Chapter 1358 The culprit
Sacrificing himself to save his companions... Qin Lang also admired Li Shajia's actions, but the Arnokeyi cottage was already the enemy of the entire Yigui and Mu Ziqing, so he just admired it purely.

So while Qin Lang admired this person, he also felt worthless for this person. That guy Guo La is not a good thing. Even if Li Shajia died like this, this person would definitely not feel sorry.

After Li Shajia fell to the ground and died, the battle was basically over. There were not many people who escaped under the cover of Li Shajia, only about [-] people, except for those who were knocked down by Qin Lang before. Except for the people, the rest were subdued by everyone one by one.

Escorting so many captives was also a hassle. Afterwards, Yiyu Shanzhai abolished all their witch power, completely abolished everyone's cultivation, and turned these people into ordinary people one by one.

Then, Xianruo planned to take all these people back to the cottage and imprison them, and at the same time, they could also torture them about the situation of the enemy.

And Qin Lang, after scanning with his spiritual sense, grabbed another guy from the grass in a nearby area. He thought this guy was also from Anokeyi, but after he brought it back, Xianruo's interrogation found that it was Zha The people of the water village.

This person is a subordinate of Li Luo, the leader of Zhashuizhai's transportation team. Now everyone is surprised and puzzled by the appearance of this guy here.

This time, appearing at this place, is this person related to Anokeyi, or is it that Li Luo, the leader of the Zhashui village transportation team, has the same ulterior motives as the previous contrasting Luo Gong, and betrayed the Zhashui village owner Poma? ?
Puzzled, Xianruo naturally began to interrogate, but the prisoner of Zhashuizhai refused to open his mouth. In fact, his identity was accidentally recognized by the Miao girl who knew Yikuo just now, otherwise Everyone really thought he was from Anokeyi.

After all, as the leader of the transportation team in Zhashui Village, Li Luo has been a businessman for many years, and has dealt with Yikuo Village many times, so although these slender people under his command don't know their names, they must be confused. Familiar.

Since we know that this guy is Li Luo's confidant in Zhashuizhai, then Li Luo in Zhashuizhai must be weird. Maybe these people brought by the three big horses of Anokeyi this time are because of Li Luo's tip-off come.

If it was Li Luo who tipped the news and recruited these people, it would be very strange for the two messengers sent by Yixiu to die. Maybe they didn't encounter the wild bull, but they were conspired by Li Luo's people on the way. And intercepted the information about Xianruo's travel.

In this case, everything that happened in front of us makes sense. Li Luo of Zhashui Village is definitely a traitor just like Gong Gong, the former Zhashuihan manager.

Seeing that Xianruo and others couldn't pry this guy's mouth open, Qin Lang made a move again, and he used the technique of searching for gods.

The guy in front of him is a first-time witch. Although his mental power is stronger than ordinary people, Qin Lang has strengthened his ability to search for gods after he was promoted to the middle stage of Yuanying.

First knock this guy out directly to reduce the person's mental resistance to the God-searching technique, and then Qin Lang directly casts this low-level technique in the comprehension world.

Although the mental strength of the Chuwu level is several times stronger than that of ordinary people, there is still a certain success rate for performing secret techniques when Qin Lang is knocked out.

Qin Lang tried for about four to five minutes, and finally broke through the mental power defense in this person's brain, directly invaded the sea of ​​consciousness, and stole the memory.

From the memory of this confidant of Li Luo, Qin Lang got some useful news, namely:

First, this person is indeed Li Luo's confidant, and under Li Luo's order, he contacted Anokeyi's people to rob and kill Xianruo and his group.

Second, the two messengers sent by Yiquan Shanzhai were about to contact Zhashui Village and Tuoma Village, but they were met and killed by the people sent by Li Luo.

Thirdly, the rebellion of Gong Gong, the internal affairs chief of Zhashui Village, was actually instigated by Li Luo, and the black hand behind the scenes was really Li Luo.


After knowing these three useful pieces of news, Xianruo immediately felt that something was wrong, and took people directly to Zhashui village. Nothing could happen to her allies. Get rid of it, God knows what will happen in a few days.

As for Zhashuizhai, Li Luo is actually feeling uneasy these days. The previous accident in the Gonggong rebellion also allowed him to see the hidden power of Yixuan, especially the strength of Qin Lang, a Han foreign aid, which is really unfathomable. , I don't know if the people of Anokeyi can deal with it.

In addition, even now that Zhashui village has obtained the protection of the mythical beast Dahuang Barbarian Bull, the control of this beast is currently in the hands of Poma, which also makes him feel a little afraid.

Under such circumstances, Li Luo didn't dare to launch some backhands that had been prepared in advance. He is a cautious person, otherwise he wouldn't be safe and sound after the gongs and gongs fell.

But he never thought that his subordinates would fall into the hands of Yixuan Village, and Qin Lang would torture him to find out some things that were very unfavorable to him.

And when Qin Lang and the others returned halfway a day later and appeared in Zhashui village again, Li Luo finally knew that his appearance had been exposed, and he didn't even care about packing his things, so he fled in a hurry with two or three cronies.

When Boma, the owner of the Zhashui village, learned that his brother Li Luo, who had been in the village for many years, was also a traitor, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and cursed loudly: "I, Poma, asked myself that I have been kind to my brothers all these years. Why did you betray me first?" Shanzhai, now even Li Luo has betrayed the Shanzhai."

"Actually, Luo Luo, the chief executive of the Shanzhai, was betrayed by Li Luo's instigation. Luo Luo was blinded by the power of power...and the real traitor who hides deeply is Li Luo. This is the culprit. Without him, the Shanzhai would not have The general manager, Gonggong, will never betray."

Qin Lang said lightly on the side.

"Order to go on, the whole village will send out all the people to hunt down this traitor. After I catch him, I will let him accept the most severe punishment in the village."

Poma patted his chest, feeling a little out of breath. People in this cottage rebelled one after another, which made the leader in his 60s feel exhausted.

"I'm getting old, and I feel that I'm getting more and more unable to handle the affairs of the village in the past few years. It seems that I have to transfer the position of the village to Tajik in advance..."

Poma was a little disheartened and thought of abdicating.

This sudden change made him see his lack of ability, and his mentality has become vicissitudes as he grows old. Without the determination to forge ahead in his prime, it's time to retreat bravely.

However, none of the people present knew the emotional changes in the heart of the old Zhashui village owner, Xianruo comforted him: "Old village owner, please be safe and don't be impatient. I believe everyone will be able to catch the traitor Li Luo back as soon as possible."

When Poma heard it, he just shook his head, leaned on a fake chair and closed his eyes, not wanting to say anything anymore.

After Poma's order was issued, the entire Zhashui village entered the state of catching traitors, and the people in the village were divided into a dozen groups to grope around the outside of the village.

And Qin Lang said at this time: "Li Luo has escaped. I guess after the incident is exposed, he is also eager to join Anokeyi. Why don't I look for it too!"

After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands, and Qin Lang strode out of the gate directly.

After leaving the village, Qin Lang summoned Feitian Luo Qusuo to change the shape of the cloud cluster, used the magic weapon to directly lift into the sky, and then let go of his consciousness to search in a large area.

There are many mountains in Miaojiang, and the winding mountain roads are not easy to walk, but Qin Lang, who is now using the magic weapon to rise into the air, naturally does not need to walk the mountain roads, so it is naturally much more convenient to search.

When most of the people in Zhashuizhai were still searching the area around the mountain village, Qin Lang had already searched several hills in a row. Now his spiritual consciousness covers more than 300 battles, and most of the hills can be found in one sweep. If there are people hiding in the mountains, There is no way to escape Qin Lang's spiritual detection.

Under such circumstances, Qin Lang searched for about half an hour, and finally found the traces of Li Qin and several cronies on the mountain road on the sixth mountain.

"Hmph! Now that you've discovered it, you won't be able to escape if you try to escape!"

Qin Lang in the air said to himself, and then directly lowered the cloud head, and robbed three or four people like Li Luo on the mountain road.

And seeing Qin Lang descending from the sky to stop him, Li Luo knew that something was wrong. The Han boy in front of him was too weird, and the previous battle between Unfeeling Valley and the wild bull made Li Luo unable to take the challenge.

"They stopped him for me."

Li Luo said to two or three trusted subordinates on the left and right, but he himself fled to the other side of the mountain road.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Qin Lang sneered, he didn't have the slightest liking for Li Luo, a rotten man who swung his knife at his fellow clan for the sake of benefit.

The figure flashed rapidly, Qin Lang shot down the two or three of Li Luo's cronies first, and then directly jumped a few times, and caught up with Li Luo again and stopped him.

"Brother, you are a Han Chinese. The grievances and grievances of our Miaojiang have nothing to do with you, so please raise your hand this time. I, Li Luo, promise that there will be rewards!"

Li Luo knew that he couldn't escape, so he begged for mercy at this moment.

"Is it possible? I'd better take you back to the cottage and wait for it to happen."

Qin Lang said lightly.

"Since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Li Luo flipped his hands and took out two black objects, and threw them directly at Qin Lang, while he threw himself on the ground.

There was a huge explosion, and it turned out to be two thunderbolts made of earth, which were powerful. If it was an ordinary person, they might die in such a huge explosion.

During the explosion, a huge gap was blown out in the nearby cliffs, and the mud and rocks rolled down like a torrent, suppressing most of the mountain road.

And Li Luo, who fell to the ground, was so frightened that he rolled back again and again, and finally left this dangerous area in his embarrassment.

When I looked up again, the mountain road in front of me had become a pile of broken rocks, three to four meters high. Because of the pile of broken rocks, the original mountain road was not very smooth.

"That guy should have died in the explosion, and then he was buried directly by the pile of broken rocks!"

Looking at the terrifying scene caused by the two earth-made thunderbolts in front of him, Li Luo also thought with some uncertainty.

These two earth-made thunderbolts are not cheap, and it took less than half of his savings from running a business for many years before he found someone to customize them. The power of the explosion is stronger than the self-detonation power of many Gu masters' natal core Gu. They are all used as a means of suppressing the bottom of the box, and they will not be used when life is in crisis.

Moreover, the Thunderbolt is a foreign object. After the explosion, Li Luo's own strength is not damaged, and he does not need to damage his vitality like the self-explosion of the natal core Gu.

Looking at the huge pile of broken rocks behind him, Li Luo was about to continue running away, but an evil spirit locked him in the room. Turning his head around, this guy let out a scream like seeing a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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