Space farm girl sweet honey

Chapter 741 If you can't wake up, I'm afraid it's because of Zhang Tian's incomp

Chapter 741

The birthday banquet was forced to be terminated because of Ye Xuanao's departure. The queen and the queen mother were shocked when they heard that Lin Jingyue had been assassinated. people went to have a look.

Mo Shunuan went to the queen's palace with He Mengmeng today, and recognized all the queen's people. Although her memory is not that good, fortunately, she has a system.

She took out a small pill in her hand, first hit the man with a small stone, and then took advantage of the moment she exclaimed, and threw the pill into the corner of her mouth.

The one sent by the queen was her nurturing nanny since she was a child. The two of them are not just master and servant, so presumably this nanny knows more than that maid.

The medicine entered the nanny's mouth, and it took effect within a cup of tea.

"Haha, that bitch deserves to die!" From the crowd at the side, came the gloating voice of the nun next to the queen.

Ye Xuanao and the others followed the sound, and saw that the nanny seemed crazy, and laughed and said, "Lin Jingyue, you deserve to die, anyone who dares to compete with the empress deserves to die."

"Last time, the lifeless poison of the mandala given by my mother didn't poison you. It's your fate. This time when Ah Zhu assassinated you, the blade was smeared with incurable snake venom. You are doomed..."

"Haha, don't worry, the third prince and the seventh prince will come to accompany you soon..."

She was able to finish her words, which angered Ye Xuanao.

He walked over with cold eyes, ignored the princes and generals beside him, stretched out his feet and kicked the nanny to the ground, and passed out.

"Come here, put Mother Gou in the prison, and let me know after hearing this." Ye Xuan said coldly, then looked at Lie Yang and said, "Go and capture the queen!"

"Yes." Lie Yang didn't have any expression on his face, after listening to Ye Xuanao's words, he clenched his fists and walked towards the banquet.

Hou Ye and others around, seeing Ye Xuanao like this, knew that he was really angry.

At this time, even members of the empress's natal family did not dare to say a word to intercede, after all, their emperor cared about Lin Jingyue, and they all knew it.

After Ye Xuanao finished speaking, he went straight into Lin Jingyue's bedroom, looked at the imperial doctor who was prescribing medicine, and asked worriedly: "Is the imperial concubine all right?"

"Back to the emperor, the blood of the imperial concubine has stopped, but the empress just woke up, and she was assassinated again, I'm afraid..." The imperial doctor's expression was a little delicate, before he finished speaking, he lowered his head.

"What are you afraid of?" Ye Xuanao only felt that his head was hit hard, and he asked with his brain that was about to collapse.

The imperial doctor looked at Ye Xuanao, and said slowly: "If the imperial concubine can't wake up tomorrow night, I'm afraid there is no way to recover."

Ye Xuanao didn't speak, and slowly sat on the stool with his hands on the table. His eyes were a little dazed, and he waved his hand to signal the imperial doctor to go down.

Waiting for the imperial doctor to leave, he came to Lin Jingyue's bed with red eyes, held her slender wrist, and whispered in a low voice: "Yue'er, it's my fault. If I hadn't insisted on bringing you back In the capital, you won't suffer so many intrigues, you won't suffer so many injuries."

"Yue'er, I was wrong." When Ye Xuanao spoke, he was crying, his eyes looked at Lin Jingyue's face, and his voice was more gentle.

"Yue'er, if you wake up, I will give up this twilight country and accompany you as an ordinary couple, roaming freely in the mountains and forests." This time when he spoke, he did not call himself "Zhen", but "I".

(End of this chapter)

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