The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1344 Miao Border Treasure

Chapter 1344 Miao Border Treasure
After flying for more than an hour, the plane arrived at Huanghua Airport in Phoenix City. After getting off the plane, Qin Lang went straight to the Lido Hotel.

Phoenix City is a thousand-year-old city with a long history. The whole city does not have much modern atmosphere. The city is full of blue bricks and stone tiles, revealing the charm and spirituality of antique flavor.

The population here is about 200 million. Han, Miao, Tujia, Dong, Bai, commoner and other ethnic groups live together. In fact, the Han people are the most, accounting for 60.00%, followed by the Miao nationality, accounting for 30.00%, and the rest are scattered. other minorities.

The two met at the Lido Hotel, and asked for a small box in the restaurant department of the hotel. After ordering some local delicacies, they talked about business while eating.

People near Miaojiang prefer hot and sour food, so the food on the table is mainly hot and sour, which is more appetizing and delicious.

Mu Ziqing came seven days in advance, and after inquiring about the news these days, he has a basic understanding of some things that happened in Miaojiang recently.

Mu Ziqing's uncle, Guo La, the current patriarch of the Alokyi Miao Village, has managed the entire Miao Village into a monolithic operation through these years of management. Now the population of the Miao Village has reached more than 500, and some important locations of the Miao Village have been covered by He has his own cronies to occupy.

Guo La is a man with an iron fist. In addition to forming offensive and defensive alliances with several large Miao villages in the surrounding area, he also has four powerful generals, Boyi, Li Shajia, Langchun, and Mimika, who control the entire village respectively. Different entry and exit channels.

Relying on these top horses under his command, Guo La has managed the Miao village more and more prosperously over the years, and even wiped out one or two of the few cottages that he did not deal with, and seized the opponent's territory.

Among the mature tribes of Miaojiang Sanmiao, Guo La is now a relatively well-known figure, with the same prestige for a while.

In such a big environment, Mu Ziqing also understood a truth. To deal with Guola and regain his own cottage and his own status, relying on his own brute force to do it one by one is the worst strategy. Trying to take a roundabout strategy as much as possible to connect with other people who have been violated by Guo La over the years can also be regarded as adding help to his revenge.

In this way, after killing Guo La, he can also take over the territory smoothly, and at the same time establish a good relationship with some tribes in Miaojiang, which will also play a big role in the reconstruction and development of the cottage in the future.

"I heard that a major event happened in Miaojiang recently, that is, the treasure of King Miao is about to be opened, and the key to unlocking the treasure of King Miao is Qiqing and Gu. Now all the villages in Miaojiang are busy collecting materials to refine Qiqing and Gu. .”

Mu Ziqing heard some important news, and said at this time.

And Qin Lang, who didn't know much about King Miao's treasure, asked, "Treasure of King Miao? What is this? What good things are there?"

To be honest, before Qin Lang came to Miaojiang, his understanding of Miaojiang was that there are rich products, the environment is very complicated, the folk customs are very sturdy, and there are many mysterious and unpredictable abilities that are hidden to outsiders. , like raising Gu, like driving corpses and so on.

So, now Mu Ziqing mentions the treasure of Miao King as soon as he opened his mouth, but he is confused. After all, he must first know what is Miao Wang, and what is the origin of this person, right?

What's more, he didn't know much about the local conditions and customs of Miaojiang, so he might need to ask Mu Ziqing about all these.

"In Miaojiang, apart from refining Gu and cultivating Gu, we also believe in the God of Miao King, and there is even a temple of Miao King deep in Miaojiang... and the treasures of Miao King are contributed to Miao King by the believers of the Miao Temple in the past dynasties. The god's property is in the charge of the high priest, and every high priest of the Miao King God will bring all the believers' property received in his life into the treasure place of the Miao King God in the temple before he dies, and then seal the entire treasure place."

"However, the news about the Miao Temple is a secret that only a few people in the entire Miao area can get. I can only get so much news. I only know that many things in it are rare in the world. Maybe even you, Mr. Qin Lang All cultivators will be interested."

Mu Ziqing said.

"Oh, is that so? Then you need to have a better experience." Qin Lang said.

Mu Ziqing went on to say: "Now is the busiest time in Miaojiang. I heard that in addition to a large amount of Miaojiang property, there are also legacy tokens about the successor of the next high priest in the treasure chest of the temple. This is also the preparation made by the high priest of the Miao King God of the older generation for his successor, if he can get the inheritance token, he can support any one of the competing priests in the temple to become the new high priest of the Miao King God."

"Think about it, all the Miao people in the entire Miaojiang worship the Miao King God no matter whether they are ripe or raw. In Miaojiang, the god of worship is the spokesperson of the Miao King God in the world. His status is extremely high, far from other gods in the temple. Ordinary priests can be compared, so this is also a very fierce battle for power."

"Right now, all the villages in Miaojiang are busy collecting resources to refine Qiqing and Gu. In addition to obtaining some of the treasures in the temple, the most important thing is to obtain the inheritance tokens in the treasure land. It’s a good time for the temple priests supported by the forces behind the cottage to take the top position, and if the temple priest who supports them succeeds in becoming the next high priest, then the future status of this cottage in Miaojiang will also rise.”

After Mu Ziqing finished talking about this, Qin Lang also understood that the treasure of King Miao was also related to the inheritance of temples in the Miao border, and it seemed that it was also a hot item, and it was not so easy to get it.

However, seeing that Mu Ziqing was so concerned about these things, one could tell that he also wanted to take advantage of the opening of King Miao's treasure this time to bring down his great enemy, his uncle Guo La.

This is indeed an opportunity. If it is used well, even without Qin Lang's support, Mu Ziqing may be able to use the power of the temple to succeed.

Of course, the competition for Treasure King Miao Treasure is very fierce now. According to the information obtained by Mu Ziqing, there are at least dozens of villages in Miao Jiang, regardless of whether they are raw seedlings or mature seedlings, participating in the election for the High Priest of Treasure King Miao Treasure. They are all rushing to sacrifice and refine Qiqing and Gu, waiting to open King Miao's treasure.

And Mu Ziqing's uncle is no exception. Guo La has also sent people around to collect various Gu refining materials recently. I heard that Boyi, a powerful general in his hands, has frequently appeared in Luo Song Valley of Miaojiang recently, and even with this Luo Song Valley of Luo Song Valley. There were several conflicts between the people of Yiqian Miao Village, the owner of a piece of land.

After getting this news, Mu Ziqing's idea now is to go to Luo Song Valley to ambush Boyi, and kill the most powerful general under Guo La first, and cut off his arm.

This is tantamount to destroying some of the plans of his uncle Guo La, which is very helpful for his revenge plan.

After listening to Mu Ziqing's thoughts, Qin Lang also agreed and was willing to go to Luo Song Valley with Mu Ziqing.


Miaojiang is located in the southwestern part of China, bordering Dongting in the east, connecting Sichuan and Guizhou in the west, and reaching Guangxi in the south. There are many hills and few flat lands.

Miao Jiang also possesses the most mysterious thing in this world, Gu worms.

Miao Jiang's technique of raising and refining Gu has some origins with the ancient witches. According to legend, the production method of Gu insects is to put various poisonous Gu insects in an airtight container and let them beat each other in half. The last remaining one is called Gu mother.

However, this is the oldest and most traditional method of refining Gu in Miaojiang. After thousands of generations of improvement and development, the Gu technique in Miaojiang has also blossomed like a hundred flowers. They are all mysterious and unfathomable, and you will feel incredible if you have not seen them with your own eyes.

Seven emotions, Gu, Seven emotions refer to joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, shock, human emotions and inner activities, using human's seven emotions as the source of Gu, and refining seven emotions with some special refining materials. Love and Gu are already an open secret in the entire Miaojiang.

In fact, the refining methods of the seven emotions and Gu were also handed down from the Miao Temple, and have existed in Miao Jiang for thousands of years.

After that, Qin Lang followed Mu Ziqing into Miaojiang, riding an old-fashioned tractor.

This kind of old-fashioned tractor in the 80s is not seen in big cities at all. There is no steering wheel, just a long joystick. , It's like wrestling with the two horns of a big buffalo.

Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing sat on the old-fashioned tractor, watching the tractor vibrate and move forward like dumplings in a pot along the way.

The mountain roads in Miao Village are rugged, and it is difficult for many ordinary large vehicles to pass through. Therefore, this old-fashioned tractor, which has disappeared in many cities in China, is also very popular in this Miao area.

On the way, Qin Lang ate a light meal at a local roadside restaurant in Miaojiang, which was a little different from what he ate in Phoenix City. He ate some original local food.

For example, pickled sour fish, sour earthworms, roasted centipedes and other poisonous poisons in jars, and even raw pork, live insects and other foods, most people would not be able to eat them if they were not prepared.

Just like now, on the table in front of the two of them, the shop served a plate of live worms with white raw flesh. I heard that this is a favorite delicacy of the local people, called camellia oleifera, which is a kind of fruit taken from camellia oleifera. Insects are very rare.

Holding a cole worm wriggling like a silkworm chrysalis, Muziqing stuffed it into his mouth nonchalantly, chewed vigorously, and then swallowed it along with the dip.

"It's so cool, I haven't eaten this kind of food for many years!"

Mu Ziqing let out a long sigh of satisfaction, it feels so good to be able to go back to his hometown this time.

Eating Muziqing was so fun, it seemed to be delicious, Qin Lang also picked up these small white bugs curiously to try, to be honest he had never eaten this kind of bugs, most people really dare not eat them eat.

However, after going through a series of situations in the realm of comprehension, Qin Lang's courage is also very ordinary now. He chewed carefully, but he didn't expect that the insect looked disgusting, but after eating it, it was a burst of sweet juice. It feels as refreshing as eating fat jelly.

“What a special food!”

Qin Lang sighed in his heart, the Chinese culture has been around for 5000 years, and the food cultures are different in different places. The special food in Miaojiang is actually quite admirable.

In this light meal, all the food has regional characteristics. Even the rice is not rice, but a kind of shovel rice similar to yellow corn. There are some wild vegetables with gluten in the rice, and it is wrapped in butter, which is very good. eat.

(End of this chapter)

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