Chapter 1349
After wandering around the entire Luo Song Valley, Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing had almost collected all the resources that could be collected in the entire valley, so the two were ready to leave here.

After all, Luo Song Valley is not a dangerous place, and there are not many useful things left in it, so it is not worth spending too much time here.

The two wanted to leave, but they couldn't do so.

Because when they just walked out of the peach blossom forest at Taniguchi, the two were surrounded.

And those who surrounded them were the people from Yiqu Village, the same group of Miao girls who had gone and returned before.

It turned out that the group of Miao girls from Yiquan Miao village were wandered away by Boyi, but when they returned to the village, they found that the village was safe and sound.

The leader "Xianruo" was not willing to be fooled like this, and immediately led his subordinate Miao Nu back to Luo Songgu, trying to stop the hateful group of people from Aruokeyi village again.

It's a pity that they didn't know that except for Boyi, the rest of the guys in Aruokeyi Village had been killed by Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing, and they were all buried in Luo Song Valley.

Therefore, the Miao girls who rushed back to Luo Song Valley naturally stopped Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing who were about to leave the valley. Facing the two, the Miao girls all looked aggrieved.

Luo Songgu is the territory of their Yiqian village, I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today, wave after wave of people come here to fight the autumn wind, it's really annoying.

It's as if their territory is occupied by other people, even if it is only occupied for a day, they will not feel comfortable, and they may have to ask the other party for an explanation.

"Who are you?"

The leading Miao girl "Xianruo" asked loudly.

"Haha, I'm sorry, but we're just visiting the valley team!"

Facing this group of charming Miao girls, Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing asked themselves that they could not be as ruthless as they were with Guo La's subordinates. Moreover, it was indeed a bit unreasonable to enter their territory to pick resources this time, so even Qin Lang showed a little embarrassment dry laugh.

"Walking in the valley?"

Xianruo looked at the two of them up and down, and the more she looked, the more suspicious she became, so she asked, "Are you from Aruokeyi village? What's the relationship with Naboi? Where are they now?"

"No, no, we are not from Aruokeyi Village, and we have nothing to do with Boyi!"

Qin Lang waved his hand, indicating that the two were innocent. "At least Boyi... Actually, we don't know where he is!"

Knowing that the two of them had nothing to do with Boyi, the leader of the Miao girl looked a little better, but Qin Lang and the two appeared here at this moment, their appearance was very suspicious, and they were unfamiliar faces, so "Xianruo" did not relax alert.

"Since the two of you have nothing to do with the Aruokei cottage, but appearing in the resource forbidden area of ​​our Yixuan tribe, it is suspicious that you will end up poor, so why don't you come with us!"

"This one……"

Qin Lang and the two looked at each other, then nodded helplessly: "Okay!"

So Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing followed this group of Miao girls to the cottage of the Yixuan tribe. In fact, it is more appropriate to say "staring" instead of asking. That look is no different from that of a thief.

In fact, if they really wanted to escape, this group of Miao girls, not to mention Qin Lang, might not even be able to stop Mu Ziqing.

After all, Mu Ziqing, who is the weakest of the two, has the strength of a sub-shaman, and is similar to the leader of the Miao girls. If he really wants to escape, the dozen or so Miao girls in front of him will definitely not be able to stop him.

But the two of them were able to obediently follow these Miao girls into the Yikuan village because they had other purposes. After all, the people in Yikuan village were enemies with Anokeyi, and this time Mu Ziqing returned to Miaojiang to take revenge. If he wanted to deal with Guo La, he would It is necessary to contact as many close forces in Miaojiang as possible.

In this case, otherwise, whether it is dealing with Guo La in the future, or whether Mu Ziqing will take over the cottage again in the future, there will be one more dragon and one more help.

As an old-fashioned cottage among the mature seedlings in southern Xinjiang, Yiquan is naturally very large. The entire cottage covers an area of ​​more than 200 mu and has more than 300 people.

It is said that the total population of Yiqian even exceeded [-] in its heyday, but in recent years, for unknown reasons, it has started to go downhill. , so the population base has been unable to increase.

After entering the cottage, the expressions of the group of Miao girls relaxed a little, but Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing almost thought that they had arrived in the country of daughters, and more than 90.00% of the population of this cottage were young women, and the ratio of male to female was seriously out of balance.

The situation this time also surprised the two of them, and even the honest Mu Ziqing, an old virgin in his 40s, blushed under the scorching gazes of those charming and beautiful Miao girls.

Such a situation also made Qin Lang laugh out loud. Miao Jiang has an open atmosphere, and it is a village with such an imbalanced ratio of male to female. It is reasonable for the Miao girls here to be more enthusiastic.

Even Qin Lang accepted more than three waves of winks just now, but unfortunately, he already has a woman, and Miao girls in Binanjiang are not very interested, so he didn't answer the beauty of the autumn spinach secretly given by these villages Miao girls.

But Mu Ziqing is different. He has been hunted down for more than 20 years, and then he was imprisoned in a dungeon in the Middle East for eight years. Being teased by the Miao girl along the way in this cottage, I couldn't hold it anymore.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way, everyone! These two guys are suspicious spies we caught back from Luo Songgu, please let me know!"

At this time, even the leader of the Miao girls "Xianruo" couldn't stand the coquettishness of these Miao girls in the village, so he hurriedly drove away the surrounding Miao girls.

Afterwards, someone informed the leaders of the village to hold a meeting, at the same time preparing to interrogate the two suspicious men arrested this time.


A total of ten people participated in the leaders' meeting in Yikuan village, five men and six women. The village leader, Qiu Sheng, is a man in his 60s, half bald, and he is also the father of "Xian Ruo", the leader of the Miao women.

After listening to his daughter's report on what happened to Borson Valley today and knowing that Boyi from Anokeyi's cottage had come to attack Borrow Valley again, Qiu Sheng also frowned and smoked an old pipe.

Speaking of which, in the past few years, Yiqun and Anokeyi have also been in constant conflict, but every time Yiqun has gained the upper hand, and even several allies' cottages have been pulled out of their flags, and the villages have been destroyed and killed, which is really miserable.

It's a pity that Anokeyi is becoming more and more powerful now, and the ambitious Guola has used the strategy of long-distance and close-attack to annex a lot of sites. Now the entire cottage may have two or three times the number of people in the village, and the army is strong. It must be a powerful enemy that Yixuan can deal with.

After talking about the invasion of the powerful enemy, Xianruo pointed to Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing, and said, "Abba, these two guys were also found in Luo Song Valley today, and their appearance is very suspicious. The face is unfamiliar, my daughter interrogated it once before, they said that it has nothing to do with the Arnokeyi cottage, it should be two outsiders..."

"However, the King Miao's treasure is about to be opened and now appears in Luo Song Valley, probably because of Luo Song Valley's resources, so the woman brought these two people here, and ask Dad and all the uncles and aunts to deal with them."

After finishing speaking, Miao Nu's leader Xianruo cupped her hands and sat down.

And when more than a dozen leaders of the cottage looked at Qin Lang and the two were discussing, Qin Lang poked Mu Ziqing next to him, so Mu Ziqing yelled: "All the leaders of the Yixuan clan, there is one thing that I did not hide from you. ! Actually, I have something to do with the Anoboi cottage, I was the former Shaozhai owner!"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room changed color immediately, and the leader of the Miao girl gritted her teeth, grabbed Mu Ziqing's collar, and put a sharp knife on Mu Ziqing's neck.

"You are really a spy! The people in Aruokeyi's cottage are getting more and more courageous, and they actually dare to come to my territory, looking for death!"

"Wait a minute, Xianruo listens to what he has to say!"

The owner of the village, Qiu Sheng, was an extremely mature man, and he stopped his daughter's restlessness.

Only then did Xianruo angrily loosen Mu Ziqing's collar, but the seedling and knife were still on Mu Ziqing's neck. It seemed that if Mu Ziqing didn't speak clearly this time, would he be able to keep his head in the next moment? Living is a problem.

"Don't...don't be like this. In fact, it's a long story. I have a sworn feud with the current Anoky village master Guo La..."

So, next, Mu Ziqing explained her life experience clearly in front of the public.

And after listening to Mu Ziqing's words, everyone present was immediately relieved. It turns out that the former Arnokeyi Shaozhai Lord in front of him is also a guy with many disasters and disasters. He has a common destiny with them. enemy.

After knowing the cause and effect, the complexions of these people became relaxed, and the expressions they looked at Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing were no longer so fierce.

The owner of the village, Qiu Sheng, nodded after listening to Mu Ziqing's story, "I've heard about what happened in the Arnokeyi Village 20 years ago, but the inside story is not very detailed. I didn't expect such twists and turns. Speaking of which, all of this is a conspiracy set up by Naguo La, it is really a good plan for the position of the village lord... However, you kid is even more fateful, and you are still alive until now, and you can come back to take revenge, yes, yes."

At this moment, the owner of the village, Qiu Sheng, let out a burst of hearty laughter. Now that Mu Ziqing had revealed his identity, he found this kid much more pleasing to his eyes.

After knowing Mu Ziqing's life experience, Xianruo who was next to him also put away the seedlings and knives embarrassingly, and said softly, "Brother Muziqing, I'm sorry for being rude just now, don't mind!"

"'s fine."

The honest man Mu Ziqing waved his hands again and again, but when he saw the beautiful face of the Miao girl leader from a close distance, he couldn't help but blush again.

Xianruo saw Mu Ziqing's stupid look, which caused her to burst out laughing, and immediately felt that the man in front of her was a little cute.

Next, Qin Lang and Mu Ziqing, who had cleared their previous suspicions, officially visited Yijuan Village, and were listed as VIPs by the owner of the village.In these cottages in Miaojiang, the simple and incomparable Miao people have very direct feelings. They are heart-to-heart with friends, and hate enemies with deep hatred.

Therefore, when the two officially became the VIPs of Yixuan Village, they also received the warmest hospitality from the entire village.

(End of this chapter)

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