Chapter 8

Rich families and poor children were born and buried gold and received retribution. Before the sinful girl died, she returned the case to prostitutes.

The fruit is planted with the people of Guadou, and the water drops mark the eaves.

A poor father is bound to give birth to a prodigal son, and the thorn bushes give birth to blue grandchildren.

A hundred-year-old ghost came to seek debts, and after another life, he chased after the underground soul.

But he said that Yunniang was released from prison on bail, and he pressed no question.Shanbiao came out of Bianjing City, a rich man named Jia Mingren, ranked eighth.His father was a guard in Jinyi, and he was good at taking blackmail and getting clues in Beijing, but he died later.After giving birth to Jia Ba, he was even more obedient, and he was well-versed in running the six bureaus of Jiuqing, inner palace factory guards, and 24 yamen under his father's errands.First, he ate a garrison food in the Tongguanjing camp, and later married Gao Qiu and Cai Jing, the big housekeepers of the houses of the powerful ministers, and became brothers, so they started to mess around.He also recognized Lin Lingsu as his godfather, not only foreign officials, but even the husbands of the eunuchs and the admirals of Sangong, all of whom were silent.She also swore to Li Shishi as her god-sister.Therefore, the capital gave him a mixed name, called "Jia Ba, the real dead".And because he specializes in defrauding big money, he would not pay back people with thousands or hundreds of thousands of people, only presuming that he forgot and did not have this account; .Rich and powerful, no one is afraid of him.So it's okay to use a mixed name.My family used to live in Mianhua Alley. Later, I bought a house on Consort Street, and built pavilions, pavilions, gardens and study rooms, all according to the interior style.There are more than 200 or 300 pawnshops, salt shops, incense wax shops, and silk shops in the city, with one to two hundred employees.It's just one thing, over sixty years old, no children, married many concubines, every child dies, a house full of wives eats.With such a large amount of money, he never gave up a single penny in his life, even in the exchange of favors, he didn't even have a hundred pennies.Because Emperor Jingkang liked flowers and stones, he opened a flower and stone shop, Suhang bonsai, everything - in the back street of Genyue.At that time, the scholar-bureaucrats had flowers and stones in their furniture, and a pot of tiger thorns was sold for 500 taels. It was very easy to make money.The Emperor Daojun also often took it in, and if he liked it, he often gave three [-] taels.Until the Jin soldiers crossed the river, they were still holding a big balance to exchange people's silver, and the building under the family did not stop working.

His brother-in-law, Commander Fang, lives opposite him, and is the commander of the hereditary Luan Yiwei. In her 50s, she has only one daughter, sister Chun, who often brings her to Jia's house to play.And he was born with beautiful features, a small mouth, well-behaved and sharp, and he can coax people when he can't do it.Jia's family has no children, and girls are always tall and girls are short, which coaxes a group of women from Jia Ba's family to treat them like treasures. They often come to play and refuse to let them go back for a day or two.Ten years older, with a slender body, tangled feet, and a fake bun, just like a toothy person, no one doesn't love her.Just learn to sing tunes, learn to read characters, and wipe dominoes.Later, the two relatives got acquainted with each other, and because Jia's family had no children, the women said that they adopted Sister Chun to raise them and play with them.The lady of Fang's family refused, and only allowed to walk around twice, calling her father and mother.Then Sister Chun is good at coaxing people, the mother is the elder and the mother is short, and the wife of Jia's family who is called is rarer than his own. His clothes and gold beads and pendants are often sent incessantly.

Later, when the gold soldiers were in chaos, the Jia family calculated that there were a lot of gold and silver treasures, so where should they hide them?Just under the ice cellar of Huadong in Qunlou where I live, there are more than ten wells.Beat the gold and silver into big bricks, paint them with lacquer, and pile them up layer by layer, about two feet deep, level the soil, and lay bricks and stones.Such a big house, where can I find it?But secretly remember not to ask.Officer, do you think this Tibetan method is wonderful?Who knows that the property obtained by greed is never allowed to be used indiscriminately, so the idiot counts and hides it in order to be blessed.

There is a good poem:
There is not much time in a hundred years, so I have to work hard to figure out what I want.

You can't eat three meals to satisfy your hunger, but you can wear a few pilos if you cover your body.

Thousands of boxes of gold and jade worry about thieves, and thousands of hectares of pastoral land are afraid of being urged.

Ye Lai takes off his socks and leaves his shell, can he bring a copper coin with him?

Let me show that Miss Chun, the daughter of the Fang family, when she was 11 years old, suddenly had a headache, brain stuffiness, red eyes, red cheeks, just wanted to sleep, kept crying, and did not eat or drink for a few days.Suddenly sleeping on the bed with his mother at night, I saw him jumping up suddenly with a loud cry, his eyes wide open, and said: "I didn't steal this family matter, but you promised to thank him. Even if you marry him, you can't marry him." There is no way! Who saw that I took him over the wall, raped first and then married?" After speaking, he yelled again, rolling all over the ground, as if someone had beaten him, his body was blue and red.After crying for a while, there was no sound, only my heart was beating wildly.Frightened Fang commanded the couple to have no idea, called Sister Chun, but refused to agree, her two small eyes were tightly closed, and her face was like a golden man.The couple couldn't help crying, so they rushed to the night to ask Lao Liu, the teacher at the front door, to come and see.Said it was evil, took peach branches with talisman water, incense paper money, cut a paper man, and sent it to the east with syrup, saying that he had met a ghost.They stayed until dawn, but they didn't wake up. A group of women from Jia's family across the door ran over in a panic, crying "my sweetheart" around them, and they got into a mess, pouring ginger soup into their small mouths.Where does Sister Chun have to wake up?It's just that everyone hugged and cried.Because he put on the small red crepe blouse, white satin bijia with tie-flowers and yellow tie-flower skirt that he often wears, and put a pair of small ginkgo pendants inlaid with gold gemstones on his little ears. , hurriedly tied a fake oil bun and red string on the little braids, put on a pair of little red shoes, put them on the bed in the room, and everyone cried around.Jia Ren went over to see it, and felt sad. He asked someone to go to see Shanmu, and asked Doctor Huang to fetch Baolong pill.Everyone is busy.

Love is rooted in flesh and blood, and so is Peng Shang's life and death.

Change your face to know who it is, and it will make your parents cry.

The crowd cried for a while, and when Fang ordered his wife to fall to the ground, she fell into a coma from crying, and persuaded him not to congratulate the fifth concubine of the Jia family, who was born as a prostitute, and was extremely clever, saying: "I don't think this child is short-lived. Why did he die?" He touched his heart with his hand, he couldn't stop beating, and hurriedly said: "My mother, don't cry, this child is not dead yet, why are you crying? If you don't believe me, come and touch the bottom of his heart, don't you?" Still jumping? It’s just that I’m out of breath.” Not long after speaking, Doctor Huang arrived.Jia Ren and Commander Fang came in and said, "Women, stay away, so that we can wait for Doctor Huang to see the pulse and take medicine." : "11 years old." Doctor Huang said: "11 years old's pulse is not yet complete." With only one finger, first put it on the Chi pulse on the right hand, and then read Guan and Cun.After staying for a while, take the heart and liver veins of the left hand.After reading all three parts, he said with a smile: "The girl can't die, it's not three days or five days, and she can come back to life. This is a karmic ghost who pursues a crime in a previous life and committed a crime in the king of hell. No medicine is needed, and this Baolong pill is poured with ginger soup." Come on, protect his primordial spirit. Burn incense in this room, chant Buddhist scriptures, read scriptures and repent, and it will be fine when your heart gradually warms up." After finishing speaking, Doctor Huang was going, and Jia Ren invited him to the opposite door for a cup of tea. Seal one or two books and thank you.

The women guarded the girl, not daring to cry; they poured down the medicine, their jaws were closed tightly, and it flowed out again;The women stayed there for three days without waking up; when they were said to be dead, their hearts were warm and beat frequently.Those Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Zhang, and Mrs. Liu came to see them day and night, and one family said they should dance to the gods, while the other family said they should worship and repent.Commander Fang only has this woman, how can he be willing?Hastily went to Huanghua Temple to invite six nuns, set up a mandala in the middle of the house, and worshiped "Liang Wang's Repentance".The women's family followed and bowed down.On the fifth day of worship, Miss Chun woke up like a dream, suddenly cried out, and lost her breath again.When these women heard Sister Chun's cry, they picked up their treasures and rushed to hug and pat them, crying and happy, and they crowded the house with Jia's wives.The city of Tokyo was aroused for a while, saying that it was a strange thing for a girl to come back to life in five days, so she accepted Dr. Huang's pulse.Sister Chun gradually became alive.His parents asked him about his illness, but they didn't know anything.Since then, she has been in good spirits and looks charming.

Let's say that Jia Ren buried the gold and silver. Although he let go of his miserliness, he only wished that he had never had a son.There are more than a dozen famous concubines in his family, and there are 30 to [-] maidservants under the house, all of whom are capable of singing and singing, but they all sit in vacant rooms and do not see any pregnancy.Suddenly one day, because someone was paying off the debt, a maid named Lan Xiang was allowed. She was fat, thick and ugly, and the cook knew a little bit of food.For some reason, Lao Jia fell in love with it, and on a whim, the baby was fixed within a month.Jia Ren was so happy that he boasted to people everywhere that something good happened to his family.When the moon was approaching, Jia Ren had a dream: a man came in from the south gate, holding a gold brick, and said that he would pay off the debt.Jia Ren is usually greedy, and when he sees a gold brick, he hugs it with both hands and won't let it go.The man came to grab it, Jia Ren fought again and refused to let go, and suddenly woke up with a loud cry.In the middle of the night, the family came to report: "Lanxiang has added a brother in the kitchen." He got up in a hurry, cleaned his hands and burned incense, and kowtowed to the sky: "It's also because I, Jia Ren, have not harmed the laws of heaven in my life, so the sky will never stop my queen." After three days, relatives and friends knew about it, and they all came to congratulate her, and some gave Tommy, boxes, money, silver locks, and gold and silver locks.Jia Ren was rich and powerful, and when the full moon came, he would send about a thousand gold in congratulatory gifts.What Jia Ren likes is money, saying that the child will be a rich man in the future.But in a flash, even though she was born neat and fat, with her ears hanging down her shoulders, she just couldn't open her eyes, and she couldn't help shedding some red tears.I asked the doctor to come and see, she said it was fetal fever, and it would be cured in a hundred days.Jia Ren also relied on him.I have found two breasts, I am afraid I will lose milk.Because he was born in a dream of a gold brick, he was named Jin Ge.

On the hundredth day, these relatives and friends prepared gifts to congratulate, and also set up thirty or forty banquets of wine.Brother Jin was brought out in front of the banquet, just like a doll made by Jin: wearing a brocade crown with golden bells, a brocade red jacket, golden toad-toed shoes, a gold unicorn, gold locks, bracelets, and anklets on his chest, all of which are gold. Wrapped up.The child's eyes were closed, and he seemed to be asleep.Relatives and friends praise each other endlessly, and press the button.

But Sister Chun, after another two years, is 13 years old. She is very charming and charming, just like a painting of a little beauty.He also learned to read and write, and recite poems and songs.Because Jia's family has a famous prostitute from the south of the Yangtze River, who can calligraphy, painting, piano and chess, so Sister Chun can know it when she sees her.Jia Ren's family gave birth to a son and often came to play with Jin Ge.On Qingming that day, I played on the swing and picked up Sister Chun.In the back garden, a colorful rope flower branch was hung high above the green poplar.Among the women, there are also singles and doubles. It's like a colorful phoenix flying obliquely, and a pair of phoenixes dancing together.After playing for a while, Miss Chun went up, but she saw: she was wearing a crimson gauze shirt with rouge dripping from the pomegranate flower, but it was lined with a bijia dyed with light willow yellow and light powder; Plain and simple, with a little emerald brocade skirt reflected obliquely.The body is neither long nor short, just like Buyue Feiqiong; her eyebrows are neither white nor red, she is suspected to be Lingboluo girl.At the beginning of the butterfly powder, I didn't peek at Song Yu from the west neighbor; before the oriole and yellow faded, I came to the East Pavilion to steal Han's fragrance first.Suspected that Hongxing came out of the wall, but feared that Qingluan would go with the phoenix.

It's not a big deal for Sister Chun to play on the swing in Jia's garden. Unexpectedly, the back garden of Jia's house is next to Yuhe River, and Qinlou and Chu Pavilion are all around the west bank.The painting pavilion in the middle has flying eaves, surrounded by hanging poplars, and there are more than [-] long corridors. There is a large winding courtyard, which is Li Shishi's Yuefu.Although Li Shishi is a happy household, he is different only because the Taoist emperor is lucky.His house is like the outer house of the Taoist monarch, with red walls all the way and tunnels inside, the holy car is lucky from time to time.Who dares to underestimate the famous oiran in the world.Because of Jia Ren's wealth, he had clues, and he made a sworn oath with him, so he dared to build this garden in the west of his mansion.

On that day, the emperor drove to Genyue, and because it was Qingming, he was lucky to be in Li Shishi's mansion from the tunnel, so as to see the scholars and women outside Bianhe go outing, and the people had fun.Zheng and Li Shishi are drinking and leaning on the railing in Yingluan Pavilion, facing the Jia's garden on the river.It’s also a day’s day, and Sister Chun is playing on a swing. Her body is as light as a swallow’s dance, her waist is as thin as a bird’s-eye, a little red makeup, a skirt fluttering in the wind, wet with sweat, is pinched high outside the weeping willow branch. For a moment, facing the pavilion.The real dragon saw that it was not enough, so he went back to the palace after drinking.

When Li Shishi saw this girl, he suddenly became interested, so he sent someone to Jia's house to visit the little girl and ask carefully.I know it's Fang's conductor, she's the only one, she often plays in Jia's house, and he was the one who played on the swing yesterday.Afraid that something was not true, he called the old woman who is used to being a Beijing matchmaker to ask her carefully.Wang Po said: "This girl is only 13 years old. She was born elegant and elegant. She is really a beauty. You can't find a second one in the whole capital!" The third room of my family, I married a thin horse in Yangzhou, and he often taught him—just as soon as I saw him. Now I learn to sing Qingqu at home." I am so happy that Li Shishi is like a living treasure. The member said: "It's Shengjia who saw it upstairs and wanted to choose a nobleman. If there is good luck, if you give birth to a prince, there is no such thing as wealth!"

Lao Jia was asking for payment for the gold soldiers, and the imperial treasury was empty, so he sent half of the officials and wealthy households in Beijing. Lao Jia sent [-], and there was no clue to avoid it. Thinking: "I should have [-] yuan of side money, just this topic!" He hurried to the commander Fang's seat and sat down.Commander Fang came out, and Lao Jia smiled and said, "Your great joy has come, and I'm here to announce it!" Commander Fang asked, "What's the matter?" Choose, who dares not to obey? You only obey the decree, and the old man inside will give you sheep wine and gold satin, so you should arrange for him to send it to the palace with the clothes of the palace makeup. A concubine of the court is a young girl. Little one, who dares to stay at home?" Then, Commander Fang also came out to see her, she burst into tears, and said: "I will stop this bit of flesh and blood in my whole life, and hang this disaster in the sky, tearing up the whole family. What a happy event!" After saying that, he burst into tears.

The nanny passed it in, and Sister Chun cried when she heard it.Commander Fang was also wiping away tears.Jia Ba persuaded: "This is the child's good fortune. Otherwise, he will be kept forever. There is a family who doesn't go out and can't find such a way. He has spent tens of thousands of silver and asked to choose a queen. How much silver has been sent by Mrs. Meng in the palace now? You can't do anything even if you cry just after entering the palace. Who dares to say no in violation of the order, and even the life of the whole family is ruined. You can discuss and answer what he said.

This Li Shishi's family has adjusted the three palaces, and the court's pillow talk is more effective than this old man. Are you annoyed by him? " Commander Fang is an honest man, confused, and said to Jia Ba: "Brother-in-law, on your advice, although I have a job, I don't know anything about it. What should I do? Dare I not listen to you?"What's more, this child is raised separately. "Speaking, I don't cry anymore.

It is:

Young peaches bloom beside the water outside the forest, and the moon moves to the balcony.

The color and fragrance are originally unintentional things, but they are all brought out by passion.

It is said that Li Shishi found out this topic because he saw the cute swing played by the girl of the Fang family. He wanted to lure him to the pole, take it over and teach him how to comb it. Can't go back.It also happened that Lao Jia had something on his mind and wanted to find a topic so as to save his money for helping him. Why not try his best to persuade him?The command is honest, how do you know that Jia Ba wants to borrow other people's water to pour his own fire?On the same day, everyone agreed and returned to the teacher's words.I don't know how he got the book, it's a no-brainer.

In a few days, a father-in-law came to Fang's house with a red card to pay homage, and invited Jia Yuanwai to make a bow with the red card, and said, "Congratulations!" Clay-headed imperial wine, four bolts of gold satin, and a pair of silver vases, called Fang to command the couple to receive the decree and bow nine times.If you want to stay at the table, you don't want to wish Commander Fang to ask about the day of entering the palace with tears in your eyes. The father-in-law said in a low voice: "This is the order from Mama Li, and I still have to ask him. We are only following the emperor's order to send this Who dares to ask him when the gold coins come?" He sent them out and got on his horse.The conductor on this side is like a dead person, mother and child mourning all day long.The ladies of the Jia family also persuaded and sighed.Not a day later, I made palace-style woven gold skirt jackets and embroidered palace boots for Sister Chun.Jia's family also spent a few ounces of gold, sending golden phoenix hairpins, golden dragon head hairpins, pearl knots, etc., to add makeup.The Fang family also prepares a dowry of thousands of gold.

On that day, Li Shishi's family sent Wang Po to say: "Tonight, Shengjia will come to Li's mansion to see the selection. The girl only needs a sedan chair for two people, and she will be carried quietly at his house. She will meet her first, and then she will send her to the palace on a fixed date." How dare the Jia and Fang families not believe it, immediately wrapped the girl's golden makeup and jade, scented her hair and bathed her body.There is another kind of fairy medicine, which is bone-piercing fragrance. There are twenty pills in a bag, all of which are made of strange fragrance and aphrodisiac pills.The woman took it before lying down, and the fragrance came out from her lower body, making her whole body very fragrant and smooth.At that time, the extravagant and extravagant elders in Tokyo and Nei Li often used this medicine.When it was time for Japan and the West, a small sedan chair with a flowery mouth was made, surrounded by rainbows. Sister Chun worshiped the world and said goodbye to her parents. With tears streaming down her face, she had to get on the sedan chair and leave.Relatives are not allowed to come to the door, for fear of leakage.It was originally said that the holy car had chosen it, sent it home, and entered the palace on another auspicious day, but it turned out that the peach blossoms fell into the water and there was no return, and the catkins would not turn their heads with the wind.

There is a poem saying:
The good things in the world are not firm, like burning incense when a tooth is hurt.

The parrot in the cage locks up the emerald and cherishes the strange hair because of its clever words.

There are many mistakes in the name of the talented Jia Fu, and the stunning Wang Qiang ordered himself to recruit.

Since ancient times, beauties have been robbed, and how many golden houses have hidden charms.

The official heard that this is the place where the emperor's capital is, where the five parties gather.I don't know how many of these big liars are there, such as cheating gods, jumping over the eaves and walking on walls, fake officials and fraudulent goods, and fake decrees to penetrate the palace. Let's start from there.Today Li Shishi, because he saw the daughter of the Fang family, falsely passed on the decree, and made such a big mess. He rented two poor eunuchs, put on two python clothes, and made a few bolts of satin to deceive the daughter of the good family. membership.This party directs an honest person, so how do you know what this Yun Lishou is up to?It's Jia Bada's big bachelor, but he only got some clues, mainly cheating money, and he doesn't know the method of pointing mountains to buy mills and borrowing water to sail boats.Although the Emperor Daojun said that he was licentious, because the gold soldiers entered Bianjing twice, they came to ask for the old coins all day long. Originally, Gao Qi, Wang Fu, and Yang Jian, the treacherous officials who killed and demoted, all copied their identities to help them pay. They used Li Gang, Zhao Ding, and Zhang Suo, a group of virtuous officials, who would choose concubines? reason.Just because there was such a thing in the past, and Li Shishi was promoted like a concubine, so he raised his price.At this time, because of my fading looks, I was afraid that the family would be left out, and I was empty of this great name.Although there are many maids in the family who play the zither and sing and dance, none of them are outstanding, so they took the opportunity to trick the Fang family's daughter into acting as a front.It is also his fate, the destiny of the cause and effect, to avenge the previous grievances, and it has nothing to do with the Taoist monarch.Even so, people have a thousand tricks, and the sky has a thousand changes. According to this man's scheme, there will be no more days!It's just clumsy and clever, so it didn't take long for this reason to pass, Jin Wukou X and Nian did drink two internal criminals, and officials were sent to urge the old coins, asking for 50 gold and 500 million silver.Emperor Qinzong issued an edict that the officials, the people, the monks and Taoists, enrich the people inside and outside, and help the people within their means.After three months of urging, I only collected 30 silver and 1 taels of gold, and even less than half of the internal funds. How can I get back the gold soldiers?Zhao Ding, the censor of the Hudu Procuratorate, wrote a book, saying: Cai Jing and Tong Guan are treacherous people, rich and treacherous, they are useless to the country, each has a lot of money, and they are causing chaos.Within three days, everyone will sell their furniture to help reward.Fearing that he would not be stingy, he was ordered to move home and search for hiding.It can eliminate beetles and comfort the people. If you are innocent and lose, you might as well retreat and make up for it.The common people can solve the crisis of hanging upside down without damaging the vitality of the country.The imperial court approved it, and along with Kaifeng Fu Yin, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the military commanders of the five cities, and the magistrates of the two counties, each led the soldiers in the yamen to check these big households door by door.Once at the gate, all men and women will be expelled out of the street. It is forbidden to bring some clothes, silver, heavy bed curtains and other things with them, and the gate will be sealed with the Metropolitan Procuratorate.From the front of Chang'an Street to Jiumen, there are about six or seven hundred houses.At this time, Zhao Ding was in charge of the government.If Jia Ba is excluded, he is also within the blockade.

These women had nowhere to go, so they all came to Fang's house.I didn't get a message first, only those who brought some jewelry and zero silver came out, and they were not allowed to move any suitcases and kitchen cabinets.Only wait for the soldiers to retreat before they can return home.This Jia Bayuan only got a son, and this girl from the Fang family went to the palace to see her, and when she saw her, she hoped to be married to half of the royal family, but she was suddenly sealed and expelled immediately.Poor these wells of gold and silver are buried in the ground. Although others cannot find them, it will be peaceful in the future. Who knows who owns this house?It's a huge grievance, where to sue, I have to temporarily live in the guest seat in front of Commander Fang, the small courtyard is full of people.It's not a problem for everyone to find their way.

Two days later, there was another book in the lobby of the Ministry of War, which said: "The place where high-quality prostitutes are advocated" refers to the area where Chen You travels in micro-service;Or foxes use their eyes and ears to spy on their contacts;So the Golden Point surpassed Liang Deng, and the Liuxiang surpassed Tao Zhu.How can such a treacherous man be tolerated; such a huge profit will eventually become a bandit capital.Retreating the enemy with the help of salaries, wouldn't it be more deprived of the people's salaries and robbed of the soldiers' salaries?Not only to save the army and the country, but also to eliminate the doubt of the road.Originally, the imperial court also approved: "That is to say, to check Le Ji in Taichang Temple, and send 10 taels of silver. Le Fu Li Shishi should be dealt with seriously, aunts are exempted from investigation, and they are not allowed to live in Beijing." Under the decree, everyone said quick.These fans, including the private houses, which number about two or three thousand families, are all compiled into happy households, and they are expelled together. They strip off all the gold, silver, hairpins, chains, clothes, etc., and drive them out of the city. They also collected more than fifty thousand taels. .

Then Li Shishi has many people under his command, so he sent a letter earlier, and first rented a house in a secluded alley outside the city for the daughter of the Fang family, and a dozen outstanding maids, each with gold and silver treasures, and Li Shishi was empty. After seeing all the officials, he left.Because of the luck of the official family, the face is still full.When Commander Fang found out, he was gone.Lao Jia doesn't know anything, who will inquire about it?


The wild catkins dance with the wind, and the thin peach blossoms follow the water.

Let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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