuous."

"Don't get tired of it." Yang Chuyue touched him with her arm: "You go out first, you will get in the way here."

"You don't need my help?" You dare to despise him, how bold you are!

"No need, you go to rest." Yang Chuyue took a look at his feet: "Also, I changed my shoes, and I don't know where they went, I'm covered in mud."

Her words finally made Yan Jingshi feel like he married his wife.

Yan Jingshi lightly placed a kiss on her cheek, and then walked out.

Yang Chuyue glared at him angrily, but when she turned her head again, her face was blushing.

Yan Jingshi had just been discharged from the hospital, so Yang Chuyue only made fish soup, which was considered a meat dish, and the rest were vegetarian dishes.

Two people, three dishes and one soup.

Potatoes in dry pot, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, lettuce with oily oil.

Yan Jingshi glanced at the dishes on the table, but there was not much emotion in his eyes.

"How is it? Doesn't it look good?" Yang Chuyue took off her apron and sat down opposite him.

"It's okay." Yan Jingshi stretched out his chopsticks: "I just don't know how it tastes."

He picked up a piece of lettuce, put it in his mouth, and tried to take a bite while talking.

"Is it delicious?" Yang Chuyue looked at him expectantly, like a child waiting for a compliment.

"Delicious." Yan Jingshi concluded.

Yang Chuyue's brows were immediately stained with beauty: "I didn't expect to hear these words from your mouth one day."

When talking about the scene, you can actually praise others, who will believe it?

"You are my wife, so of course everything is delicious." Who dares to say that it is not delicious?

"Although I know you're comforting me, I'm still very happy." Yang Chuyue's eyes turned into crescent moons.

Days, live like this to be happy.

Seeing her smile, the lines on her face became extraordinarily soft when talking about the scene.

After eating, Yang Chuyue took out her cross stitch and washed it.

It will be Yang Xu's birthday in two days, and before giving it to him, she has to remove the grid on it.

What she embroidered was a pillow, and tomorrow she had to go to the mall to buy a pillow and stuff it in.

After finishing these, Yang Chuyue washed her face and applied a mask.

During these days, she was already exhausted from running around the company and the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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