The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1250 Elite Mutant Female Warrior

Chapter 1250 Elite Mutant Female Warrior
Silent all night.

Qin Lang has been practicing all night, adjusting his energy and spirit, so that he can reach the best state.

Because he knew that he would encounter a more difficult battle the next day, and deal with two mutant fighters of unknown strength at the same time. To be honest, Qin Lang didn't have much confidence in his heart that he could wipe out the three of them.

The main reason is that he currently lacks understanding of the special skills and attack methods of mutant fighters. Knowing yourself and the enemy is not empty talk. If you are extremely uncomfortable with the opponent's weird attacks in battle, then you will be stuck in a difficult situation from the very beginning. in the mud.

One of the purposes of inviting the five-party alliance to form a mutant fighter research room, Qin Lang also wanted to understand the magic of mutant fighters supported by these high-tech technologies.

The next day, Noguli sent someone to invite Qin Lang early in the morning. It seemed that this guy couldn't wait any longer and wanted to kill Qin Lang quickly.

Qin Lang also sneered in his heart, and followed them onto a yacht with no expression on his face.This yacht was much larger than the one that Li Shan drove, it was a medium-sized yacht, and it could seat eight people at the same time without appearing crowded.

This time, besides Noguli, the two mutants, and Qin Lang, Noguli also brought two scantily clad blond beauties with him on the yacht. It seems that this guy is also romantic, even going out to sea to hunt sharks Don't forget to bring women too.

Before departure, Noguli and his party were all wearing life jackets, but they didn't give Qin Lang a separate one. I don't know if they forgot or did it on purpose, but Qin Lang didn't care whether he wore life jackets or not, so he didn't care.


The yacht started at a very fast speed, and the tail pulled away the long and huge waves and left the tanker like lightning, away from the sight of everyone on the tanker deck.

Gradually, the yacht, the tanker, and each other disappear into an invisible point.

At this moment, the sea and the sky are the same color, the blue waves are connected to the sky, and the scenery on the sea is infinitely beautiful.

The location of the shark hunt is still three hours away. At this moment, Noguli, the second-generation ancestor, is hugging and kissing the two blonde beauties like no one else.

As for the two mutants on the yacht, the man is driving the yacht, and the woman is sitting quietly, like a stone sculpture, without any expression.

Qin Lang leaned back on the back chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. If he didn't know the location, these people would not make a move yet, so it was rare to have a good time to relax.

At the same time, Qin Lang secretly exuded a trace of spiritual consciousness to contact the two mutants, and the reaction of the two mutants was even more different when dealing with his own weak spiritual consciousness.

The male mutant who drove the yacht, after his consciousness touched his body, this guy didn't react at all.

And the female mutant sitting upright like a stone sculpture, before Qin Lang's sliver of consciousness touched her body, saw her trembling slightly, as if she had been electrified, and the pores of her body were slightly open Open, she should have sensed something.

In theory, Qin Lang had no choice but to withdraw the sense of consciousness used to sense the situation, and then saw the female mutant turn her head, looked at Qin Lang with a puzzled expression, and then turned her head back.

In fact, she didn't know what happened just now, and she didn't know that Qin Lang used his spiritual sense to probe her body, so she thought it was just an illusion.

Is this an illusion?of course not.

It's just that Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness ability belongs to the ability of a cultivator, and the cultivator has long since disappeared in this world, so this female mutant can't explain the strange reactions that happened to her just now.

And after Qin Lang withdrew his consciousness, he also trembled slightly in his heart. It seems that the ability of this female mutant is stronger than that of the male mutant. The male mutant should be similar in strength to the experimental sample he caught before, This female mutant is estimated to be a level stronger.

If the male mutant is a junior genetic warrior, then this female mutant should be an elite genetic warrior.

Regarding the level of mutants, Qin Lang also learned from the memory of the previous experimental sample. In M laboratories in European and American countries, mutants are divided into five levels, namely elementary, elite, top, extraordinary, and S. level these five levels.

Recalling the information about mutants in his brain, Qin Lang couldn't help but become more wary of this female mutant, and he must pay attention to this female mutant when he prepares to take action later.

Three hours later, the yacht finally arrived at the designated area in the deep sea, which is also a place frequented by sharks.

Sharks are the most ferocious big fish in the ocean, they live by preying on other fish.

The fins of sharks, commonly known as shark fins, are precious food. The skin can be used to make leather, and the liver can be used to make cod liver oil, which has the effect of improving eyesight.It can be said that the whole body of a shark is a treasure, and it is also a supreme delicacy that even rich people may not be able to afford.

This kind of fish is very sensitive to the smell of blood. It is extremely bloodthirsty and easy to kill. It is as ferocious as a tiger on land, so it is not so easy to hunt. If you are not well prepared, not only will you not be able to catch sharks, but you will be bitten by them. die, bite.

Noguli was well prepared for shark hunting this time, including shark hunting rods, steel spearguns, etc. However, these alone are not enough. To attract sharks, you must also need bait. OK.

In this shark-infested area, Noguli has stopped making out with the two blonde beauties, turned his head to look at Qin Lang, and showed an evil smile: "Dear Mr. Sirius, you are welcome to participate in the shark hunting activity I held However, before the event begins, I still lack a bait to lure the sharks, so I need the help of Mr. Sirius for this."

"Help? What do you want me to do?"

Qin Lang pretended to be startled at this moment, but there was a sneer in his heart, this guy finally showed his fox tail.

At this time, the female mutant had approached Qin Lang unknowingly, and was ready to follow Noguli's order to take Qin Lang as bait for hunting sharks.

"It's only because you're too smart!"

Noguli showed a smug smile, "In the VIP room of the casino on the gambling boat, you must be a cheater when you play mahjong! You are awesome, you dare to play tricks in front of the wise and great Ben, considering There are no consequences of doing so, have you considered it? Hahahaha, now the revenge is finally here..."

"So, you are considered clever but you were misunderstood by your cleverness. This time, if you fall into the hands of this young master, don't even think about going back alive. You should obediently serve this young master as bait for hunting sharks!"

"Now, Haiyan No. [-], search his body first, and get back all the money I lost before! Then, let him bleed and throw him into the sea!"

Noguli gave the order, and he was still very concerned about the money he had lost before.

After hearing the order, Haiyan No. [-], the close female mutant, was ready to restrain Qin Lang, and then carried out a body search, following the young master's order to carry out all the steps step by step in a planned way.

But someone moved before her, it was Qin Lang!Qin Lang finally made a move, and directly stamped her chest with a palm, spit out a strong true energy.

The true energy broke out, and this female mutant is not a mutant of the defense department, and has no immortality, so under Qin Lang's palm, this female mutant suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and her body fell down like a kite with a broken string. , fell into the sea.

The blood spread in the sea, and the sharks in the distance came rushing like arrows after hearing the news, and the sea surface shimmered suddenly.

With one blow, one of the most powerful elite-level mutants of the opponent was severely injured. Qin Lang was very satisfied with the result this time.

This is also the result of taking advantage of the unpreparedness. If you take a little precaution, with the ability of this female mutant genetic warrior elite level, it should not be difficult to deal with the round of attacks just now.

After injuring the most powerful female mutant, Qin Lang also felt much more relaxed. The main enemy he has to deal with now is the male mutant. As for the other Noguli, who is just an ordinary person, there is nothing to worry about .

" is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, Noguli opened his mouth wide in surprise, enough to stuff a large pear into it.

This is too unbelievable, how could the Sirius in front of him knock his Haiyan No. [-] into the air with one palm, and it seems that Haipu No. [-] was seriously injured just now, that is a mutant!And he's an elite-level mutant!

You must know that mutants are human biochemical weapons developed by the top black technology in European and American laboratories. This kind of monster is completely out of the scope of human beings and is more than a hundred times stronger than humans. But now the female mutant Haiyan No. Human beings were wounded, and it was unrealistic to think about it.

However, the facts are in front of us, Haiyan No. [-] has fallen into the sea, and even the blood on its body has attracted sharks, the situation is not good.

Could it be that the Sirius in front of him is not an ordinary person, but also a powerful mutant?So who is this Sirius sent to deal with him?

All of a sudden, Nuoguli had thousands of thoughts in his mind. He stayed in Reizman's Asian branch for five or six years, and he also made many enemies in the business world. He always thought that Qin Lang was also sent by other business rivals to deal with him. own mutant.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Qin Lang laughed loudly, and after canceling the camouflage effect of Qianji Mask, his face gradually changed to its original appearance.

"Lan... the boss of Lanrun Company, Mr. Qin?"

Noguli was even more surprised. He never imagined that the Sirius in front of him would turn out to be Qin Lang from Lanrun Company after returning to its original form.

However, Qin Lang's change of appearance also made Noguli more convinced that Qin Lang is a mutant, because in this guy's cognition, only advanced mutants have the ability to change their identity at will.

In fact, there is such a high-level mutant in the M laboratory, who can change in an ever-changing manner. He has acted as a commercial spy for the Leitzman Corporation many times to spy on the business intelligence of hostile companies, and he has almost never missed it.

Before that, he never really paid attention to Noguli of Lanrun Company. He always believed that Qin Lang, the owner of Lanrun Company, got to where he is today by luck. After the acquisition failed, Noguli thought of black hands to suppress it.

But what I didn't expect was that Nuoguli's several arrangements did not have the desired effect. Instead, he damaged a mutant in Qin Lang's hands. Continue to shoot, but sent someone to notify the headquarters of the United States to request support.

(End of this chapter)

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