Chapter 1016

The Spirit Gathering Formation to be designed and manufactured is used to cover the entire farm and must be operated properly.

First of all, a complete pattern must be drawn, and it must be coherent to cover the entire farm.

Although such a spirit gathering array is far from being large, not even medium-sized, it can still gather the essence of heaven and earth to nourish the flowers and other plants planted on the farm by relying on it and the spirit stones to provide power. of.

At least, this method is much more effective than soilless cultivation or organic cultivation.

You must know that plants cannot grow without water, air, and sunlight, and with the help of the Spirit Gathering Array, the plants can absorb the essence of heaven and earth. For vegetation-type plants, it means that the air and sunlight absorbed are the best!

Those wild ginseng and wild Ganoderma lucidum in the deep mountains have been grown for more than a hundred years. People also say that they have absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and even ginseng can be transformed into a human form, into a ginseng doll. There are definitely huge benefits to growing.

Building a spirit gathering array can improve the growth speed and growth quality of the plants in the farm, so it is very useful.

Qin Lang used the cinnabar powder in his hand as a line drawing function, compared with the correct spirit-gathering formation, and started the first engraving.

The first moment is the foundation of the spirit-gathering array, just like building a house requires piling. If you want the house not to be built crookedly, the piling should not be solid, but accurate and deep. The fineness must be high, so that tall buildings can be erected. building.

The first engraving work is an extremely meticulous job, which consumes patience and physical strength. Even if Qin Lang has Liu Zhenzhen to help, it still took the two of them a day to complete the first engraving of the two rural city spirit gathering arrays.

Then, on the nodes of the formation, spirit stones were buried to serve as the energy gathering point and the source of power for the spirit gathering formation.

After all the spirit stones were buried, the spirit power and true energy were input one by one to activate them.Then, the entire spirit-gathering formation was like a city that was lit up at midnight. First, a small dot lit up, then it became several, then it connected into a small piece, and finally the small piece turned into a large piece, and then all over the farm.

The spirit-gathering formation was activated, and the spiritual power in the discarded spiritual veins underground began to be absorbed, used by the spirit-gathering formation, and gathered little by little to the center of the formation, where the eye of the formation was, in that small room .

The aura of the hut gradually became stronger.

Of course, ordinary people may not feel it, but just entering this hut, they will feel very fresh air, and feel like walking into a big forest and feeling drunk in the lush trees.

This is also the result of the continuous gathering of aura. In the end, the aura here will be very dense and dense, ten times stronger than other places. Although it is still not as rich as the aura in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain, it is already in the entire Yunhai City. is unique now.

"Okay, the entire Spirit Gathering Array has been set up, really, you can practice here in the future." Qin Lang said at this time, feeling the continuous gathering of spiritual energy in the space, he also felt very satisfied.

"Yeah." Liu Zhenzhen also nodded.Then, he began to feel the aura in the hut, and practiced quietly.

Now that the spirit-gathering formation has been completed, Qin Lang looked at the whole farm very comfortably. The invisible spiritual threads were following the lines of the spirit-gathering formation, being drawn to the center of the spiderweb like a spider web. That's the cottage.

After doing all this, Qin Lang also started to get busy with other things.

When he returned to Huaxia, he also took out the white sha that was left in the strange space to guard the portal, and put it in his spirit ghost bag. Now he has Yinling wooden beads and underground Gangsha essence liquid on his body. It's time to give my white shaman a good sacrifice.

The potential of this white demon is very high. Qin Lang plans to advance to the later stage of Jindan and refine it into a second soul. Therefore, he pays more attention to it than any magic weapon or magic weapon.

After all, magic tools and treasures are foreign objects. Although they can increase the strength of a cultivator, they have no effect on improving one's cultivation level. This is not the case with Bai Sha, who is used as the second soul.

Zombie upgrades, from ordinary jumping corpses, to Heisha, to Baisha, to General, and then to Hanba, a total of five levels.

The current Bai Sha is at the third level, and his strength is equivalent to that of Wu Zun's early stage, but because he is immortal, he has no obvious weaknesses. As long as the original soul fire is not extinguished, he will always be alive and well, which is better than ordinary Wu Zun level. Warriors are much stronger.

Baisha is strengthened, and it will become even stronger after advanced. This is also the best furnace for refining the hidden body of the second soul.

This Baisha has already been strengthened once, it is strengthened +1.

Qin Lang is going to strengthen first, and then advance.

And Yinling Wooden Beads are the top material for strengthening Baisha. This Baisha can be strengthened to +3 at most, and then advanced to general, and then strengthened to +6.

The sacrifice began. Qin Lang blocked the space with a few restrictions. Bai Sha was in the center of the space, and Qin Lang urged out the Yin-attributed breath of the Yinling wooden beads. This Yin-attributed breath has a special The vitality of the wood attribute is just right to stimulate the lifeless Bai Sha to a sliver of life.

After being wrapped in the yin attribute breath, Baisha raised his hair and let out a comfortable roar. This kind of roar is actually inaudible to ordinary people, because the vocal cords of zombies are all dry, but it emits silent sound waves, which Qin Lang can use The spiritual sense sensed Bai Sha's joy.

The transformation process is proceeding rapidly. Yinling wooden beads are a top-level strengthening material, and they play a huge role in strengthening Baisha's body.

I saw that the muscles of the original white and dark body gradually bulged, and became more shiny and lustrous, as if a layer of varnish had been applied.

Originally, Baisha's body was rough, but now it is full of vitality, which makes people feel powerful when they see it.

Strengthening +2, the breath of the white stiff body is now thicker.

Then, a black light flashed, and the whole body was enveloped by an invisible black aura. This was the result of the Yin Qi being so strong that it spilled out of the body.

Strengthen +3, now Bai Sha has been strengthened to the peak, and he can advance to general.

Bai Sha, who is at +3 level, can already fight against ancient warriors. In the world of comprehension, he is at least a small master at the foundation level, and can help Qin Lang with some small favors.

However, in Qin Lang's eyes, it is certainly not enough to just strengthen and add three.After being strengthened for the second time, the Yinling Wooden Bead did not disappear, and it could be strengthened again after advancing to the general level.

Now, the key point is to advance this white shaman to the general level, which requires the use of another natural and earthly treasure.

That's right, it is the essence of the underground gangsha.

This is the heavenly material and earthly treasure that Qin Lang took out from the cave of Gangsha underground and the black cauldron in the ghost repair cave of the Yuanying period in the Baili Mountain. Of course, he got two large bottles, which is enough for the Baisha in front of him to advance. Generals are more than enough.

Even, if possible, you can try it at the advanced level to Hanba.

Take out a bottle of the essence of the subterranean evil spirit, open the bottle cap, a burst of cold and gloomy breath emerges, in an instant, even the air freezes, turning into cold white crystals and scattered scattered.

The essence of the subterranean evil spirit, the extremely yin energy, can instantly freeze the magma. If it is not for Qin Lang's Qin Qi, it may be able to freeze the entire space now.

Carefully turn a little of the essence of the underground gangsha into a fine mist with true energy, and then slowly plate it into Baisha's body.

Just like water melting into sand, the essence of the subterranean gangsha disappeared immediately when it came into contact with Baisha's body.

Immediately, Bai Zong's body changed, and layers of black smoke spewed out from every capillary in his body, as if the entire space was enveloped in pitch black.

In the darkness, there were bursts of silent angry roars, obviously Bai Sha's advancement was not peaceful.Qin Lang's consciousness could penetrate the entire black mist, and when he saw Baisha again, his body was constantly changing shape, just like an earthworm, one bulged here, and another went in there.

This is a self-evolutionary process, transformed and mutated by the essence of the underground gangsha. If it succeeds, Baisha will be completely advanced and become a general.

That's right, if it is, Baisha's advancement actually has a failure rate. Once it fails, it will forever lose the possibility of advancing again. The conditions are so harsh.

Originally, the probability of Baisha advancing to general level was less than 30.00%.

However, Qin Lang strengthened Baisha three times, reaching a +3 strengthening level, making Baisha's body stronger and more resistant, which also reduced the difficulty of advancing.

After reaching +3 enhancement level, the possibility of Baisha advancing to general level has been increased to 60.00%. That's right, every level of enhancement increases the chance of evolution by [-]%.

rub rub!
In the end, as expected, Baisha survived as expected. It should be said that under the control of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness, he survived. After this advanced stage, the black aura around him became stronger, forming a negative energy protection for his whole body. cover.

This is the yin qi that is unique to general-level zombies, forming a yin energy protection, and even foundation-building stage practitioners are able to break through its yin energy shield.

That's right, general-level zombies are already infinitely close to the foundation-building period Dzogchen, and because of their immortality, they can almost be compared with the early-stage Jindan cultivators.

Of course, the premise is that it needs to be controlled by a strong spiritual sense, otherwise, this general-level zombie might not be able to open an ordinary foundation-building stage practitioner.

After advancing to the general level, Qin Lang felt that he had consumed a lot of mind and was already unable to make any further progress.

The current general-level zombies are already a major guarantee for Qin Lang's body protection. They are equivalent to the strength of the foundation building Dzogchen, and they are also immortal. They have truly become the number one killer in their hands.

Opening his eyes, Qin Lang, who is already sweating profusely and looks very tired, is very happy in his heart. Nonsense, can you not feel extremely happy to refine such a powerful helper?

"Okay, Bai Sha's refinement is over for the time being. Oh, it can't be called Bai Sha anymore, it should be called General." Qin Wang looked at his new pet general with great satisfaction, knowing that his first pet general The trump card is it.

After collecting the Yinling wooden beads that can be used once and half of the bottle of underground gangsha essence, Qin Lang began to swallow a pill of essence and energy, then sat cross-legged in the center of the stone room, and began the process of breath adjustment.

The entire refining process just now consumes a lot of energy and energy. Qin Lang feels that his vitality is about to be hurt. Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and persisted, otherwise it will fall short.

"If it's not that my spiritual consciousness is strong enough, which is equivalent to the late stage of Jindan, I'm afraid the refining process just now will not go on at all, and this Baisha will be destroyed." Thinking of this, Qin Lang was also afraid for a while.

It seemed that I was still a little too eager, and operated several steps in a row, like hitting a swollen face and trying to eat a fat man.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to make it through, and I will never be so strong in the future to make myself so strenuous.

After Baisha became a general, the black mist in the space disappeared little by little. In fact, it didn't disappear, but returned from the general's body to his body little by little.

These are the essence of Yin Qi, of course they cannot be lost. Compared with Bai Sha, the general has more ability to control Yin Qi in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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