Chapter 1347
"It's interesting!"

Qin Lang looked at the Gu Master of Anokeyi in front of him. This Bo Yi is a sub-witch-level Gu Master, who is about the same strength as Mu Ziqing, but the gold-eating ant he is manipulating happens to belong to a world-class wizard like Mu Ziqing. nemesis.

Those bugs just happened to restrain a large number of low-level magic weapons controlled by Mu Ziqing.

Before he came to Miaojiang, he didn't believe that Gu masters could have such abilities. Thinking about it, Gu masters in Miaojiang are also serious, possessing the power to compete with cultivators.

You must know that even warriors, only warriors at the level of Wuzun can barely threaten the safety of qi training monks, but the gold-eating ants controlled by Gu masters can restrain Mu Ziqing's primary magic weapon. It is estimated that ordinary qi training monks will encounter All these gold-eating ants are dangerous.

But that's all.

The gold-eating ants of Boyi can restrain Mu Ziqing's primary magic weapon, but they cannot restrain his magic weapon.

As a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, his strength was far superior to that of Boyi. If he used a magic weapon to attack, those gold-eating ants would not be able to penetrate the magic weapon's protection at all.

However, Qin Lang did not reveal the flying sword and other magic weapons, but pinched an insect-controlling art. This is the technique of the cultivator Chongxiu. Sure enough, as Qin Lang's insect-controlling art took effect, these gold-eating ants in Boyi lost Out of control, he was summoned by Qin Lang's big hand along with the white mist.

"I liked these gold-eating ants, so I accepted them."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, under the control of insects, Boyi couldn't resist Qin Lang's collection of Gu worms from himself, and immediately cut off the mental connection with this group of gold-eating ants.


Boyi was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Although there were only a hundred gold-eating ants in this wave, they were cultivated by him since he was a child. Although they were not natal core Gu worms, they were more powerful than ordinary natal core ants. It is also convenient.

So this wave of gold-eating ants has always been one of his trump cards, and it is also the second most powerful Gu worm besides the core Gu worm of his life.

Now that he was taken away with just one word, he was frightened when he was angry, the person in front of him was too weird, could it be a Gu master with even more unfathomable strength?

"Friends, I don't know what you call me? I am Boyi from the Anokoyi cottage, please include anything that offended you before!"

The gold-eating ants were taken away by the defendant, and Boyi suddenly became a lot more honest. At this time, he handed over his hands to inquire about the details of Qin Lang and the two of them.

But Qin Lang laughed when he heard it, and pointed behind him: "You don't need to know my name, you just need to know his name."

"what is his name?"

Boyi was a little confused as to what this sentence meant.

"Boy, right? Take a closer look at who I am?"

Mu Ziqing snorted coldly at this time, and it took nearly 20 years to return to Miaojiang, and now the cottage has undergone tremendous changes, and he doesn't know if this guy in front of him can recognize him.

But when Boyi heard Mu Ziqing say this, and he had similar guesses before, he suddenly understood, pointed at Mu Ziqing and said, " are the former Shaozhai master Mu...Mu Ziqing?"

"Yes, it's me."

Mu Ziqing nodded, and said, "Now that I'm back, Guola is safe and sound! The tragedy that caused my family to be destroyed 20 years ago, now I want to get it back with interest!"

"You really are him!"

Boyi's face changed drastically. As Guo La's direct descendant, he also understood that the situation was not good. The other party had been holding back for nearly 20 years and only now came back to take revenge.

no!I have to rush back to the cottage quickly to tell Master Guola the news, so that Master can be prepared!

All of a sudden, a thought popped into Boyi's mind. The two guys in front of him were powerful, especially the one who took away his gold-eating ants just now.

But then Boyi wanted to evacuate while performing the Gu technique, but found that the surrounding space seemed to be restricted by someone, and he couldn't escape this resource area no matter what.

It was at this time that Bo Yi felt that something was wrong. The two guys in front of him must have caused such a weirdness. The opponents are too strong. I'm afraid they are really going to fall here today.

"Set up a Gu array!"

Boyi yelled and asked his subordinates to attack together. His subordinates are all Gu masters of the Chuwu level, and their individual strength is not strong, but the Aruo Buyi Miao Village has inherited a set of powerful Gu formations from ancient times. But it can make these primitive witches and Gu masters unite to exert a hundred times their strength.

Following Bo Yi's order, more than a dozen first witches released Gu together, and a large number of colorful insects and beasts appeared in the entire area, including three-legged toads, poisonous snakes with cockscombs, and blue centipedes over a foot long. etc.

These are Gu worms that have been refined and collected from hundreds of poisons, and they are qualitatively different from ordinary poisonous worms. In terms of spirituality, Gu worms can even be compared with two or three-year-old children, and they can accept the master's wishes.

And a dozen or so Miao people released Gu together, filling the place to form a Gu formation, Bo Yi also muttered, and as the core of the entire Gu formation, released two special Gu insects.

A blue bird and a black rope.

"Hey, this guy has a lot of good things on him!"

Seeing Boyi releasing Gu again, Mu Ziqing was surprised and said: "The cyan bird and the black rope are both Gu, the cyan bird is called the singing bird, and the black rope is the utensil-like Gu pole rope."

"Really good!"

Bo Yi heard the words and said loudly: "Mu Ziqing, you haven't returned to the cottage for nearly 20 years, the changes in the cottage now are beyond your imagination, and now Aruokeyi is already the most powerful force in Miaojiang, what? Good things don't..."

"Furthermore, our Gola Dazhai Lord even made friends with Priest Mama of Miao Temple. Priest Mama is the second most powerful priest among all the priests of Miao Temple. Although Miao Jiang's idea of ​​revenge is good, it is basically impossible to implement it, so let's give it up!"

With the completion of the arrangement of the Gu array, Boyi also gained confidence for a while, and said loudly to Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing.

Qin Lang didn't know much about Gu worms, but Mu Ziqing who was beside him also came from Miaojiang. In terms of aspects, it is not comparable to Qin Lang.

"Whispering birds, this is a kind of Gu insect that can emit sound waves to attack. Chunmian doesn't know it, and smells singing birds everywhere, it is this special Gu insect... However, it is not easy to train this singing bird, and this Bo Yi It is estimated that the strength is relatively high-level among the secondary witches, and they should be promoted to the main witches soon!"

Mu Ziqing sighed and said, he was about the same age as this Bo Yi, and in terms of cultivation, he might be a little weaker than this guy, you can feel it just by watching Bo Yi take out the breath of two Gu worms.

"And the black rope is a shoulder pole, which should be Boyi's natal Gu. This shoulder pole looks ordinary, but its power and function are extraordinary! As a kind of implement Gu, this thing is almost the same as a magic weapon in the cultivation world. Similarly, it can be stretched and stretched, can restrain the enemy, and can even use the voodoo to perform the rope escape technique, it is omnipotent."

"However, the weaving of the pole rope is more difficult. Only through psychic utensils can the Gu be formed. This requires luck, as well as the timing and venue for refining. It is not easy for Boyi to practice this kind of natal Gu. Based on this, it can become a fruit. Pulling the four giants under his command is definitely well-deserved."

After Mu Ziqing's introduction, Qin Lang finally had some definite understanding of the Gu worms and the Gu masters in front of him. The Miao masters in Miaojiang were amazing and he had heard about them. This was the first time he had seen them, and he found that there were indeed some tricks.

As for the Gu formation arranged by Boyi, Qin Lang tried it, and found that he couldn't break through it directly. The various poisons in the Gu formation are connected with each other, and the combination is mysterious, which is equivalent to a basic formation.

But Qin Lang is also a figure of senior formation apprentice level, so he looked at it seriously next, and gradually made some research, and grasped the composition of some gu formations.

But at this time, Mu Ziqing had already fought with these Gu masters who arranged the Gu array. Mu Ziqing was born as the master of the young village of Anokeyi, so he was very familiar with the Gu array inherited from this cottage, and his movement skill flashed very cleverly. Just broke in and went straight to fight.

However, although the Miaomin wizards of the Chuwu level who arranged the Gu array were not as strong as him, after the Gu array was formed, Mu Ziqing was always at a disadvantage in the battle.

This is because Mu Ziqing is more familiar with this Gu formation and knows how to break it. If another person with the same strength enters this Gu formation, it is estimated that these Miao folk Gu masters have already joined forces to take it down.

After fighting for a while, the situation was rather stalemate, and at this time Boyi in the center of the formation gave a cold voice, urging his own Gu worms, and the songbirds flying in the eyes of the Gu formations began to cry crisply, one after another invisible The sound wave spread out immediately, and Mu Ziqing, who was fighting in the Gu formation, was dizzy when he heard it, and almost fell to the ground directly.

"No, I can't beat them!"

Mu Ziqing's complexion changed, and he hurriedly withdrew from the battle while struggling with discomfort. In this short period of time, his forehead was already covered with thick beads of sweat the size of soybeans. During the period of resisting the sound waves just now, his mental strength was exhausted. Not small.

Seeing that Muziqing was defeated and retreated from the formation, Boyi also laughed and said, "You know how powerful the Gu formation is! You can't kill us with this Gu formation, so it's better to let us go quickly!"

"Is it?"

A cold snort appeared, but it was Qin Lang.

Qin Lang flashed into the formation with three or two strokes. At this moment, he had figured out some key points of the Gu formation, and he was almost able to break the Gu formation, so he boldly tried it.

Sure enough, after Qin Lang flashed into the Gu formation like a ghost, Bo Yi's face changed: "Mu Ziqing, you actually passed on the fake Gu formation technique to outsiders, it seems that Master Guo La was right in chasing and killing you back then. Back then, you father and son really colluded with the Han people outside."

Back then when Guo La chased and killed Mu Ziqing, the reason given was that Mu Ziqing's family had colluded with the Han people and secretly passed on the secret voodoo and witchcraft in the village. It may not be a big deal today, but it was a great sin 20 years ago.

20 years ago, Miaojiang was still relatively closed. Even though there were contacts between mature Miao and Han people, there were not many exchanges, let alone passing some secret techniques of Miaojiang cottage to people outside of Miaojiang.

Therefore, the crime of Mu Ziqing and his son that Guo La invented was collusion with outsiders.

Of course, it would not be fatal to replace such a crime with another village, but Guowei, who wanted to seize the position of the village owner, took advantage of this reason and successfully inherited the position of the village owner after the death of the old village owner. Slowly using time to accumulate and suppress the voices of opposition in the village, after a series of despicable methods, Guo La was able to secure her current seat.

(End of this chapter)

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