Chapter 288
"You..." Papa Pan was so angry that she couldn't speak, he turned his head and looked around, picked up the chair next to him, and threw it at Yang Chuyue: "Get out, get out!"

Yang Chuyue hid far away, so naturally she wouldn't be hit.

"Yang Chuyue, I will definitely not let you go." Pan Yixuan didn't care that Yan Jing was still here, she tore off the mask on her face, and looked at Yang Chuyue viciously.

With that appearance, she wished she could rush forward and bite Yang Chuyue fiercely.

"I'm waiting, but what do you compare yourself to with me?" Yang Chuyue looked at her contemptuously.

Pan Yixuan: "..."

"I advise you to save yourself and don't play yourself to death." Yang Chuyue winked mischievously at her.

Then he took Yan Jingshi's hand and both returned the house.

"Ahahaha, it's so cool." Yang Chuyue couldn't wait to laugh out loud before leaving.

Zhang Yang's laughter made Pan Yixuan tighten her fingers.

Yang Chuyue burst into tears from laughter, and almost rolled on the ground with her stomach in her arms.

"Is it that funny?" Yan Jingshi looked at her helplessly.

"Yes, you don't know, I finally tore off her beauty skin."

When she was a child, she also had a good time with Pan Yixuan. At that time, she regarded her as her best friend.

Secrets, happiness, sadness, all shared with her.

What about her?He turned around and told others, and stomped her hard a few times.

Her reputation gradually stinks.

She didn't know it until one day, she heard someone speak ill of her to Chu Yi.

"Yang Chuyue's grades are not good, she is mischievous, petty and holds grudges, and loves to sue her parents. She always framed you, why are you playing with her?"

She is so angry, she admits to being mischievous, but what the hell is behind it?

Still complaining to the parents?When did she say anything bad about others in front of her parents?

The trumped-up charges made the flames in her heart burn fiercely, and without thinking about it, she grabbed the man and beat him up severely.

Under her fist, the man accidentally let go, saying that Pan Yixuan had told him everything.

The other party was inseparable from her every day, so no one would doubt what she said.

Yang Chuyue wiped away her tears: "I didn't expect that she would be so scheming at such a young age. From then on, she would stay away from her. It's just that the three of us are family friends, and we see each other when we look up. avoided."

"I wanted to move later, but..."

"If you move, you won't be able to see Chu Yi, right?" Yan Jingshi helped her say the second half of the sentence.

"Yeah." Yang Chuyue nodded: "I even persuaded him to move out with me, but he scolded me severely, and never mentioned it again after that, and I was worried for a long time, afraid that He hates me."

Yang Chuyue smiled ironically.

People never liked her at all, so how could they hate her?
"He likes you now."

"It's too late." Yang Chuyue stroked the corners of her eyes: "I already have you, don't I?"

She missed him all the time, after all, there was no destiny.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Yang Chuyue hugged his arm: "Let's go, go home."

She raised her head to look at him, her black diamond eyeballs shone with tiny gleams.

"Let's go." There was a smile on Yan Jingshi's lips.

As soon as she entered the iron gate, Yang Chuyue saw Yang Xu and Yang Ting sitting under the tree.

Both of them were holding a cigarette in their hands, puffing and looking towards the direction of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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