The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1389 Rush to the rescue

Chapter 1389 Thousands of Miles to Help ([-])

Knowing such a big news from the envoy, the higher-ups on Yikui's side suddenly exploded.

Now the entire Yiquan and the surrounding ally villages have been bound together by the High Priest Qizhi of the Miao King Temple. It can be said that the High Priest Qizhi is also the biggest backer of Miao Jiang and the others.

Other small changes are fine, but the High Priest Qizhi cannot afford to lose. Only the High Priest Qizhi sits in the temple, and they can feel at ease, and at the same time have the energy and confidence to fight against the rebellious Miao people.

On the other hand, once something goes wrong with the High Priest Qizhi, it will almost be like the sky falling!

Now there is a situation in the temple. The biggest boss, High Priest Qizhi, is in trouble. He was attacked by the rebellious subordinate priest Mama and besieged in the main hall of the temple. How can this not make everyone feel anxious and panicked? !

Immediately, the joy of the wedding banquet was no longer on the faces of the people in the room, and their expressions became solemn one by one.

"Village Master, we should rush to help the Miao King Temple and rescue the trapped High Priest Qizhi!" Guo Xinghuo said.

"That's right, and the rush to help the Temple of King Miao must be done as soon as possible, otherwise we don't know what will happen if it takes too long." Another leader of the cottage also echoed.

Qiu Sheng nodded: "Now is the most critical moment for High Priest Qizhi. All of us are now closely related to High Priest Qizhi. We are all prosperous and we all suffer, so this matter must not be sloppy... I decided that now everyone except me Son-in-law Mu Ziqing and daughter Xianruo stayed in the cottage to continue their wedding and wedding, the other leaders and members of the Yiqian cottage all set off with me immediately to go to the Temple of King Miao to support the High Priest Qizhi."

"At the same time, the allies should also notify if they can. After all, this is a common matter for everyone. Miji, you are in charge of this matter. Others follow me!"

After Qiu Sheng finished speaking, he got up and was ready to rush to help the Temple of Miao King with a dozen of his leaders. Among them, a leader named Miji in the cottage left behind to inform the allies of some important people in the cottage, so that these allies would also come out. Make an effort to go to the Miao Temple together.

But when Qiu Sheng and others were about to set off, Qin Lang bowed to Qiu Sheng and said, "Old village master, the journey to the Temple of Miao King is at least 1000 miles, and it may take four or five days with everyone's footsteps... The matter of rushing to help the Miao King Temple is urgent, so I am going to take a step first, and you will follow later."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang left the cottage one step ahead of the others, and directly urged the flying magic weapon Feitian Luo Yunsuo to hurry.

Fei Tian Luo Yunsuo has an advantage in traveling in this mountainous area. Originally, it took four or five days for everyone to travel, but it took Qin Lang only half a day to get there. Then Qin Lang landed on a hill near the Miao King Temple.

At this time, Qin Lang let go of his consciousness. The consciousness in the middle stage of Nascent Soul can cover more than 300 feet, that is, a distance of nearly 1000 meters. This distance is not short, and the mileage is one kilometer!
Soon, he scanned the commotion on the other side of the temple. At this moment, the commotion on the other side of the temple was indeed very loud. There were almost 200 people outside who were making a fuss. They should be Priest Mama, Priest Mantou and their subordinates.

The hall of the temple has been banned and closed, and the enlightened priest and more than 30 people under him are trapped in the hall.

In addition, Qin Lang also noticed that the other two priests in the Temple of King Miao, the goat and the green fox looked like they were sitting on a mountain watching a tiger fight, neither of them participated in the dispute between Priest Mama and High Priest Qizhi Among them, the attitude is worthy of scrutiny.

Perhaps, the two priests also felt that Priest Mama also had the ability to compete for the position of High Priest. In order to avoid getting caught in the fire, they chose this wise and safe attitude.

They had a good idea. Whether the High Priest Enlightenment won or the Priest Mama won, it had nothing to do with the two of them. They did this to avoid being liquidated by the victor after this battle.

So, the goat and the green fox retreated to a corner of the temple, leaving the battlefield of the entire temple to Priest Mama, Priest Mantou, and High Priest Qizhi, watching from the sidelines.

And look at the strength comparison between Priest Mama, Priest Mantou, and High Priest Qizhi.

On Priest Mama's side, Priest Mama has already raised her strength to the level of a great witch due to the successful refining of Dragon God Gu, while Priest Mantou is a peak witch, the strongest after the death of the previous high priest.

In addition to the two bosses, the nearly [-] people under the two are also elites in the temple, all of them are above the level of the first witch, and there are even seven or eight of the level of the real witch.

Such a combination of strengths would cause headaches even for Qin Lang in the mid-Yuanying period. Although he has a chance of winning against the Mama Priest of the Great Witch level with his current strength, if he is swarmed by these enemies, he will only have to escape in embarrassment.

In this case, it's no wonder that the High Priest Qizhi was trapped in the temple hall for several days and there was nothing he could do.

In fact, if High Priest Qizhi didn't have the prohibition formation of the temple hall to fight against priests like Mama, he might not be able to support his allies from all over Miaojiang.

Now he is considered a forced emperor, waiting for the army guarding the frontier to come to support him.

In fact, it's not that there is no one around the High Priest of Qizhi, the three or forty people around the High Priest of Qizhi are actually above the level of primary witches, and there are also two or three of the level of righteous witches among them.

But the rebels, Priest Mama and Priest Mantou, are too powerful!There are almost 200 rebels, almost four or five times the number of people on the High Priest Qizhi's side!
Therefore, the high priest Qizhi was completely suppressed in terms of numbers, and he would be helpless these days. He could only hide in the forbidden formation in the temple hall, relying on the forbidden formation to fight against the rebels, the Mama priest and the barbarian priest. Force the palace.

At this moment, Priest Mama and Priest Mantou led their subordinates to surround the main hall of the temple.

Under such siege, High Priest Qizhi has been without water and food for several days. If it were ordinary people who did not eat or drink for so many days, they would die of thirst even if they did not starve to death.

Fortunately, everyone is not an ordinary person. High priest Qizhi and his subordinates are trapped in the hall. It may not be possible to be trapped for half a month. In that case, they can only wait to be slaughtered by the enemy.

However, if it is only for seven or eight days or ten days, it is still possible to use the temple's own formation to resist the strong attack of the enemy outside, and it does not take much effort.

Qin Lang was a supporter who came in a timely manner, but if he wanted to fight against the enemy in front of him alone and rescue the trapped high priest Qizhi and others, he really couldn't think of a way.

After probing the consciousness for a while, Priest Mama, the highest cultivator among the rebels at the temple, immediately sensed it. This guy dispersed his mental power in confusion, trying to find the source of this consciousness.

Priest Mama is now a powerful witch, so he is almost equivalent to a cultivator in the middle stage of Yuanying. Although his strength is weaker than Qin Lang, it is not much worse.

Gu witches also specialize in spiritual power, so the level of spiritual power of Priest Mama is actually very close to the spiritual strength of a mid-Yuanying cultivator.

However, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness receded like a tide after Priest Mama opened up his spiritual power, and did not directly touch Priest Mama's spiritual power, so although Priest Mama was puzzled, he could not know Where did this unknown wave of consciousness come from.

In the final analysis, Qin Lang is still better than Priest Mama in manipulating spiritual power.That's why Priest Mama was able to completely withdraw his consciousness when he felt abnormal.

At this moment, Qin Lang is trying to find a way to deal with these guys in front of him. It is his consistent style to capture the thief first, so he is going to deal with one of the two bosses, Mama Priest or Mantou Priest, if he can kill one of them , This first battle will make a lot of money.

However, Priest Mama's strength has greatly increased after getting the Dragon God Gu. Now he is a great witch, and his strength is not much weaker than Qin Lang. In addition, Priest Mama should have felt some abnormal spiritual fluctuations around him just now, so Qin Lang next It is still difficult to deal with this person by means of a surprise attack.

Therefore, Qin Lang turned his target to the barbarian priest, the weaker second rebel boss.

The barbarian priest looks like he is only in his 30s, and his body is as big and strong as a leopard. The barbarian at the peak of the witchcraft is like a sharp knife, and he is not easy to mess with.

Qin Lang took a picture of the invisibility talisman and began to sneak over slowly.

But before Qin Lang approached, he was discovered, and it was Priest Mama who discovered him.

Priest Mama's spiritual perception at the level of a great witch is too strong. Even though Qin Lang is stealthy and stealthy, he was sensed in advance by Priest Mama when he was less than five feet away from the enemy.

"Who is it, come out! Xing Nian... broken!"

Priest Mama used the innumerable abilities of a powerful Gu insect on his body, and a large number of thoughts formed consciousness to surround Qin Lang's hiding place.

The Gu worm's myriad thoughts are bright white, and after being surrounded by these thoughts, Qin Lang appears out of thin air as a white human figure, appearing in the rebel army.

Qin Lang, who was invisible, was forced to reveal himself, and he couldn't help sighing that his previous surprise attack methods failed. This priest of Mama is really not easy.

What he didn't know was that this myriad of threads was the mother body that produced "Three-Thinking Gu". Three-Thinking Gu is a one-time Gu worm that quickly restores mental power consumption. Qin Lang has seen it before, and he has a trophy on him.

As the mother body of a one-time Gu worm that can produce "Three Thoughts Gu" that quickly restores mental power consumption, Qiantuanxu is naturally extraordinary, and Qiantuansu is also one of the most powerful trump cards in the hands of Priest Mama. It can even be ranked in the top three among all the Gu insects on Priest Mama except for the Dragon God Gu.

After being forced to reveal his true body, Qin Lang's plan naturally fell through, and now the target barbarian priest also noticed the sudden appearance of Qin Lang, and began to be on guard against him.

At this time, under the watchful eyes of the two priests, the surrounding rebels began to surround Qin Lang.

In this regard, Qin Lang could only smile wryly: "There is no way, Priest Mama and Priest Mantou are too close, which is also the main reason why this surprise attack plan failed."

Qin Lang is not very afraid of the surrounding rebels forming an encirclement circle towards him. He also has hole cards. Even if he can't beat these people in front of him, it is absolutely no problem to escape.

The Magic Treasure House Ghost Ship is the most powerful trump card in Qin Lang's hands. This top-grade magic weapon can attack and defend, and its powerful defense power even exceeds the upper magic weapon Lie Yan Yuanyang Ruler on his body, but Qin Lang is not going to use it for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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