My wife is so sweet

Chapter 268 Didn't wrong her

Chapter 268 Didn't wrong her
With a wave of Yang Chuyue's arm, she shook off Chu Yi's hand: "Whether it's right or wrong is my own business, and you don't need to worry about it."

"But thank you for telling me this today, otherwise I wouldn't know it, so I know him."

No wonder, when talking about the scene, she will be chosen.

I guess it was premeditated, right?

"You fell in love with him?" Chu Yi looked at her in disbelief.

"Is it weird? He's better than you in everything. Isn't it normal for me to like him?"

"But don't you like me?"

How could she have moved on so easily?
How could this be?

"But you don't like me? Are you going to let me guard you forever?"

Isn't he too selfish?
"Or are men like this, and don't allow others to pick up things they don't want?"

Seeing her talking more and more outrageous, Chu Yi quickly explained: "No, that's not what I meant."

"I don't care what you mean, but I still want to tell you that I don't like you anymore. From now on, we will return to the bridge and return to the road. Don't pester anyone."

"Bridge to bridge? Road to road?" Chu Yi held her shoulder: "Don't forget, but you came to provoke me first!"

Now that you say you don't like it, you want to erase all the past?
She is dreaming!
Yang Chuyue was about to say something when someone grabbed her by the hair, and then a sharp and piercing voice rang in her ears.

"Yang Chuyue, do you want to show some shame? You're about to get married, and you're here to seduce someone else's boyfriend."

Pan Yixuan grabbed Yang Chuyue's hair and pulled her back fiercely.

Chu Yi grabbed her shoulder, not letting go.

Yang Chuyue felt that Pan Yixuan was about to take off her scalp.

Dizzy, she lifted her leg and kicked Chu Yi's knee.

Chu Yi was in pain, Yang Chuyue took the opportunity to break free, and then stretched her hand back, grabbing Pan Yixuan's neck.

Pan Yixuan let go of Yang Chuyue in pain.

Yang Chuyue kicked Pan Yixuan into the air and hit the table behind her.

"Cough." Pan Yixuan spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yang Chuyue's eyes were filled with pain, and the makeup on her face could no longer conceal her pale complexion.

Seeing her painful appearance, Chu Yi reached out to help her.

"Don't touch me." Yang Chuyue avoided his hand.

"It's not good every time I meet you, please stay away from me." She stroked her hair and said.

When I touched it, my hand felt sticky.

Spread it out and see that the hands are full of bright red.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Chu Yi said anxiously.

"No need." Yang Chuyue said indifferently, "You'd better take care of your girlfriend."

After speaking, she turned and left.

She walked very slowly, and Pan Yixuan tugged her hair, which was originally tied up, and it fell loose.

Occasionally, bright red dripped from the end of her hair, and plum blossoms bloomed on her white dress.

Chu Yi followed.

"Ayi." Pan Yixuan called to stop him.

Chu Yi stopped and turned to look at her.

Seeing that he was willing to talk to her, Pan Yixuan crawled over and grabbed his trousers: "Ayi, you are finally talking to me."

"It's been so long, have you thought about it, how did you explain it to me?" Chu Yi knelt down and asked softly.

"Think, think about it." Pan Yixuan nodded: "It's Yang Chuyue, Yang Chuyue did all of this, and she gave me the blueprints, I don't know anything."

Yes, that's how it works.

Everything was planned by Yang Chuyue.

"Didn't you think so at the time?" Pan Yixuan said, "It means that I didn't wrong her, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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