The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1074 Qinglingsi and Gouchendun

Chapter 1074 Qinglingsi and Gouchendun

When Qin Lang saw this old man last time, he remembered that he was at the early stage of foundation establishment.

Moreover, because the opponent has only advanced to the early stage of foundation establishment, his realm is not very stable.

But this time, the old man probably used the spirit stones he got from selling Feijian to buy a lot of pills and retreated for more than half a month.

So when the old man came out again, his spirit changed drastically, his eyes brightened a lot, which made Qin Lang amazed.

Qin Lang can see that the old man's cultivation level in the early stage of foundation establishment has been completely consolidated.

"Congratulations! Congratulations!" Qin Lang cupped his hands.

"Where, I have to thank fellow daoist for the 30 spirit stones. In fact, I gave too much last time. I don't know how to thank the old man."

"You're welcome, you deserve it."

"This...hehe, I'm really sorry, but the old man took advantage of me."

After talking for a few words, Qin Lang had a good impression of this old man who was very simple although his strength was only in the early stage of foundation establishment.In fact, this old man is only a low-level three spirit root, and his spirit root qualification is very poor. He was able to live and cultivate until the early stage of the construction period, and he almost reached the limit.

Qin Lang also has an experience of how difficult it is for casual cultivators with poor spiritual root aptitude to practice. Before taking the Golden Spirit Pill to improve his physique, Qin Lang's aptitude was only middle-grade.

Fortunately, he knows alchemy, and has always taken a lot of pills to improve himself, so that his cultivation speed is equal to or even slightly higher than that of normal gifted practitioners.

Without the assistance of elixir, it would not be easy for him to enter the alchemy stage so quickly.

And the old man in front of him is neither an alchemist nor a lot of money, and he looks like a poor casual cultivator, so it is reasonable to build a foundation with a lot of age.

It is extremely difficult for casual cultivators without talent to practice. In order to achieve the same progress in cultivation as a talented practitioner, the time and energy spent is several times, ten times, or even hundreds of times that of a talented practitioner.

Compared with talented cultivators, they are more persistent and persistent, and more worthy of respect.

The old man was also lucky, he had a family heirloom magic weapon level flying sword, met a knowledgeable and generous Qin Lang, otherwise, I am afraid that he would really be tricked by two shop assistants in Fengcheng.

After all, those two shop assistants have always been trying to take advantage of it, trying to cheat the old man of the flying sword at a low price.

However, in the end, he was robbed by Qin Lang, and the old man was lucky.

The old guy knows how to be grateful. With this stable cultivation level, he came to thank Qin Lang when he found out the cave where Qin Lang was.

"Old man, my surname is Chen. You can just call me old man Chen. In fact, my home is not far from Fengcheng. I wonder if you can come and sit in the humble house."

The old man sincerely invited.

"Forget about this, I'm afraid I still have something to do these few days." Qin Lang smiled and said.

It is one thing to have a good impression of this old man, but it is another thing to go to other people's houses. It is always right to be cautious about this kind of thing.

"Actually, the old man has important matters to discuss when asking fellow Taoist to sit in the humble house." After hesitating for a while, old man Chen revealed the intention hidden in his heart.

"Oh, it's true that you don't want to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Old man Chen said embarrassedly: "Actually, besides the flying sword, the old man has a treasure map of the secret realm, but this treasure map of the secret realm needs to be cultivated at the early stage of construction to enter."

"This time I have finally been promoted to Foundation Establishment, and I can finally enter the secret realm, so I plan to go explore this secret realm... Old man, I plan to form a team. I don't know if fellow daoists can join. If you want to join, The security of entering this secret realm is much greater.”

"Of course, if you agree to the specific matters, you can go to the humble house to discuss in detail."

"Is it a secret realm that can only be entered in the early stage of foundation establishment..." Qin Lang pondered for a moment, then nodded: "It's fine, but I want to participate in the auction at the end of the month in Fengcheng. This matter will have to wait until the auction is over, and I have time to spare , and then decide whether to go or not.”

"Alright, old man, I'll contact you again when the time comes." Old man Chen said happily when he saw Qin Lang's intention to move.

There are not many high-level casual cultivators around him, and if he can get close to Qin Lang's thigh, then the trip to the secret realm will become much smoother.

The auction in Windy City was held as scheduled on the day of the end of the month.

The auction was jointly held by several cultivation families in Fengcheng, and the format was similar to the previous auctions that Qin Lang had seen.The auctioneer was presided over by a male auctioneer with a mid-stage alchemy cultivation.

The auction hammer rang twice on the auction table, and the auction began. The items in the Windy City Auction were not subdivided into types like other cities, and there was no division between finale items and ordinary items.

In fact, the organizers of many item auctions only have a preliminary eye check before sending them to the auction stage, and the on-site audience needs to hold their eyes again before the auction to prevent the possibility of eye punching.

After all, although Fengcheng is a medium-sized city, it has only been established for a few hundred years, and it was jointly established by several large local cultivation families.

This kind of strength can't be compared with the Loose Cultivator Alliance at all. The Loose Cultivator Alliance has a large number of appraisers and a complete appraisal mechanism.

However, the auction in Fengcheng is just a grassroots team. It is not bad to have a few mid-level and low-level appraisers in the whole city. If the items on the auction site are not fakes, they will already be popular. There is no guarantee for other things.

Such a chaotic auction field is really a test for the casual cultivators participating in the auction. The test is the vision, knowledge, courage, and of course luck of each casual cultivator.

For casual cultivators with poor eyesight, participating in an auction is like gambling. Sometimes they spend a lot of money and get a fake or defective product, so the gain outweighs the gain.

Of course, it is also possible that you are very lucky, and you can photograph good things that no one else can find at a very small price, then you will make a lot of money.

Therefore, such an auction venue can be considered to have the characteristics of Fengcheng itself, with mixed results.

Qin Lang has all the memories of Xuan Qingzi, and he can be regarded as a man of two generations. Xuan Qingzi was once a sect cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy, and his knowledge is naturally extensive. Therefore, compared with other casual cultivators, participating in such an auction, Qin Lang naturally has a an innate advantage.

The first few items in the auction were some inconspicuous sundries, or items that Qin Lang was not interested in, so he naturally ignored them.It wasn't until the seventh lot came on the stage that Qin Lang became interested.

"The seventh lot is the refining material Qinglingsi. Qinglingsi is the essence filament pulled out from the saliva of the sixth-order monster Qinglingniao. The quality of weapons and magic weapons."

"This is a very rare material. Anyone who is interested can bid for it. The starting price is [-] spirit stones, and each increase should not be less than [-] spirit stones."

Qing Lingsi can be integrated into magic weapons and magic weapons to increase the flexibility of materials and improve the quality of magic weapons and magic weapons. Similarly, flying swords are also a kind of magic weapons.

When Qin Lang saw this Qing Lingsi, he thought of his rusty flying sword. If he could take a picture of Qing Lingsi, he could find a way to integrate into his flying sword and improve the quality of his flying sword a little. .

After all, if I practice Sansheng Sword Art, this old flying sword at the level of magic weapon will probably be one of my main magic weapons in the future. It is also good to get the materials to upgrade the magic weapon and improve it by one point.

There were not many people bidding on the spot. After all, these are only refining materials, not finished magic weapons or magic weapons. There are still not many casual practitioners who know how to refine weapons.

"Ten thousand and two hundred spirit stones!"

"Ten thousand and eight hundred spirit stones!"

"Eleven thousand and three hundred spirit stones!"


"Twelve thousand spirit stones!"

"Twelve thousand five hundred spirit stones!"


At this time, Qin Lang reported: "Thirty thousand spirit stones!"

Directly raised more than 1 spirit stones, Qin Lang has always been decisive and direct about what he wants.

The price has reached [-] Lingshi, which is already a premium of [-] to [-]. Most of the casual cultivators present are only speculators. There are really not many who want to buy, so Qin Lang directly won it.

Next, there were three or four items that Qin Lang was not very interested in, and then, another auction item caught his eyes.

It is a simple shield, a bit like the standard shields used by secular armies, but the faint spiritual power fluctuations on it prove that it is not a common thing.

"Lot No. 13, Gou Chen Shield, this lot is a bit special. How can I put it, although it is a magic weapon level, and it is only a low-level magic weapon, but its defense ability is stronger than some magic weapon level defenses."

"Of course, to what extent the specific defense is strong, the bidders need to slowly experience it after they get the magic item. Now the auction starts. The starting price is [-] spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than [-] spirit stones!"

Bang Bang!

The auctioneer knocked off the auction hammer, and this round of auction began!
Qin Lang is currently short of a defensive magic weapon. He only has a Leihuo Qiankun clock on him. He didn't care whether this low-grade defensive magic weapon was really stronger than the magic weapon level of defense as the auctioneer said, so he rushed to grab the auction.

"Fifty thousand spirit stones!"

He was the first to report the number, and immediately frightened other casual cultivators who wanted to participate in the auction. It was just a low-grade defensive magical weapon. Even if the defensive power was really as strong as the auctioneer said, there was no need to be so ruthless at the first shot. ?
The other rogue cultivators turned their gazes over one after another, but Qin Lang was unmoved. In fact, because of the thousand machine mask on his face, he has always been a rogue cultivator "Sirius".

It has to be said that the image of "Sirius" as a rough and big man, compared to his original image of a boy with a handsome face, seems to have a lot of courage. Other casual cultivators sensed that many of them stopped making shots directly.

Then there were only one or two good casual cultivators who didn't know whether they were betting their lives or really discovered this magic weapon. They entangled with Qin Lang, so Qin Lang had to raise the price to [-] spirit stones, and then they all gave up.

In the end, Qin Lang bought a low-grade defensive magic weapon at a high price of [-] spirit stones. This price is enough to buy a magic weapon-level defensive magic weapon. I don’t know whether Qin Lang really got the treasure or just made a hole .

But Qin Lang didn't take it seriously, he was in urgent need of a defensive magic weapon, no matter whether he picked up this magic weapon himself, or it really went astray, he didn't care.

The more than 200 million spiritual stones on his body are used to spend, and spending the spiritual stones to buy suitable things, strong strength, and shortening the time to reach the late stage of alchemy is his business.

After all, his parents were still trapped in the Kunlun Palace in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain. His only purpose in coming to Qinghe Continent was to improve his strength as quickly as possible, rescue his parents, and reunite his family.

Therefore, even though it cost 13 low-grade spirit stones just to buy two treasures at the auction, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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