The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1053 Map of Ancient Sites

Chapter 1053 Map of Ancient Sites
The first possibility is that the old monsters at the Nascent Soul level hide their cultivation, so naturally they cannot detect their specific cultivation.

The second possibility is that most of these old monsters came from various sects in the Qinghe Continent. This time they came here specially for the astrolabe setting, and there must be many people accompanying them. Naturally, other members of the sect served him and took pictures of the astrolabe.

Maybe, that cultivator in the later stage of Jindan was the agent of one of the old guys in the Nascent Soul stage at the auction venue, and represented this old monster to take the auction.

These are also the two reasons why Qin Lang heard that the old monster in the Nascent Soul Stage would come to set the astrolabe, but did not appear in the auction venue. Such a guess is very reasonable, and it is basically close to the truth of the matter.

After the auction ended, the five sword sect disciples were basically on the shoulders with Qin Lang, and they were directly monitoring near Qin Lang's Jingshi Cave Mansion. If it wasn't for the inside of the city, the violators would be severely punished. I'm afraid they have already broken into Qin Lang's cave and started fighting.

Although Qin Lang didn't care much about these five jumping clowns, the feeling of being watched was still very bad, and he always felt a little awkward, thinking that he had to find an opportunity to solve this trouble.

On this day, Qin Lang was practicing in the quiet room cave, and the voice of his handyman Xiao Si came inside, "Master, there is a monk who is in the early stage of alchemy looking for something to do with you. Do you want to see him?"

"The monks in the early stage of alchemy, what are you looking for? Could it be the elders of the swordsman, who came to the door for the five idiots, and now they are looking for you?" Qin Lang frowned, thought for a while, and still left the cave.

In this Fangshi, you have to abide by the rules of the Fangshi, even the cultivators of the Danqi period, because this is the southern headquarters of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, but there are Nascent Soul Qi Loose Cultivators sitting in the town, and there are still several of them, so don't be afraid The elders of Jianzong came to the door to make trouble.

Besides, with my current cultivation base, I don't have to be afraid of the cultivators in the early stage of alchemy.

However, when Qin Lang saw this cultivator in the early stage of alchemy, he was an acquaintance, not a few idiot elders of Jianzong. This early stage of alchemy was a casual cultivator, and he competed with Qin Lang for the middle-grade magic weapon flame gun at the auction .

The competition was fierce at that time, but it seemed that this casual cultivator in the early stage of alchemy was of course very poor. After the price was increased to [-] spirit stones, he had no money, and finally let himself get a flame gun.

He came to see Qin Lang, but for one thing.

"Fellow Taoist, do you know if the flame gun that was photographed at the auction is still with you?" The casual cultivator at the early stage of alchemy rubbed his hands and said embarrassedly.

"On the body, why do you ask this?" Qin Lang asked lightly.

"It's like this. That flame gun is very important to me. I can't compete with you because I don't have enough spirit stones at the auction. Now I can only talk to you in private."

"What to talk about, what is there to talk about, I didn't think about changing hands."

Qin Lang frowned. The Flame Gun is his now, and he will definitely not give it to others. The Fire Yuanzhu is related to his own refining of the Second Soul in the future.

The casual cultivator at the early stage of alchemy waved his hand, "No, I don't want fellow daoist to cede this thing, or for another matter, fellow daoist doesn't know, this flame gun is related to the opening of an ancient treasure location, no Do you know if you are interested in going with me?"

"Fellow Daoist, if you look closely, you will be able to see that the flame gun is made a bit strangely. There are actually five forks at different positions on the tip of the gun. It is impossible for ordinary gun magic weapons to make such meaningless forks."

"This is actually the key to the historic site. Each spear tip has a special formation engraved in it, and the tip of the gun can be inserted into the historic site mechanism to open the entire site."

"I still have a map on hand, about this historic site... So, since fellow daoist has the key to open the historic site, I would like to invite fellow daoist to explore this historic site together. How about friendship?"

After finishing speaking, casual cultivators at the early stage of alchemy brightened up their own map. This is a very simple map. I don't know what material it is made of. It doesn't look like a forgery.

"Longmen Grottoes?" Qin Lang read the voice, and vaguely found some clues in Xuan Qingzi's memory. This is a plateau ruins two thousand miles away from the southern headquarters. The whole ruins are in a huge grotto.

Therefore, the real name of the Longmen Ruins is Longmen Grottoes. Seeing this name, Qin Lang knew that this map was definitely real.

"The Longmen Grottoes have existed for thousands of years, and there are dozens of maps of the ruins of the Qinghe Continent. However, there are only a few keys. I didn't expect that my flame gun is also one of the keys."

"Although the Longmen Grottoes have been explored many times for thousands of years, the good things inside have not diminished at all, because the Longmen Grottoes are not ordinary ruins, and there are neither elixir nor magic weapons in them. , Cultivation Secret Book of Cultivation Techniques appeared, but there are all kinds of strange insects that are very popular in the cultivation world..."

"It used to be one of the bases of the ancient Ten Thousand Insect Sect. Although the ancient Ten Thousand Insect Sect has disappeared and I don't know how many Jiazi, but in the Longmen Grotto that was left behind, all kinds of strange insects have been multiplying, until now."

"The most outstanding strange insect in Longmen Grottoes is the Seven-Star Fire Ant, which ranks third on the list of strange insects. It would be great if I could get some."

"It's just that the seven-star fire ants are hard to get. I heard that they are found in the deepest part of the cave. It is also the most dangerous place in the ancient ruins. With my current strength, I may not be able to get through... However, even if there is no seven-star fire ants, I can get three-star fire ants." Ants and five-star fire ants are also good, although they are not ranked in the top [-] strange insects list, they are still the most powerful strange insects."

Thinking of this, Qin Lang nodded to the casual cultivator: "Okay! I accept your invitation to explore the ancient ruins of Longmen Grottoes. Now, I haven't asked Dao Zun's name yet."

"Great!" Hearing that Qin Lang agreed to his request, the casual cultivator became happy, and quickly introduced himself: "My surname is Wang, Wang Qiang."

"It turned out to be Daoist Wang, sorry, sorry, I don't know when to start, and besides, who else did you invite to your team?" Qin Lang asked again at this time.

"Three days later, there are still two friends in the team, one is in the late stage of Dzogchen, and the other is in the early stage of alchemy like me." Wang Qiang replied.

"Okay, three days later at noon outside the city, I'll meet you two hundred miles west. How about it?" Qin Lang suggested.

"Okay." The important matter has been finalized, and Wang Qiang agreed very readily.


Three days later, in the early morning, Qin Lang had already left the city.

Sure enough, the five idiots of Jianzong also came out together. In fact, they had been waiting for Qin Lang to leave the city for a long time. Unexpectedly, Qin Lang finally got on the road this time and left the city alone.

They never imagined that Qin Lang chose to leave the city so early for the sake of these five watchers who were like oil bottles. They were watched all the time in the past few days, and Qin Lang had had enough of them.

After traveling westward for more than 50 miles, Qin Lang was already far away from the headquarters of Fang City. Qin Lang gradually left the road and went wherever he went, leading the five swordsman idiots to a secluded small river mouth.

After stopping here, the five Sword Sect disciples from behind surrounded them with grinning grinning, and the guy at the head said arrogantly: "Your boy has been a coward in Fangshi for a few days, and now you can be regarded as coming out! You were killed at the auction!" The five of us suffered so badly, now, what do you say to compensate us for the loss!"

"Loss? What loss do you have?" Qin Lang smiled lightly, watching them surround him, but he was completely unafraid.

"Ask us what we have lost? Damn, now we are penniless, and all the people who eat have been pawned, and we dare not even go back to the sect. All of this is caused by you kid, shouldn't we be compensated?" Another Jianzong disciple snorted.

"Why are you talking so much to this guy? Now he is surrounded by the five of us, and he can't fly. This kid is a big fat sheep. I saw with my own eyes that he harvested nearly a million spirit stones at the auction. Now as long as the If he is slaughtered, we will be prosperous!" The third Sword Sect disciple also interjected.

Speaking of this, several Jianzong disciples felt relieved: "Yeah, if you kill this kid and snatch his magic weapon of spirit stones, the predicament of the five of us will be solved. Even the flying sword can be redeemed."

At this time, the five idiots began to sacrifice their magic tools and magic weapons, ready to start.

However, Qin Lang sneered, "You five guys are very confident, but it's a pity that you want to rob and kill your uncle with this little strength, there is no way!"

"Now let you see the real strength of the uncle, so that you can die more happily."

At this time, Qin Lang no longer kept it, and released all his cultivation base breath, and his spiritual consciousness shrouded the five Sword Sect disciples in front of him.


Qin Lang's strength was unexpected, and the five Jianzong disciples were all stunned for a while.

The extremely powerful spiritual pressure suppressed the five big talkers. Now Qin Lang has the strength of the spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of alchemy. How could it be that five guys who didn't even reach the middle stage of the construction period could fight against it? Got it.

They were imprisoned by their spiritual consciousness, as if they were trapped in a mud swamp, and it was difficult for them to move half a step.Qin Lang, on the other hand, smiled slightly, took out his new magic weapon, the Mountain Seal, and then lightly threw it into the air.

The mountain seal swelled in the air against the wind, and it grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a small hill, which smashed down on their heads in black.With a weight of nearly a hundred tons, a gust of wind passed, and all five minions were turned into minced meat.

After collecting his magic weapon, he washed his hands by the small river, then turned his head and said "overreaching", and then left the scene leisurely.


The southern headquarters of the Sanxiu Alliance is heading west, two hundred miles away.

Qin Lang and Wang Qiang's team joined up. Except for casual cultivator Wang Qiang, the other two in this team were actually female cultivators.

"Let me introduce, this is my wife, Jin Mudan, who is in the early stage of alchemy just like me; and this is my younger sister, Wang Xiner, who is in the late stage of foundation establishment." Wang Qiang began to introduce two female cultivators, Jin Mudan and Both Wang Xiner and Wang Qiang are relatives of Wang Qiang.

The two female cultivators are both very beautiful. Jin Mudan is gorgeously dressed, looks 27-[-], has a plump figure, and has the charm of a woman.

As for Wang Qiang's sister, she has a pretty face, she looks like she is eighteen or nine years old.

It seems that the talents of this family are very good. The oldest Wang Qiang looks only in his thirties, and Wang Xiner, who has the lowest cultivation base among the three, is all in the late stage of construction, and is about the same strength as the current Qin Lang.

Of the three people in front of them, two have dual spiritual roots, one has single spiritual roots, and two have dual spiritual roots, and the qualifications of the spiritual root masters are all above [-]% to [-]%.

The one with the best aptitude, of course, is the little girl Wang Xiner, whose cultivation level is similar to that of Qin Lang at the age of eighteen or nine, and this little girl does not seem to be the kind of person who is very diligent in cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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