My wife is so sweet

Chapter 211 has been dealt with

Chapter 211 has been dealt with

Otherwise, I wouldn't have helped her get ahead.

"Maybe it's just putting on a show." In front of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he naturally had to behave better.

Everyone is like this.

"I hope so." Papa Pan sighed.

"Okay, stop moaning and sighing. Let's go to the hospital to see our daughter. It's a crime. I've been hospitalized every day recently, and I'm almost treating the hospital as my home."

"Yes." Papa Pan sighed.

That's why he went to Yang Chuyue to settle the score. He couldn't let her bully his daughter all the time, right?

"It's not all caused by that little bitch, this account must be settled in the future." Pan's mother said very unwillingly.

"Keep your voice down, and if you don't say a few words, it won't be good for people to hear." Papa Pan scolded.

"Understood, I will pay attention."

The two talked and walked away slowly.

Yang Chuyue and Yan Jingshi came out from behind the door, Yang's father and Yang's mother were also there, and naturally Yang Xu and Yang Ting were also included.

The faces of several people were not very good-looking, especially Yang's father and Yang's mother.

If Yang Xu and Yang Ting hadn't been pulling each other, they probably would have gone forward to find those two desperately.

"I didn't expect them to say that about Xiaoyue behind our backs." Father Yang sighed.

"Yeah, thanks to the fact that we still treat them as friends, I didn't expect them to be such a person. If you get in touch with them again in the future, don't blame me for turning against you."

Such a friend, not worth mentioning.

"No, I will definitely not step into his house again in the future."

"It's okay, Mom and Dad, it's okay." Yang Chuyue comforted the two of them: "We're going first, take care of yourself."

"Okay, be careful on the road." Yang Ma followed behind her and urged: "Come back often when you have time."

"Yes, goodbye." Yang Chuyue waved to them and got into the car.

Yan Jingshi also nodded slightly towards them, and then sat up.

"The driver who caused the accident, have you found it?" Yang Chuyue asked while looking at the scenery outside the window.

The trees passed quickly in front of my eyes, and I glanced at them while talking about the scenery, not knowing what to see.

"I found it, I've dealt with it." She didn't have to worry anymore.

"You were dealing with this the day you came back?"

If Jingshi didn't deny it, it was acquiescence.

"It's fast enough."

Yang Chuyue didn't ask who did it, and what happened to the other party.

No matter what forced purpose the other party had, it was a fact that she almost died in his hands.

She wasn't generous enough to pretend nothing had happened.

"Yeah." Yan Jingshi uttered a monosyllable, which was regarded as an answer.

Yang Chuyue: "..."

Yan Jingshi was discharged from the hospital, Yang Chuyue rested for two days, and after handing in all the manuscripts she owed, she resumed work.

"You don't know, during your absence, the big breasted girl grabbed several headlines." Fatty said.

"Then there's no way, who made me not free during this time?" Yang Chuyue shook her head: "I can only let her go."


"Chuyue, run to Lin Ya's new play, she appointed you." The editor-in-chief came out of the office.

"Okay." Yang Chuyue stood up.

The new drama was launched some time ago, and today we are open for visits.

This is Lin Ya's first drama after winning the actress, and it is also a big IP drama.

Before it was turned on, everyone's eyes had already started to discuss.

As soon as it was turned on, netizens were boiling.

Typical fire before broadcasting.

Therefore, all the media wanted to get an exclusive talk about the copyright, and Lin Ya recommended Sky Media to the producer.

(End of this chapter)

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