My wife is so sweet

Chapter 275 Twilight Love

Chapter 275 Twilight Love

Yang Chuyue's words made Yang's mother calm down all of a sudden.

That's right, she almost forgot that back then, she didn't get married because of love.

"Then are you happy?"

"Happy." Yang Chuyue nodded, "I feel very happy."

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became quiet.

"Kukou." Someone knocked on the door.

Yang Chuyue and Yang Ma looked at the door at once.

A tall and steady man in his forties was standing at the door.

"You are?" Yang Chuyue frowned and looked at him.

"You are Chuyue, right?" The man smiled at her, his smile was full of kindness.

"I am." Yang Chuyue nodded, the guard in her eyes deepened.

The man didn't look at her, his eyes moved to Yang Ma on the bed: "Liwen, long time no see."

"Long time no see, why are you here?" Mama Yang's eyes were flushed, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

Yang Chuyue's eyes turned around the two of them, full of doubts.

"Chuyue, this is Uncle Gao, an old friend of Ma's." Mama Yang introduced to Yang Chuyue.

"Uncle Gao." Yang Chuyue nodded politely.

"I still remember the first time I saw you, you were just born, and you grew up so much in a blink of an eye."

Yang Chuyue: "..."

Seeing the embarrassment on Yang Chuyue's face, Uncle Gao was about to say something to ease the atmosphere when Father Yang came in from outside.

Seeing Uncle Gao, Dad Yang's eyes were a little weird, and it was fleeting.

Yang Chuyue suspected that she was wrong.

"You still have injuries, so don't stay here any longer." Seeing that the ward was full of people, Yang Ma said to Yang Chuyue.

"Okay, then you have a good rest and call me if you need something."

"Isn't it still your elder brother?" Father Yang said.

Yang Chuyue didn't argue with him, when she walked to the door, she ran into Yan Jingshi who had just come back.

"Where have you been?" she asked angrily.

Where did the doorkeeper go?
"I just answered a call, what's the matter?" Yan Jingshi grabbed her hand.

Yang Chuyue looked back and shook her head.

After leaving the ward and walking a little further, Yang Chuyue said, "My father's rival in love has appeared."

"It's not my rival in love." Yan Jingshi's tone was indifferent.

"I hope that person just showed up by accident." Just don't make any waves.

"My parents are so old, is there still a peach blossom catastrophe?" Yan Jingshi rubbed her hand: "Don't think too much about it."

"People still have twilight love. My parents haven't reached twilight yet, why can't they have it?"

"There's a saying, heart and powerlessness. He's so old, why bother with all this? Besides, everyone's children are so old, even if he doesn't care about himself, he still has to think about his children, right?"

Yang Chuyue: "..." It seems to be quite right, but why does it sound a little weird?

Under Yan Jingshi's comfort, Yang Chuyue quickly put this matter behind her.

But she didn't expect that Uncle Gao would come to see her specially.

Yang Chuyue bit the bullet and chatted with him for a while.

The other party seemed to see her embarrassment, and left quickly.

"Could it be that he really just came to see me?" Yang Chuyue looked out the window and said to herself.

"He came to see you?"

The sudden sound startled Yang Chuyue.

She turned her head and saw that it was Papa Yang. She patted her chest and said, "Dad, do you make no sound when you walk?"

"I said, he came to see you?"

Yang Chuyue rolled her eyes, pretending to be puzzled and asked, "Who?"

"Gao Kuo!"

(End of this chapter)

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