Chapter 42

Duihuan woman has no intention of meeting her husband to visit her master and servant, and she is willing to live alone. The poem says:
Demons also become Buddhas and Taoists, but the emptiness still forms a womb;
There is joy in bitterness, but sorrow in laughter.

Gathering and dispersing are like floating fire, decaying like dead ashes.

The illusion becomes a moment, and spring comes, and a hundred flowers bloom.

But he said that Brother Hui was missing in Taiding, and he went to the road to look for him in panic.I saw thousands of soldiers and horses, fugitives in front and golden soldiers in the back, where to find them.After walking for a few days, no one paid any attention to him.Seeing that Jin soldiers entered Huai'an, countless men and women were killed and taken captive.He didn't dare to enter the city, and turned all the way to the south of the city, only begging in the village, not daring to approach the official road.When ordinary people are in chaos, their minds are lost like dreams, and they have no idea, but they just knock on the wooden fish for a day in one village and one night in that village, and go begging for food.It is also when the water is exhausted and the mountain is poor. When we reach the end, opportunities will naturally arise.

However, after Yunniang cut her hair, she worshiped the old nun as her teacher and named her Dharma Jingci; she dyed a white cloth shirt into a soap-colored monk's robe.Lu made a monk's hat and a pair of monk's shoes and sent them. The sisters wept bitterly and left the beads as companions.Lu Shi still lives in the village, sending rice and firewood during the day, and going to and fro constantly; fearing that there will be soldiers in the village, he also changes into old clothes, pretends to be a poor woman, and sleeps in the nunnery.That day, when the weather was convenient, Yunniang asked Xizhu to take a pair of gold rings to the village and sell them for a few bucks to buy rice: "What am I going to do with these rings?" If you are looking for a master, you can either sell it or pawn it, whether it is silver or money, and exchange it for the rice, and wait until it is settled."Xizhu held the ring and said, "This is in a mess, where do you sell it? The adults have all fled, where are there people who buy gold?" Yunniang was also thinking.The old teacher said: "Now the Huxin Temple is looking for gold for the gold Buddha statue. You only need to go to the elder abbot of the temple, and you can exchange rice according to the amount. You don't need money to buy rice."

Xizhu came to Huxin Temple according to her words.The village is not far from the temple, only two miles away, but it is a stream, in a pine forest, past the long bridge, which is the main road in the temple.On the large forehead of the mountain gate, there are four characters "Ancient Huxin Temple".The elder of the temple, whose Dharma name is Zhiyuan, drives the forest to meet the crowd.There are more than 300 people in this temple, who eat more than [-] tons of rice every year, build pagodas and statues, release animals and give food, and are very prosperous.Because of the war and fire, all living beings were robbed, the elders built a Daochang of great compassion, chanted scriptures and worshiped repentance every day, and relieved all living beings.When this Xizhu entered the mountain gate, a knowledgeable guest asked, "Where did it come from?" Xizhu said, "It came from the nun in Baiyi Nunnery, Grandma Li's yamen, Xicun. Because she has a pair of gold rings, she wants to come to this temple to exchange rice; I dare not Ask for more, just calculate according to the exchange rate." Zhike led the abbot to the abbot and met the elder.After the interrogation, he took a sweat towel, wrapped it with two red gold rings, and weighed nine cents and five cents.The elders are also not good at negotiating the price, even if it is seven taels of silver, the rice will be paid at the market price.Ask Zhike to send fireworkers and Taoists to deliver with the beads, and keep the beads for fasting.It's not easy to stay for a long time, I just ate a cup of tea in the meditation hall and watched these Taoists measure rice.

I saw a Taoist carrying a futon and hanging wooden fish roe to the temple.Entering the mountain gate, I saw Xizhu standing beside the Weituo Hall, and the man kept looking up and down.But I saw him: he was wearing a ragged jacket, and the hanging thread was broken like a hanging quail; he was wearing a scarf, and the oil was covered with dust like a tile.With a slight gait on his feet, he looked like a lame donkey who had lost his way; his face was half thin and half yellow, like a hungry dog ​​who had lost his home.There must be no food for three days in the stomach, and there is a penny in the pocket.Seeing this Taoist, Xizhu looked anxiously, turned her face to the temple, and waited for the fireheads to pick rice.

The Taoist looked again, hurriedly approached, and sang deeply: "Aren't you Miss Xizhu?" , Said a bit ashamed: "Why is there such a day?" Because he asked: "You have been there in the past few years, how did you become a Taoist priest, and you didn't come to pick us up?" It's been seven years since I left, and now I'm here, I think Brother Hui also has faith.


Mu Lang lost his way to marry his wife, but the stone girl who went down the mountain met her husband.

There are thousands of meals left in the bowl, and the bottom of the stick will go back thousands of miles.

There is nothing like breaking through the iron shoes, but throwing away the bamboo hat is like nothing.

Waiting for the opposite side to be like a dream, seven years of joys and sorrows are wiped away.

When the two meet, they feel like a dream, and they can't talk about the sorrow and the plight of separation after parting.Only the Zhike monk came out of the mountain gate and shouted: "Grandma, come and see the rice. There is no one in my temple. Let's deliver it face to face." After speaking, the Zhike went into the temple.Taiding and Xizhu came back with rice, and asked carefully along the way, only to find out that the aunt had already left her home in the Guanyin Hall at the head of the village, "I am looking forward to Brother Hui and you, crying until my tears have dried up." Ask the rice picker to go to the nunnery first.Seeing Xizhu walking away with the gold ring in her sleeve, Yunniang thought about it again: "There are soldiers on the road. If you encounter gold soldiers and local thieves, it's a trivial matter to take the ring away. If you take Xizhu away, let me rely on it for a while. Who?" The more I thought about it, the more I regretted it, and when I asked him to come back, I went too far away.Yunniang just walked around the gate of the nunnery and stood there for a while, looking eastward.After going there for two or three hours and not coming back, I was really worried.I saw a group of pickers coming up to the nunnery, approaching step by step, and the bamboo baskets were filled with white rice, Yunniang put half her mind down, and asked the pickers, "Is that woman here?" The man said: " Follow closely behind." Before he could speak, he saw Xizhu coming through the forest. "But why is there a man who walks with Xizhu, smiling and talking, like an acquaintance?" Yunniang thought to herself: "This girl has been away from home for a long time, and she is a bit silly when she sees me as a monk. Xin, Tongchang has become dishonest, how can a woman look like a walker!" Impatient Yunniang came into the nunnery and asked her teacher to collect rice.The old sister-in-law took a bucket, and just waiting for the rice to be measured, fine beads came in.A Taoist followed behind him, watching Yunniang kowtow and burst into tears, Xizhu also cried. At dusk, the bright moon is held in the shadows.When we first met, it was like meeting an old couple in a dream, doubting the truth; after thinking about it again, it was like seeing a stranger after death, half surprised and half happy.The boat is floating in the sea, but it encounters a live cable; looking at the road in the well, a ten-foot-long rope suddenly hangs down.There will be no spring in the poor rocks and dead trees for a long time, but the plum blossoms in Longshang will have faith.

Only then did Yunniang burst into tears, and hurriedly asked, "Where is Brother Hui now, but he died in the hands of the rebels? But is there a letter?" Tai Ding said, "Brother Hui and I walked halfway to the mouth of the Huaihe River. " When Yunniang heard that Brother Hui was here, she yelled and said, "My son, do you still have you?" She was so happy that she stopped crying, and quickly asked, "Where are you now?" Tai Ding said "Brother Hui also became a monk and became a monk in Cenguzi's nunnery. He came all the way to find his mother, and when he arrived at the border of the Huaihe River, he stayed in a ruined temple. He bumped into local bandits and took him away again." Taiding cried loudly as he spoke. .When Yunniang heard that she had Brother Hui, she fainted with joy, and when she heard that Brother Hui was gone, she fainted again from the pain.The teacher's father and Xizhu panicked, and soon passed the message to Lu Shi.When Lu saw Tai'an, he also cried together, unable to ask questions, and came to save Yunniang.First use the chopsticks to open the jaws, use chicken feathers to probe into the throat, and spit out the sticky saliva.Sobs choked in his throat and he couldn't make a sound, and it took him half a day to wake up.Lu Shi asked Taiding carefully, only to realize that he was lost again halfway.Everyone hugged their heads and let out a loud voice. It was a good cry for you to watch.

Only when we get together after a long separation, we will reunite and divide.Grass snakes and gray lines, ambush the joys and sorrows of separation and reunion; the shadows of lights and mirror flowers point out the geomantic omen, water and fire.Drop a pair of hot tears into the world of Yanfu; separate a few troubles from love and bodhi.In the end, the children are also an obstacle, how can they jump out of the flesh and blood; looking back, the family members are always like dust, and whoever leaves can make their dreams upside down.Birth and death are always exhausted from emotion, and the essence of nirvana is perfect in consciousness.

After Yunniang and Lu cried for a long time, the old nun came to persuade him: "Every tribulation in the world is to be endured, and one cannot become a Buddha if one does not suffer from tribulations. Sure enough, you will have children in your cultivation, and you will naturally have a day of reunion. Now that she has become a monk today, why are she still so obsessed with the love of this woman? If this love is unceasing, how can she become a monk?” Yunniang suddenly woke up, wiped away her tears, bowed to the Bodhisattva, cooked some food and ate with Taiding .

It was getting late, and Yunniang sent Xizhu: "Tongtai is looking for a vacant house from the tenants of the West Village. You two go to rest today. When everything is settled, go find Brother Hui's letter." Taiding is really a gentleman, and he has always been a monk. , also a little Daoist, said: "I met my mother today. It is not convenient to go to the nunnery. I also went to sleep in the jungle of Huxin Temple. When I go to the nunnery during the day, I will take care of the weeding and cooking, and the Taoist." As long as Brother Hui has a letter and his mother returns home, the couple will not be too late to reunite. Today, mother and child cannot be reunited. There is no reason for me and my son to live together. It is obvious that this is only for my wife. " The old aunt said beside him: "Taiding is indeed a good man, and his speech is not bad." Taiding still carried the futon on his back and went to the lake heart temple.From then on, I came to gather firewood and cook every morning, serve my aunt after eating fast and praying to Buddha, and then I went back to the big temple.Xizhu also has no personal affection for her husband.It can be seen that the transformation of Buddhism into people is not beneficial. After a few days, Yunniang thought of Brother Hui and shed tears.Taiding was about to resign Yunniang, and searched all the way to Huaibei, divining a divination in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva, which is a lesson that should be kept silent and reunited with nature.Yunniang was afraid that Taiding had gone, and she would not be able to come back for a while. There was no place to hide in the chaos, so she had to stay in Taiding.The four women only rely on him as a man, live together for the time being, inquire about the news, and then make sense.

There are voices in the passing of geese, but only doubts and convictions; clouds bloom without shadows, but they are still empty flowers.

Let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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