Chapter 37

As soon as Maojutang took the medicine, he lived in a state of wealth and wealth, and millions of households outside the barbarians wrote a poem of human love, saying: "If you do your best, you should rest and refuse to rest. It can eliminate your fate for a few days."

Hungry birds are hungry and greedy, but waves and butterflies look for flowers and dance more thickly.

Appropriate tastes are often caused by illness, and happy things gradually become worries.

Three times and [-]% off the Qutang risk, and Ande has traveled all over the beach.

It is said that Lian Jing and Mei Xin became monks, and Hou Laizi entered the Tao, so let's press the button.Let's say that the Jinren Ganlibu attacked Hebei, and Fengxian broke the county. When they arrived in Wucheng County, half of the people fled, either killed or captured, and tied up all the strong men who didn't kill. Cannons and arrows on the city.The captives are countless, and at night, they are all chained with iron shackles, or in groups of ten or five.

Needless to say, others said that Maojutang, Li Laiwang, Deng San, and Tu Benchi were also captured and locked up in one place.On the next day, the fat barbarian was first hung up and begged for money.First, Li Laiwang, who has always had Nangongji's capital, opened a wine restaurant in Hexia, sold green cloth, and opened a bank. It was very convenient, and he ate black and fat.The second, Tu Benchi, eats grown-ups with good wine and good meat, with a big face that is shiny and oily, unlike a poor man. He also got Nangong Ji to sell a house for 400 taels of silver, and opened two cotton flower shops and cloth shops. , I also eat fat in vain.

He was hung on a tree by a golden man, and he smashed dozens of arrows with his mouth first.Laiwang couldn't bear it, so he brought out a pot of silver and buried it at home.It turns out that the law of heaven does not allow his wife to raise money, and a big hole has been dug by the local thieves, and it is gone.When he came back, he said that the only way was to coax him. The poor couple died under the woods with a knife.He also asked Benchi about his money, but he refused to ask for it. He also smashed his chest and navel with the head of his mouth. With one arrow, the urine flowed all over his trousers. There are also some clothes, a silver coin of ten taels, and two coins.

The golden man had beaten three hundred leather whips, but he let it go when he saw that there were no whips.Deng San took it to the pawnshop to pick up things. The Jinren took all the money from Zhang Erguan's family and released Deng San and his wife.

Only Maoju Tang had no money, so the back of the knife made his nose bleed.There is no money until the end of the fight, so they have to be tied up and killed.Just peeling off the clothes, I saw a heavy sound, and the book, a package hanging on the ground.I only thought it was silver, and I took a closer look, what is it?

But see:

Yuantuo is a piece of cast iron, like a steel ring held by the hand of a heavenly king; and a copper tongue in the ring, which is more like a Muduo shaken by an old man's shoulders.Dong Yaoshi came to Xinglin to subdue the tiger, and Sun Zhenzhen ordered the orange well to heal the dragon.Inside the package are tangerine peel Pinellia, Atractylodes Scutellariae, several packets of torn paper rolls of Bupleurum; on the torn book are cold and heat, warm and cool, deficiency and excess, yin and yang, and hundreds of unilateral herbal medicines.Only then did I find out that he was a hanging pot customer under the Qihuang sect and a medicine seller by Bian Que's stove.

What kind of strange thing do you think, it turns out that the doctor's family sells medicine in a wandering place, and there is no shop, and the whereabouts are uncertain, but the iron ring is shaken and the sick people in the village alley come out to get medicine, saying that the doctor who is passing by has come. One is called "Xiang Chuan", and the other is called "Every disease is known".There are also those who were cured of their illnesses, some who were not and useless, and some who took the wrong medicine and died.

He is a grass-headed doctor, he cheats money and leaves, so he is an emergency capital, and there is another advantage-the medicine kills and does not pay for life.This Maojutang has been selling medicines for a long time, and when he heard of the rumors, he wrapped up the rotten prescription and a few herbs, and hid it in the bag with the rattle ring.

Maojutang sees that peeling off this thing, only the fate is in an instant, so he knows that there is auspicious star.It was inconvenient for Jin Jiangqian to ask what it was, Mao Jutang said that it was the doctor's capital for selling medicines, and the general jumped up happily, and said: "Quickly solve him, this is useful, I almost killed him by mistake Him!" Quickly took clothes and put them on with him, told him to sit down, took a pot of wine, a big fat chicken, and a piece of half-raw mutton, cut himself up, and handed them to Maojutang to eat.Why do you say respect him so much?It turned out that there was a newly acquired woman who took her as his wife and loved him very much. She suffered from an old distressed disease and couldn't eat, so she asked Ju Tang to take medicine.Jutang went in to see the pulse, and said: "This is a pain in the stomach, not a heartache, but it heals with one stroke." The happy general is like a fairy.It is also because of his fortune that he immediately set up a party called "Cold Dispelling Ginger and Gui Drink": Dried ginger grass, cardamom, ginger, official gui, various money, Magnolia officinalis (made from ginger), tangerine peel, amomum, aurantium husk, licorice (roasted), fennel (roasted in wine) and fragrant Attach three slices of ground ginger with five points or more each, and take the orange pond to take the opened medicine bag, which contains a piece of fine medicine.He was so displeased with Qianli that he rewarded him with a big ingot and changed into silk and satin clothes, which he only listened to in Daying.

But it is said that the fourth prince, Jin Wukou, who set up Zhang Bangchang and camped on the Bianliang River, suddenly fell ill with the plague, and was about to set up his camp and return to Beijing.This Qianlibu starry night rushed immediately, and took Maoju Tang to treat Bo. When he arrived at Daying, he met Prince Wu and said, "There is a barbarian in my camp who can cure Bo." Then he sent Jutang to enter.After reading the pulse, I knew that I was suffering from the plague due to the heat in the south, so I just took a prescription of "Mahuang Guizhi Decoction".The orange pond was frying in front of him. Afraid of being suspicious, he knelt down and drank half of it before giving it to the fourth prince to eat.Healed in a sweat in the middle of the night.This Wu was full of joy, and rewarded a fox fur robe, a mink warm hat, blue satin boots, a gold-plated knife, a bag, a horse, and a pair of gold mace saddles and bridles, and kept them for his camp. Eat the salary of a thousand households.For a while, when the Maojutang was lifted to the sky, several Fanbing followed, and they became an official.

After a few days, Mrs. A Dali, Wu's favorite concubine, fell ill and was about to die.When Jutang asked, he knew it was cold colic, so he used a "Sini Decoction": Aconite, a peeled navel, dried ginger, five cents of licorice and six cents, divided into two doses, decocted in water for two minutes, and served warm for seven minutes. The next day, I sweated and recovered as before.The fourth prince who is happy, never leaves the Maojutang.That Maojutang is familiar with the world, and he is good at flattering, he treats him as a guest of honor, and those who should be punished for small things should be punished.The generals of the full battalion respected Maojutang and were called Langzhong.

Suddenly there was a salt merchant's boat down the river, one for cargo, one for salt, and one for rough and heavy household items.I have been in Tokyo for a long time, and I want to load it back to Yangzhou because of the chaos. Unexpectedly, the Jin soldiers arrived, seized the ship, and wanted to kill the salt merchant.If you want Yangmao Jutang to say the score, you are willing to pay 200 silver to thank Maojutang.On that day, Prince Wu came back from a siege, had wine with the orange pond, played emergency drums, and sang fiddles and pipas.Just because of joy, Ju Tang hurriedly knelt down and told the guest that he was a relative: "Please don't kill him, I would rather take this cargo ship into office, and thank you villain for 200 taels of silver." Wu then said, "I use a warship here. Tell him to keep the boat, as long as you don’t kill him, it’s your kindness. Don’t worry about his [-] taels of silver, just these three boats will reward you, and the salt boat will sell for one or two thousand taels of silver.” After finishing speaking, Ju Tang kowtowed and thanked.That is to say, there are more than ten salt merchants - all of whom are from hundreds of thousands of families. They all came to kowtow when they heard that they would not die.Wu said, "you are all my people. You should have been killed because you wanted to go back to Yangzhou privately. Now to save you from death, let me keep these three boats for my use." Each of them rewarded a command arrow.Jin Mingshui Ming, desperate, had to kowtow.

Wu sent people down the river to look at the cargo ships, all of which were sumac pepper, thick and fine silk cloth, etc., worth tens of thousands of gold.They also look at the household utensils and boats, all of which are tables, chairs, bed curtains, household utensils and porcelain made of rosewood, iron wood, bean cypress, and nanmu.Only the salt boats are loaded with cattail bags of salt, and they are stacked on the boat with thin ropes, so that the thick mats are covered, and no one comes to buy them, so the goods are slow.Wu said, "Give all this salt to Mao Manzi." Ju Tang quickly kowtowed to thank him.It turned out that the salt merchant was selling salt in Bianliang. When he encountered great chaos, he wanted to flee back to Yangzhou and secretly put his silver in the salt bag, which was about [-] gold and silver.How did Wu know that Maojutang was simply a treasure of the sky?

From then on, blessings and misfortunes also start.At that time, Maojutang opened a salt shop in the camp because it rewarded the salt boat, and asked people to sell it.First, he sold the first layer of salt bags, and got four or five hundred taels of silver.It is also suitable to make a fortune, because there was no salt in the family that day.I brought a bag and poured it into the magnetic tank.There was only a sound, and the magnetic cylinder was almost broken. It turned out that the big ingots of 500 taels were buried in the salt, and there were ten ingots in each bag.Hurry up and report to Maojutang, and take out several packs overnight, all of which are the same.He piled up two piles of ingots, which made Maojutang so surprised and delighted that he put them on the boat and dared not move them.

In terms of justice, if a poor doctor in Maojutang wants to have some righteous ways, he should think of such a big fortune. He will not be able to enjoy it in the future. There are high officials too.This poor bachelor who sells medicine in Maojutang, how could he have such knowledge and be overjoyed, so he thinks that he is a great god of wealth and deserves such a windfall.Day and night, he planned to enjoy the one hundred thousand silver coins.

Liu Yuchai, the old whore—I heard that she was held captive in the camp—had paid 300 taels of silver to redeem her future and became a wife.I also heard that there are two fans playing and singing well in Linqingguan. One is called Li Cui and the other is called Yue'e. They also bought 600 taels of silver in the camp.

For a while, the horses were good and the saddles were good, and they hugged each other, playing and singing at home, making a fuss.

Prepare big wine and meat every day, play, play, gamble and whore, all come to help him.The whole camp only said that he sold the salt to get the official money, so they knew that this was a big fortune in the dark.

It is:

The blessings and misfortunes of life depend on chance, and fate is unpredictable.

Who believes that Wei Qing is still the Lord, Anzhi Shi Chong sent the empty ship.

The gains and losses of chickens and insects are illusions, and fish, birds, flying and diving are all natural.

Waking Sai Weng into a dream, life and death are always empty fists.

But it is said that Maoju Tangbai got one hundred thousand gold and silver, which can't be used up for a while, and dare not move out of the boat, worrying day and night, and adding three serious illnesses. Going to the camp of the Fourth Prince and chasing him out from the past is not a blessing but a curse.The second thing is, "The prince originally said that he only rewarded the salt, but also wanted the ship to carry troops. The ship will be sealed soon. Where can the silver be stacked?" The third thing, all the officials in the battalion know Mao Manzi rewarded a lot of official salt, and everyone wanted to come and carry a few bags. He came to Chai Zhushan (Jutang) several times and knew that there was something in the salt, so he dared not give it away.These gold soldiers only said that he was stingy, got a lot of official salt for nothing, and refused to give up a bag, and often tried to come and grab some: "Could it be that you, a barbarian, can't buy it with money!" So there are three worries, Come up with a strange disease, like qi gu, and like wine bloating, the stomach is bloated.There are also three rich and charming brothels, playing around day and night.

That hairy barbarian has a piece of spring prescription, which is a golden gun that can't be defeated in night battles with ten girls. He only asks for a sea dog kidney, which is a priceless treasure if he wants to enter it with the fourth prince.On that day, a doctor came to the future to lie to him.

What do you know:
The name of this herbal medicine is 腽肭脱, and one male can control a group of wives.

I just came to play with the fish at the bottom of the water, and then I went to the sand to live like a dog.

Sexual hair is strong and powerful, and it is powerful enough to indulge in lust and make people fascinated.

Just because of a lustful heart, it is also sad to use a dog to be a human being.

It turns out that the fur seal kidney came from Wendeng, Jiao and Lai in the East China Sea.One male can surround hundreds of females, so in a group of bitches, there cannot be a single male.What's more, he has a lot of ghosts and powers, and he only sleeps on the rock in the middle of the island. If he refuses to come ashore, how can he be caught.Therefore, the fisherman who caught him saw that there were dogs on the island, even if he cast a long rope with a dense net to catch his feet, he nailed the hook. I wish I had tried my best to walk, but there would be a beard on my rope. The hook was pulled tighter and tighter, gradually pulled into the skin, and it hurt, and then pulled it back hard, the sea dog took care of the pain, pulled it slowly, and pulled it to the shore.Those hundreds of dogs all went into the sea.Therefore, if you beat a real dog, you will definitely not be able to get a man, so you have to pretend to be a man, pretending to be a real one, and trick him into a hundred taels of silver.Let the oil soak, where will it go?There are also two fake things that can be regarded as real: one is like a sea cat, but the mouth is slightly flatter than a dog; the other is a seal, the same as a dog, but there are some spots on the skin.These two things are very easy to get, although they are real chickens and hairy, but they are not as useful as dogs.There are always real dogs with shaggy hair but fake dogs, and those with real dogs are fake shaggy dogs.The doctor was eager to make a profit, so he had to start with those yang-heat medicines like actinolite, seahorse, clam, and cistanche to flatter the old man in Mienyang.With a slight gesture of yang, it is said that it is the fairy recipe of the sea, and it will not be soft from then on.Who would have thought that once he took the hot medicine, he made Nangongji's Hu Sengchun formula, exhausted his energy for a long time, and the yang was dry and the fire was empty, and there was no reason why he would die immediately.

Today Mao Manzi got this fake dog, like a treasure, he hurried into the camp, saw the fourth prince kicking a blanket in the camp, stood aside, not daring to disturb it.Seeing Mao Manzi coming in, the fourth prince was holding a piece of butter tissue wrapped in something, and asked in a foreign language, "What object?" Mao Manzi knelt down and said, "It's a sea dog kidney. Yes, I just found it today." It turned out that the golden soldiers took Tokyo, and they got thousands of women who wanted to enjoy themselves, and only this aphrodisiac was needed.Seeing this treasure today, how could I not like it, so I rewarded him with a big ingot, and left him to have a banquet and play with emergency drums.Because he said: "In a few days, we will attack Yangzhou in the south, cross Zhenjiang, and go straight to the south of the Yangtze River. I heard that Yangzhou is rich and prosperous. I am afraid that when the soldiers arrive, they will burn out the city. We must first send a large army to appease the salt merchants. I'm afraid I'll cross the river in shock, and no one will help me pay my soldiers." Just this one sentence reminded Maojutang that it was his official star who was helpful, so he knelt down and said, "If the prince wants to appease the salt merchants, the medical officer has a good idea." My acquaintance, is a salt merchant Hu Yuan, who is rich in millions, but he has to go to call him as an internal response, which can save a hundred thousand soldiers. But the villain does not know how to use soldiers, so he has to be a civil servant, and a general must go to guard and urge The food and banknotes must be sent to the south of the Yangtze River before we can enter the army."

Wu is very happy, apply for the sponsor today, and first send Maojutang envoy the seal of the governor of Yangzhou: "Tomorrow, you and Ali Hague will be dispatched, leading [-] troops, and walking on the dry road." Qi cross the river.Maoju Tang kowtowed like garlic, thank you again and again.The tens of millions of silver on the salt boat were settled; these sorrows and illnesses were swollen, and when they were flushed with joy, they dissipated for a while, like eating a pot of yellow soup.As soon as he came out of the camp, it was rumored that he was promoted to the governor of Yangzhou. Whoever disrespected him, the southern soldiers in the camp had already seen no less than a few thousand handbooks.That Maoju Tang really came together with riches and honors, and thought for a while: "How appropriate is this tens of millions of gold and silver to go south with the camp. When I arrive in Yangzhou, I don't know how much jewels I will have from the salt merchants.

Such a splash of wealth, isn't it a gift from heaven to the future! "It's just the human heart is like this, but the will of heaven is not; it always creates fools, and it does everything.

One side of the orange pond was built up, and second-grade clothes, python robes and gold belts, and deacons' flags were made.There were originally Yangzhou soldiers in that camp, and a hundred of them were sent to be spies first, to seduce the salt merchants as internal responses, no problem.

Every time he laughs, the Lord of Heaven is not good to the people, and he often makes money and sex for fools.

The moth spreads the flames because of throwing the fire, and the fish set up more hooks because of greed.

The evil is full of evil, but the evil is still committed, and the name of Shetai begins to die.

Mingming's loving mother tolerates her arrogant son, and secretly sends her meritorious service to repay the ghosts and gods.

This maoju pond is full of wealth and honor without asking for it, and it is not a problem to arrange the southern expedition.It turned out that during the intercession season for the Bianliang salt merchants, there was a person surnamed Wang Jingyu who was from Yangzhou.Since he lost his salt boat and fled back to Yangzhou, he still had some accounts in Bianliang, so his brother Wang Erguan changed his name to Wang Wenju and served as a soldier in the water camp. Come to invest in a detailed work, go to Yangzhou Chuan and his elder brother Wang Jingyu, and collude with many salt merchants, hoping to protect their wealth and hope to get some foreign wealth from everyone.Immediately wrote the manuscript, met Jutang, and said in detail: "Yangzhou City still has a hundred big salt merchants, with a mountain of gold and silver treasures. The villain first went to the city and informed the salt merchants. Seeing that the Southern soldiers are weak Who would dare not surrender? Report the list of surrenders first, so as not to kill your life." Mao Jutang was overjoyed when he said that, and gave him a piece of money to pay.In a short time, wait for Ali Hague to move forward.

But it is said that Wang Wenju led a group of espionage to pretend to be refugees from the south, halfway from Qingjiangpu to Huai'an, and half from Bianliang to Yangzhou on Youhe Road.Wang Wenju first went to Yangzhou by waterway, met his elder brother Wang Jingyu, looked for Hu Xiyuan, and prepared to explain in detail.

Hu Xi was overjoyed, and thought to himself: "This wealth comes from here. How many wealthy businessmen in Yangzhou City are in my hands today. How many suspicions and hatreds have been incurred in the past few years, and today I will take revenge on this matter! "After thinking about it all night, I was afraid that I would not understand it when I opened the newspaper, so I invited a student who was dismissed for the inspection, nicknamed Wang Qishi.Because he usually likes to sue people for lawsuits, and he is used to billing bills and extorting money, relying on debts to make up his own words. If there is a dispute, it is his business.One or two instigations only cause trouble, but never eliminate it.Moreover, the four or six letters in the letter are all clear.Ever since he retired his clothes and seized his job in front of the yamen, he has been relying on Hu Yuanwai's salt store as a record office. Because Hu Xi's writing is unknown, he often writes for him. , get some small profits to make ends meet.So Hu Xi thought about it, and hurriedly invited Wang Qishi to come, and fearing that he would leak the news, he promised him 50 taels of silver, and also made him list a name.

From that night to the second watch, we quietly discussed the collection of names and registers, and first asked people to report in the gold barracks on the road, set a date, and what name to use for internal response.The king's rebellion is also harmful to others, and he agrees with each other, so he can't be overjoyed.In recent days, rich households in Yangzhou, experts, large and small shops, children of gold and silk, raising lean horses, opening groceries, visiting the surname of the Suzhou-Hangzhou family, and their locations were divided into upper, middle and lower, which are the same as the household registers for examination.He also made a volume for the money and food of the soldiers and horses in the city, the names of the generals, and the actual strength and weakness.Ask for a secret signal and prepare to respond in the city.Carrying all the people, making one's confidant, and Wang Wenju dressed up as merchants, packed the booklets in the goods, and no one knew it, and greeted the future along the road.

Not long ago, Ali Haiya and Maojutang led 3 horses and marched from Bianliang on flood and drought roads, but they saw: heavy felt curtains, dense tents; clusters of bows and knives, camels and horses.The yellow sand is full of side dust, and the black air is fascinated by the sun and the moon.But the sound of horns vibrated the ground when they were walking, and when they went to camp, the tribe covered the sky.The flags are divided into five colors, and sparrows sing from thousands of miles into the forest; the array is arranged in all directions, and thousands of households are covered by smoke.When hunting grass and grabbing food, sentry horses go hundreds of miles away first; killing people and setting fires, slaughtering the city often takes place in a short time.

When the former army marched to Suizhou, Wang Wenju recognized the flag of Maojutang and knelt by the roadside.He was caught by the sentry horse a long time ago, claiming that he was reporting Yangzhou's secret military information.Passed to the camp, met with Marshal Ali Hague and Governor Mao, and presented the book.I was overjoyed after watching it, and enjoyed wine and rice.Let him bring back a short amount of money and pay one hundred pieces, and let the Hu members scatter.He also gave a white flag with the word "Fan" and hid it beside him, so that he could plant it at the head of the city—that is, attack the city here.He was also afraid that he had a spy, so he sent the visitor back first, and kept Wang Wenju in the camp to prevent fraud.Hu Xi's spies and Yuan sent soldiers to the south, still pretending to be fleeing guests, sneaking away.This road first took Tianchang, Liuhe, Qinghe, and Taoyuan, surrendered without a fight, and went straight to Huai'an.

At that time, Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty was in Nanjing, discussing the strategy of war defense.Discuss with Wang and Huang every day, fearing that the Jin soldiers would commit crimes in the south, and wanted to build Hangzhou as the capital, and was detained by the hero who traveled south, and wanted to raise troops to the north of the Yangtze River in order to restore Bianjing.At that time, Li Gang, Zhao Ding, Zhang Jun, and Zhang Suojiu had already been relegated.To make peace with the Jinren, I am willing to accept money as my nephew and ask for the return of the two emperors.

Because those famous generals Yue Fei, Liu Qi, Wu Kuiu, and Wu Koud were all guarding each side.Only Huai'an was guarded by a civil official and a general, and the troops were divided into flood areas, and the city was empty for a while.Wen Jin sent 30 troops to Huaiyang, and half of the people fled first.Those remnant soldiers and defeated generals were originally from Bianliang, who dared to fight?Therefore, as far as Yangzhou, it is like entering the land of no one.

When Hu Xi was in the city, he really wished he could arrive in a moment, so he became a high-ranking official, hoping to be named a prince and king.Taking Yangzhou City for a while is like a big gift from his family.

To know the difference, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down.

(End of this chapter)

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