The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1399 Extraordinary Level Mutant Warrior

Chapter 1399 Extraordinary Level Mutant Warrior

The weather in Yunhai has been changeable recently, and there are always thunderstorms. Although the sky was a little dark and there was no sign of rain just now, it suddenly rained heavily.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the whole world was shaking. This rainstorm came very suddenly.

At this moment, Qin Lang and the five extraordinary-level mutants have begun to fight in the storm. Qin Lang has a magic weapon defense layer, which can resist the erosion of wind and rain, but the five extraordinary-level mutants have no force field defense. At this moment, one by one They were all drenched in water.

However, although they look a bit embarrassed, their fighting will is extremely high. In fact, the bodies of these genetic monsters have completely broken away from the scope of human beings.

At this time, five extraordinary-level mutant genetic warriors with explosive combat power came to encircle Qin Lang. Each of them held an alloy sword in their hands and slashed at Qin Lang fiercely.

At the next moment, Qin Lang swiped with his backhand, and the Purple Eagle Fireworks Sword had a faint red light, and the sword energy directly swept away several alloy weapons.

The grade of this fire-attributed flying sword with a weapon soul has been greatly improved, and it is definitely above the grade of a middle-grade magic weapon. Moreover, as the soul of the vermilion bird continues to grow, the power of the Purple Eagle Firework Sword will gradually increase. grow.

Now this flying sword has an unstoppable effect, and ordinary alloy swords can no longer stop its sharpness.

The five extraordinary level mutants came with confidence, but Qin Lang took the lead and directly swept off the three alloy swords with a flying sword. Then these genetic warrior mutants from European and American M laboratories became cautious, knowing that Qin Lang was holding a After the super weapons, their weapons will try to greet Qin Lang's body as much as possible, and they will never fight Qin Lang like before.

And the three extraordinary-level mutants who broke their weapons all changed to new alloy swords at this moment, and attacked Qin Lang again. However, this time, because of the sharpness of the flying sword in Qin Lang's hands, these guys seemed to be more restrained when fighting. up.

But Qin Lang just laughed. He didn't have much scruples at all, and he showed his hands and feet, and directly swept a few fiery red sword energy around.

"The second form of the Three Lives Sword Art...Sword Form Phantom Crack!"

"The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art... is overwhelming!"

Qin Lang used group attack moves one after another, and the powerful and violent sword energy quickly swung away these extraordinary mutant genetic warriors around him, and everyone was injured.

However, the self-healing ability of mutants who have reached the extraordinary level is also astonishingly terrifying. Ordinary minor injuries and pains are nothing to them. Qin Lang can see the sword energy on five extraordinary-level mutants with his own eyes. The slight injury formed was just a short breath, and it healed again.

What a pervert!I'm afraid that even a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage can't do this. He really deserves to be a genetic monster. Such a body is completely different from that of a human being.

Qin Lang had also fought against mutant fighters for a long time before, but the mutant fighters in front of him were of a very high level, even the highest-level mutants that could be developed in the laboratory, and their bodies could only be described as abnormal.

As for the mutants of extraordinary level as genetic monsters, because the body of mutants is completely different from that of humans, there is no meridian system, and the respiratory system and circulatory system are different from humans, so the side effect of Qin Lang's sword energy is almost negligible.

When Qin Lang stabbed them, he couldn't leave the sword energy in the bodies of these extraordinary level mutants, causing secondary damage.

After being forced back by the sword energy, the five tall and strong mutants with European and American faces recovered from their injuries in an instant, and at this time they rushed towards Qin Lang again.

They don't have pain nerves in their bodies, and they don't know what fear is. If they were replaced by ordinary human beings... even if they were cultivators and wizards who were hurt by Qin Lang just now, they would definitely leave a shadow in their hearts.

But these five monsters are still fearless, and they are still [-]% full of combat power to fight against Qin Lang.

Rumble!The rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if it was splashing water, and the sight of both sides had been blocked at this moment.

But the heavy rain couldn't stop Qin Lang and these mutant genetic warriors from sensing. Qin Lang's consciousness was so powerful that he could perceive everything around him even without eyes.

And these extraordinary level mutants are similar, eyes are just a program component to them, even without this program component, they will use the system in the brain to generate radar-like detection waves to perceive the surrounding environment .

Clap clap!Papapapapa, the sound of the battle was especially crisp in the rain. During the battle between Qin Lang and the five super mutants, both sides moved very fast. In the already blurry rainstorm, only a few afterimages could be seen in the rain move.

And the battle has always been Qin Lang's upper hand, it is really the suppression of the mid-stage Nascent Soul that is too powerful!
Compared with the five extraordinary-level mutants whose strength is close to that of the Nascent Soul cultivators, even though the five mutant genetic fighters have an advantage in numbers, they are still suppressed by Qin Lang.

Comparing the cultivators in the mid-Yuanying stage to the early Yuanying stage, the degree of improvement in strength is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Qin Lang is fighting five extraordinary-level mutants with the strength of two classes. Because of the exceptional strength of the Transcendent level mutants, coupled with the large number of them, it is estimated that they would have been defeated long ago.

brush!In the rainstorm, Qin Lang raised his sword and swept around, forming a circular fiery red sword energy trajectory, crackling, knocking, and the five extraordinary mutants were swept back again, and each mutant suffered severe injuries. One's injury.

"What a tough enemy!"

At this moment, every mutant had such a thought in his heart, if there is the fear of normal people, I am afraid that some of them should turn pale with fright.

It's a pity that mutants are genetic monsters. Not only do they not have pain-sensing nerve transmission units, they also have no emotional experience of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. They are completely out of the scope of human beings, as cold as the legendary robots.

To put it bluntly, mutants are powerful biochemical weapons and terrifying war machines manufactured by European and American national laboratories using black technology.

If such a war machine is used in modern warfare, it must be very terrifying. It is simply a delusion for ordinary humans to rely on conventional means to deal with them.

It's a pity that Qin Lang is not an ordinary person but a cultivator, and a high-level cultivator.

Therefore, this is doomed to the difficulty of the fighting process of these extraordinary-level mutants in front of them. After fighting for so long, they still can't beat Qin Lang.

After the five extraordinary-level mutants were injured and retreated again, through analysis, they also knew that it was impossible for them to defeat Qin Lang based on their current reality, so they used genetic potions one by one.

It is really decisive. It is worthy of being a genetic monster with a system installed in its brain.


With the use of the genetic potion, the five extraordinary-level mutants began to swell gradually, as if they had transformed themselves. The muscles of each guy became stronger, and their arms became thicker, each of them looked like an avatar. for the terminator.

Sure enough, these guys came prepared, and each of them was well prepared.

When Qin Lang saw that the aura of these guys had skyrocketed because of taking the genetic potion, he immediately squinted his eyes and became vigilant secretly.

He felt very relaxed against five ordinary Transcendent level mutants with one against five before, but it didn't mean that he would be able to defeat five potion-drenched monsters.

If the five ordinary super-level mutants are only close to the existence of Nascent Soul cultivators, then the five guys who have taken the genetic potion are so imposing one by one, and each super-level mutant has directly improved by one or two. grade.

Under such circumstances, every guy now has the strength to fight directly with Nascent Soul Stage cultivators, and even ordinary Nascent Soul Stage cultivators are terrible and can't resist each of them.

After all, after taking the gene potion, their bodies are even more horribly abnormal. Whether it is combat power or recovery ability, ordinary Nascent Soul Stage cultivators can't compare at all.

These five super-level mutants who suddenly used genetic potions, and their fighting power was hurricane combined together absolutely suppressed Qin Lang, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Fight, upgrade again.

This time Qin Lang felt unsatisfactory. Although he knew that the gene potion taken by these extraordinary level mutants did not last long, and it also had strong sequelae. With the current strength, I am really not sure that I can make it through.

Do I have to take the Violent Yuan Pill to fight like the five extraordinary level mutants?The sequelae of Baoyuan Dan are also huge, and Qin Lang will not take this medicine unless it is a last resort.

"The sixth form of the Three Lives Sword Art... the earth is broken!"

Qin Lang stabbed the ground with his sword, and used the newly realized sword art, which was the sword move of the Yuanying period.

Once Sanshengjianjue's sixth form "Earth Rupture" is used, the ground also shakes in a small area, just like a small earthquake, the entire national highway ground suddenly begins to shatter like a spider web centered on Qin Lang's sword tip, pulling Open a huge gap.

Moreover, with the use of the Sword Art, the huge gap began to spread rapidly to the surroundings, the ground undulated and shook like an earthquake, and the five extraordinary level mutants who came from all around were blown away!

And after Qin Lang used this super powerful sword move, he immediately took away the flying sword, called out the magic house, and then got into his own magic house.

For Qin Lang, the Magic Treasure House is equipped with both offense and defense, and it is also the most effective means for him to face powerful enemies. Now he is not the same as he was a few months ago. Fight for more than two hours.

Next, Qin Lang stays in the magic treasure house, and can completely rely on the magic treasure house to fight the war of attrition with these extraordinary-level mutants in front of him. After the effect time of the genetic potion on the mutant fighters is exhausted, he will take the initiative when the effect of the genetic potion is reduced or even lost. attack.

(End of this chapter)

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