The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1167 Giant Bull Toad King

Chapter 1167 Giant Bull Toad King

According to Gu Luo, the patriarch of the Lost Soul Sect, there is a giant bull toad gathering place in the swamp area in the south of Baiman Mountain, and there are about hundreds of giant bull toads gathered there.

In this place, giant bulls, toads, monsters and beasts form a group, and it is also the most dangerous place in the entire Baiman Mountain.

Qin Lang's team is going to the gathering place of the giant bull toad, and try to see if they can lure the ancestor of the Cai family out.

About five hours or so, the six members of Qin Lang's team had arrived at the swamp where the giant bull toad was.

"The giant bull toad is as big as a cow. It is a highly toxic fourth-order monster. When it is attacked, it can spray venom all over its body. This venom is a hundred times more poisonous than the most poisonous king cobra in the Chinese world. !Because of the crispy poison, each of them is comparable to a fifth-order monster."

"And in addition to the crispy poison, they also have the "arrow tongue" attack method. I heard that the speed of the arrow tongue exceeds the speed of sound, which can entangle the prey, making it hard to guard against."

"In the southern part of the Baiman Mountain swamp, hundreds of giant bull toads form a colony. I heard that the giant bull toad king inside is a real sixth-order monster!"

"To deal with such a group of giant bull toads, with hundreds of monsters, is much more difficult to deal with than a group of shadow lizards! However, as frog creatures, giant bull toads have a fatal weakness, that is, they see things with dynamic vision. If we stand If we don't move, they won't find us at all."

After Qin Lang came here, he recalled some information about the giant bull toad. He was actually afraid of this kind of monster, because the arrow tongue ability of the giant bull toad just restrained his movement speed, making his phantom wind walk useless at all. The land of martial arts.

If you move at high speed in this swamp, you will definitely startle a large number of giant bull toads. When all the giant bull toads launch their arrow tongues together, I am afraid that both the way forward and backward will be blocked, and you will become the prey of the giant bull toads.

Therefore, when moving in this swamp, the slower the speed, the better. In this case, there will be fewer startled giant bull toads, and the easier it is to deal with.

As for the detoxification of the giant bull toad, for everyone who has advanced detoxification pills, it is not a big deal, and it is easier to solve.

Of course, the main purpose of Qin Lang's team entering the giant bull toad's territory was to lure the enemy and attract the attention of the Cai family ancestor who was hiding in the dark. When the team showed its flaws during the battle with the monster, this old guy would definitely not be able to bear it. Take a sneak attack.

At that time, the old guy can be held back, and at the same time, another team in the dark will be summoned to come to support and "collect the net and fish" together.

However, this kind of tactic to lure the enemy is also a risk, and it needs to be implemented with a hundred times of care. Therefore, everyone in the team is very energetic to prevent carelessness and mistakes during the battle. In that case, the loss Not only his own life, but also his companions in the team will be affected.

"Attention, come one by one." Captain Nangong Wenxin reminded his teammates loudly.

The team is now fighting monsters to lure the ancestors of the Cai family who are hiding in the dark, and they still need to be superficial. What's more, the materials on the giant bull toad are also very valuable. The skin can be used to make armor, and the toad cake can be used It is used as medicine, and the flesh and blood can be used to feed pets.

It is worth mentioning that the meat of the toad is astringent and old, and slightly poisonous, so it is of little value, so ordinary monks will not eat the meat of this monster, and only use it to feed pets.

The inner alchemy of the giant bull toad is also slightly poisonous, but alchemists can also combine medicine after processing these inner alchemy, so the inner alchemy of the giant bull toad is the most valuable material on the monster.

Qin Lang's team cooperated tacitly and killed all the way to the center of the giant bull toad in the swamp. In the process, they killed at least 20 giant bull toads and harvested a lot of materials and inner alchemy.

And the center of the giant bull toad in the swamp is also where the giant bull toad king is. Judging from Qin Lang's team's plan, it must be to deal with the giant bull toad king!
"The closer the giant bull toad king is, the denser the ordinary giant bull toads will be. Such a place is also more dangerous. I don't know if the ancestors of the Cai family who are hiding in the dark are thinking about how to deal with us now?"

At this moment, everyone in the team has this kind of thought in their hearts. There is no way to do it. If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs? The old guy showed up.

The closer they got to the giant bull toad king, the more careful everyone was. Originally, there was only one giant bull toad about ten meters apart, but now there was one giant bull toad at a distance of six or seven meters.

Fortunately, ordinary giant bull toads are only at the fourth level, which is equivalent to the monks at the early stage of alchemy. What is more powerful than ordinary fourth-level monsters is their crisp poison. Fortunately, everyone in the team has advanced detoxification pills, so there is no need to be afraid of them.

The density of monsters is getting denser and denser as they get closer to the center. From now on, the two giant bull toads are no more than three or four meters apart.

Usually when the small team makes a commotion, five or six big guys are attracted, but now, the giant bull toad king can be faintly seen in the center.

The giant bull toad king is still about [-] feet away from the team. That place is densely packed with ordinary giant bull toads, and nearly one or two hundred are densely packed in the center. Compared with ordinary giant bull toads, the giant bull toad king is bigger. It is almost equivalent to an adult elephant. From a distance, it looks like a small hill in the swamp.

"Everyone, be careful, lure away the ordinary giant bull toads in the center, and then form a passage leading directly to the giant bull toad king." Nangong Wenxin said.

There are so many giant bull toads in the central area, they will definitely not be able to get in if they try hard, even though the individual strength of the team members is much higher than that of the giant bull toads, but if so many giant bull toads exert their strength at the same time, they will definitely swallow everyone in the entire team .

Therefore, attracting monsters is the best way, which is to lure the ordinary giant bull toad away from this central area, and then concentrate on dealing with the giant bull toad king.

Of course, what the team is doing now is just for show, mainly to attract the attention of the ancestors of the Cai family who are hiding in the dark, so that this old guy thinks that the opportunity for a sneak attack has come, and dealing with the giant bull toad king is only incidental, and it is natural to be able to kill the giant bull toad king Well, it's okay to get an extra income for materials, and it's okay if you can't kill it. It's right for the team members to pay more attention to safety.

Several members of Qin Lang's team used flying magic weapons to attract monsters at this time. After all, to deal with such ground monsters, it would be difficult for the giant bull toad to touch them with flying magic weapons.

However, the giant bull toad's tongue is very long, and it can spit out four or five feet of blood in an instant. Even if it is flying in the air to attract monsters, you still have to be careful not to be dragged down by the tongue carelessly.

Immediately, the entire swamp area became a sensation. This time it was the three people Nangong Wenshi who attracted the monsters, the extreme left of the east and the extreme right of the east, which alarmed more than half of the giant bull toads in the center. These giant bull toads with dynamic vision, Immediately chasing the three flying in mid-air, jumping and chasing after them.

Nangong Wenshi, Dongfang Extreme Left, and Dongfang Extreme Right are also not easy to attract monsters. Such a giant bull toad as big as a buffalo can jump amazingly. One jump can jump five or six feet high, and it can spit out a five or six feet long tongue in the air. , adding up to more than ten feet away, so that when they fly at low altitude to attract monsters, they have to be careful to pay attention to the firepower below and do their best to avoid it.

However, as they come from a super-powerful family, they are also masters at manipulating the flying to choose magic weapons to avoid, and they are not afraid to deal with it.

Finally, the central area was almost cleaned up. Nangong Wenxin led Qin Lang and Nangong Wensha to drive towards the giant bull toad king. The scattered giant bull toads along the way were all cleaned up by the three of them.

Since the three of them were always on the move, the giant bull toad king also spotted them, and suddenly his elephant-like body sprang up and rushed towards them.In mid-air, the ten-foot-long arrow tongue also shot over.

"Dodge!" Nangong Wenxin reminded everyone that although the Giant Bull Toad King is only a fifth-level monster, its strength is actually similar to that of a sixth-level monster. The arrow tongue of this monster is equivalent to a long-range attack method, and it does not consume real energy It can be used continuously, but it is very troublesome if it gets entangled.

In terms of fighting, the Giant Bull Toad King is as thick-skinned as the Soul Shadow King, and even a cold-blooded monster like the Giant Bull Toad King can survive for a while after being beheaded.

At this critical moment, a burst of energy suddenly appeared near the three of them, attacking Qin Lang and the others like a gust of wind.

"Damn! It's the ancestor of the Cai family, this old guy has appeared again!"

Immediately, it was discovered that the three people in the sky of the ancestor of the Cai family all sounded a reminder, and the three people in the sky secretly used the means of communication to contact another team in the dark five or six miles away, and asked this team to rush over to support.

"Has it finally appeared?" Qin Lang and the three of them also cheered up. Facing the arrow tongue of the giant bull toad king, the three of them rolled on the spot, out of the range of the arrow tongue, and the sneak attack of the ancestor of the Cai family also failed. Well, it's really the three people's way of rolling around like a lazy donkey, which is simply unexpected.

The Giant Bull Toad King relies on dynamic vision. At this time, the three people on Qin Lang's side are rolling around lazily, making it blind for a moment. Only the ancestor of the Cai family who is coming is more conspicuous, so without thinking, he shoots the arrow again The ancestor of the Cai family.

The ancestor of the Cai family also changed his face when he saw the arrow tongue of the giant bull toad king attacking him. He knew that if he was caught by the arrow tongue, although the monster would not be able to help him for a while, the five or six enemies who were staring at him would definitely let him go. I can't fall well.

Therefore, the ancestor of the Cai family shook his body and resorted to a golden cicada to escape its shell. The tongue of the giant bull toad king rolled up to the coat of the ancestor of the Cai family, swallowed it directly, smacked it twice, and then spat it out.

It's really dry clothes, not nutritious at all, the giant bull toad king doesn't like to eat them.

And after this cunning old guy got rid of the giant bull toad, he quickly retreated. He knew that this time the sneak attack probably failed again, so he wanted to repeat the old trick again, but how could Nangong Wenxin, Qin Lang and others let the old guy do it again this time? Run away, at this time the old guy was directly surrounded.

"Old man, I knew you would show up, now you are trapped in the encirclement!"

Several monks around sneered.

Now everyone has surrounded the ancestor of the Cai family, in their view, the ancestor of the Cai family can't escape even with wings.

(End of this chapter)

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