Chapter 231
Chu Yi stood up and was about to follow when Fatty gave him a glance: "You stay and deal with the follow-up."

Chu Yi looked displeased and looked at Yang Chuyue worriedly.

Yang Chuyue didn't look at him, and Fatty ignored him.

Yang Chuyue's right foot was bleeding continuously, Fatty put her on the co-pilot: "Sanlang, bear with me, I'll send you to the hospital immediately."

"Okay, it's okay."

He should stop talking.

Fatty arrived at the nearest hospital as quickly as possible, stopped the bleeding, made an appointment, registered, checked a series of procedures, and it was already time to get off work.

Yang Chuyue's cell phone rang at this moment.

"Help me get the bag." She said to Fatty.

"Let me take it out for you." Fatty took out the phone from her bag and handed it to her.

Yang Chuyue stretched out her hand and accidentally pulled the wound, causing her to gasp in pain.

"Don't move around." The doctor helped her fix her feet.

The phone in her hand was still vibrating, Yang Chuyue answered without looking at it: "Hello."

"Where are you now?" Chu Yi's voice came from the other end.

"none of your business?"

Excited, she moved her feet subconsciously, causing Yang Chuyue to gasp again, and the sweat on her forehead became even more intense.

Fatty really couldn't see it, and helped her wipe the sweat off her forehead.

"I can find out if you don't tell me." Before Yang Chuyue hung up the phone, Chu Yi said.

"Then you can check." In a fit of anger, Yang Chuyue hung up the phone decisively.

"Don't move around." The doctor scolded.

"She has ADHD, don't blame her." Fatty quickly explained for Yang Chuyue.

"You can't move around!" He was setting her bones, and he had to do it all over again.

Yang Chuyue didn't want to answer him anymore, because it hurt too much.

At this time, the phone rang again.

Yang Chuyue let go of her hand, and the phone dropped to the ground.

Fatty hurriedly picked it up for her, seeing Yang Chuyue like that, he couldn't answer the phone anymore.

He simply refused.

The T on the phone immediately stopped flashing.

Not two minutes later, the phone rang again. Big Fatty picked it up and saw that it was still called the same.

"Sanlang, your family is calling." Fatty doesn't know what the letter T stands for, but it should be family members who keep calling, right?

Otherwise, who would keep calling her when he was too idle?

Yang Chuyue gritted her teeth tightly, she didn't have the energy to answer him at all.

"I answered it for you." Fatty said while sliding the answer button.

"Why did you hang up on me?" A questioning voice came from over there.

The gorgeous tone, as cold as frost, chills people's hearts, but for some reason, he feels that this sound is a bit familiar?
Before he had time to think about it, Fatty hurriedly replied, "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" The tone on the other side was extremely bad.

"You are Saburo, no, who is Chuyue?" Big Fatty said another way.

"Where is she now? Let her answer the phone quickly." Yan Jingshi's tone was cold.

Through the microphone, Fatty felt the chill.

"She is injured and is being bandaged now, and she can't hear the phone."

"Which hospital?"

"City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital."

He didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.

"Hey, you haven't said who you are yet."

All that was left for him over there was beeping.

"Who is it?" Yang Chuyue asked feebly after finishing the bone setting and applying the medicine.

"No, I don't know."

Yang Chuyue didn't ask any more questions, but just looked at the nurse who came in with a bandage.

She seemed to see the beginning of another disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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