The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1171 Inheriting the Crystal

Chapter 1171 Inheriting the Crystal
After falling to the ground, Qin Lang took off the thousand machine mask and changed back to his original appearance.

After all, the disguised identity of the casual cultivator Sirius only appeared after leaving the Heavenly Medicine Sect. Now that he returns to the Heavenly Medicine Sect, of course he has to change back to his original appearance.

After everything was settled, Qin Lang laughed and rushed towards the gate of Tianyimen.

Tianyi Gate, Sovereign Hall.

The newly promoted head, Bai Changjiang, is currently dealing with sect affairs, and his desk is full of approval documents.

After several months of development, the current Tianyi Sect is a bit stronger than before Qin Lang left, and there is a faint momentum of transformation from a medium sect to a large sect.

As for the leader, Bai Changjiang himself, he retreated shortly after the leader's appointment meeting, and successfully promoted to the Nascent Soul stage in ten days. After more than two months of adjustments, he is now a Nascent Soul with a stable realm. period monks.

After being successfully promoted to Yuanying, Bai Changjiang is even more ambitious about the development of the sect, hoping to turn the Tianyi Sect into a powerful force that can be counted in the entire Southern Region and even the entire Qinghe Continent in his lifetime.

So in the past few months, he has been carrying out drastic reforms, abolishing some bad old systems, creating some new systems that are beneficial to the Zongmen, and at the same time offended some old people in the Zongmen, but he not give a damn about.

After all, he is now the leader of the Heavenly Doctor Sect. If anyone refuses to accept it, he will be locked in a small dark room or kicked out of the sect.He is so domineering, and after he was promoted to Nascent Soul stage, no one in the sect dared to refute his opinion in the open.

At the same time as the reform, he also relaxed the admission requirements for disciples of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, strengthened the outer disciple system, and widely absorbed new disciples to become servant disciples. Those with better aptitude could become outer disciples or even inner disciples .

In Tianyimen, the levels are divided into five levels. From the most basic to the top, they are the uninfluential handyman disciples, the outer disciples with the basic foundation of the school, and then the inner disciples, the core elites and the elders of the outer sect, the elders and the elders. metropolitan.

In Tianyimen, although the suzerain is the leader with the most power, in name, the elders are still on the same level as the suzerain. In fact, this is what Bai Changjiang meant, taking care of the face of other elders.

And Qin Lang's status as a guest minister is on par with the elders of the outer sect, and one level lower than the formal elders in the sect.

This is also the reason why Qin Lang was unwilling to be restrained and refused to accept the elder's token left by Xuan Qingzi, otherwise, he would have no problem being an elder if he wanted to.

While dealing with affairs, a disciple entered the hall to report: "Sovereign, guest Qing Qin Lang is asking to see you."

"Oh, Qin Lang has returned to the Heavenly Medicine School? Let him in." Bai Changjiang put down the Langhao brush in his hand and said lightly.

"Yes!" The disciple was ordered to leave.


After a while, Qin Lang strode into the hall.


When Bai Changjiang saw it, he motioned for Qin Lang to take a seat on the mahogany chair opposite, and then called his disciples to serve tea.

Qin Lang is also a casual person, and he didn't have much politeness, so he sat down directly.

After taking his seat, he also took a closer look at the hall.The Dongfu of Baijiang River has disappeared since the explosion, so the suzerain hall was rebuilt on the original site.

The Tianyi Sect is a top-ranked wealthy sect in the entire Qinghe Continent, even surpassing some big sects, so the main hall of this sect is extremely luxuriously built, and even the tiles on the top of the hall are worth dozens of souls. A bright jade tile made of a single stone.

"How is it? Coming back this time, I feel that the suzerain has changed a lot!"

Bai Changjiang chuckled, and he saw Qin Lang's expression of looking at the hall.

"That's true."

Qin Lang nodded. The current Tianyi Sect gave him a feeling that it was more vibrant and active. The changes in the Tianyi Sect in the past three months or so are not insignificant.

After drinking tea for a while, the impatient Qin Lang asked the point: "Sect Master Bai, you called me back this time and said that a thousand-year-old mansion was found within the Tianyi Sect. I don't know where the ancient mansion is located?"

"No hurry, no hurry."

Bai Changjiang said with a smile, let me explain this in detail: "I have also told you in the message before that this thousand-year-old mansion is likely to be a cultivation mansion left by monks in the late Yuanying period or the stage of transforming gods. It is located in the entire Qinghe continent. It’s rare, and it’s a huge treasure for our Heavenly Medicine Sect.”

"Currently the entire thousand-year-old mansion is still in a state of blockade. Most of the disciples in the sect don't know about it. Only me and a few elders know about this situation. However, the entry conditions for this thousand-year-old mansion are very special. Nascent Soul stage monks can't enter. Disciples below the alchemy stage can't enter either, so the only ones who can enter the thousand-year-old mansion are monks at the alchemy stage."

"In the current Heavenly Medicine Sect, apart from me, there are two elders who have also been promoted to Yuanying, and there are only three elders at the alchemy stage. In addition, among the elders and elite disciples of the outer sect, there are elders who are above the alchemy stage. There are nearly 20 people who are cultivated."

"There are more than 20 alchemy stages in the Tianyi Sect now? Besides, besides Sect Master Bai, two elders have also been promoted to Nascent Soul?" Qin Lang was extremely surprised.

When I left three months ago, there seemed to be no Nascent Soul stage monks in the Tianyi School at that time, and there seemed to be only six alchemy stages, and Bai Changjiang, who had the highest cultivation base, was only in the late stage of alchemy. So much has changed since then.

Before Qin Lang left Tianyimen, there were six elders in Tianyimen, and there were three in the alchemy period of Dzogchen, among which Bai Changjiang was the deepest at that time.

The six elders basically have disciples, and these disciples are also the core disciples of the sect, and many of them are Dzogchen in the late stage of foundation establishment.

"Don't be surprised."

Seeing this, Bai Changjiang said with a smile: "Although there are not many ways to quickly improve the cultivation base and realm in this sect, there are always some. After I became the head of the sect, I opened the suzerain inheritance of this sect and took the treasures inside. , This is the reason for the huge changes in today's medicine."

"Sovereign inheritance? Treasures?"

Qin Lang was even more puzzled, what a heaven-defying inheritance treasure it took to be able to create three Nascent Soul Stages in such a short time, and more than a dozen monks in the Core Formation Stage appeared.

"Hehe, it's really nothing, it's just that I inherited the inheritance crystal that the suzerain can only have, and gained some practice experience left by the heads of the past generations, and then, I conditionally shared some of these practice experiences within the sect... ..."

"As a guest, you must know, little friend Qin Lang, that the monks in this sect don't lack the pills to improve their cultivation. The only thing they lack is some practice experience. As long as the realm is reached, relying on the pills can make a quick breakthrough. One thing is incomparable to other sects."

"After all, the other two elders were also stuck in the late stage of alchemy, and the dozen or so disciples who hadn't broken through were also in the late stage of foundation establishment, and they were all on the verge of breaking through."

"I shared the inheritance crystal. As long as the monks who are about to break through the big realm can come to the suzerain hall to touch the inheritance crystal and gain some cultivation experience left by the ancestors. Therefore, in just three months It is normal for such a new situation to appear!"

After the suzerain Bai Changjiang explained it clearly, Qin Lang quietly realized: "So that's the case! That piece of inheritance crystal is really against the sky, isn't it possible to mass-produce monks in the formation stage and Yuanying stage in the future?"

"No, no, the inheritance crystal is also limited in use. It only accepts one hundred Dzogchen monks in the late construction period and ten Dzogchen monks in the alchemy period. After that, the inheritance perception will disappear."

At this moment, Bai Changjiang said helplessly. "The number of inheritance crystals has been used up almost now, there are still [-] copies of the comprehension of forming a pill, and one part of the comprehension of forming a baby."

"A consumable treasure with a limited number of uses!"

Qin Lang smacked and pondered, thinking that even so, this inheritance crystal is very good, even better than ordinary top-grade magic weapons!
After all, this is a heaven-defying thing that can directly instill spiritual insight and practice experience. If there is no limit on the number of times of use, wouldn’t the medical school mass-produce monks at the formation stage and Yuanying stage that day? bounded.

You must know that there are actually not many cultivation circles above the Nascent Soul stage in the entire continent, and there are only a hundred or so, and they are basically scattered among various major forces and sects.

The entire Heavenly Medicine School has increased by three Nascent Soul Stages at once, which is equivalent to the number of Nascent Soul monks of a certain powerful force. If it is not for the fact that the sect is not rich enough and there are not many disciples, I am afraid that the current Heavenly Medicine School can already be regarded as a big one. power.

"Qin Lang, you have to work hard, and you will be promoted to the Great Consummation of the Core Formation as soon as possible, otherwise, the last part of the Infant Formation Inheritance in the Inheritance Crystal will not be your turn."

Bai Changjiang looked at Qin Lang. Although Qin Lang in front of him has almost reached the peak of the middle stage of alchemy, there is still a distance from the great perfection in the late stage of alchemy.

However, when this kid left the Heavenly Medicine Sect, he seemed to have just completed his Dzogchen period!When I sent the Zongmen summons before, I only guessed that this kid had advanced to the alchemy stage, so I thought of him. I didn't expect this kid to break through very quickly. At the peak of the alchemy stage, there are only three in the sect. , that is, the remaining three elders.

"Uh... this, I'll do my best!"

Qin Lang was also hit. The current upgrade speed of the Tianyi Sect is being hacked collectively, and he can't guarantee that his next upgrade speed will be faster than the other three elders of the Tianyi Sect.

However, even without the perception and practice experience in the inheritance crystal, Qin Lang is confident that he can break through the baby formation.

After all, he had specially asked Nangong Jian, an old monster in the mid-Yuanying stage, and Dongfang Yuliang, a newly promoted monk in the Nascent Soul stage, to save him. He understood the whole process of baby formation very carefully, and he held another one in his hand that could increase the amount of the baby by 20.00%. The "Yingying Pill" is the "Yingying Pill" of the success rate of conceiving a baby. In such a situation, if he can't succeed at the first time, he will have to find a piece of tofu and kill himself.

After drinking tea and chatting for a while, Qin Lang realized that he seemed to be thinking astray, so he quickly returned to the main topic: "Sect Master Bai, it seems that you haven't finished talking about the thousand-year-old mansion just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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