The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1401 The feeling of hanging by a thread

Chapter 1401 The feeling of hanging by a thread
Watching that guy come over step by step again, Qin Lang had to close his eyes at this time, showing a helpless wry smile, this time I'm afraid he's going to fall!

He was not afraid, let alone intending to give up, but rather helpless.

After all, the situation in front of me is very bad.

I am afraid that this situation is also because Qin Lang has always been smooth sailing, and it has always been caused by his good luck. His good luck is even envied by God, and now such an inexplicable catastrophe has come down.

"Among the three calamities of heaven, earth, and man, this should be considered a calamity of man...everything arises from being trapped and perishes because of man. However, is this guy in front of him considered a man..."

Qin Lang thought of this in his heart.

However, after that guy approached the magic house, Qin Lang, who had his eyes closed, couldn't feel the other person's movement for a while. He opened his eyes involuntarily, just in time to find that this extraordinary-level mutant fell straight upright, and his whole body was directly covered. On the magic house.

"The time limit for the genetic potion is can't live without doing your own crimes!"

This situation also made Qin Lang dumbfounded, a little dumbfounded, seeing that his good luck has not disappeared, and the key is to save his life again.

After the gene potion's duration expired, the Transcendent Mutant immediately lost his strength, and his whole body was collapsing.

Although the perverted genetic potion is very helpful for improving the mutant's strength in a short period of time, it will break the mutant's original body structure like a poison and form a special genetic virus, which will improve the mutant's strength After that, the phenomenon of gene backlash was also very serious, so after the effect of the medicine ended, the mutant's body collapsed directly.

In just 3 minutes, the genes of this last Transcendent level mutant directly collapsed, turning into a puddle of unknown liquid, which was immediately washed away in the torrential rain.

These mutants are all genetic monsters, and they have no fear of life and death at all, so they have the decisiveness to take the genetic potion just now.If it were a normal person's thinking, I am afraid that anyone would hesitate before taking that kind of genetic potion, considering whether it is worth doing it!

Compared with these emotionless genetic monsters, human beings still cherish their own lives.

So far, this time, the extraordinary mutant action team sent by Nicholas, the general manager of the Asian branch of Reizman Company, failed completely in the assassination attack on Qin Lang, and did another useless effort, giving Qin Lang both a head and experience.

After the battle, Qin Lang, who was out of strength, stayed in the magic house for a while, and it took about half an hour to recover some physical strength and energy, and then he got up and took out some spirit stones and elixirs to recover.

The consumption of this battle is terrible. Qin Lang feels that the phenomenon of being unable to move after the battle is almost the same as the use of elixir with serious side effects. Fortunately, this situation is only caused by excessive physical strength and true energy. , the consequences are not serious.

After more than 40 minutes, Qin Lang, who had recovered most of his true energy, collected the magic house and began to clear the field, preparing to drive his Audi A8 back, but only then did he realize that the entire national road had been severely damaged, and the Audi A8 was completely damaged. It cannot pass normally.

There is no way, Qin Lang can only use the flying magic weapon to go on the road. Fortunately, such a rainstorm is also an excellent cover for Qin Lang's whereabouts. In addition, there is no vehicle traffic on this section of the national road, so there is no need to worry about revealing his identity.

But not long after, Qin Lang had to land and began to walk with his feet, because a vehicle had appeared in front of him.

The road ahead is very congested. It turns out that there has been no traffic on this national road, but the real reason is that the road in front of it has already been destroyed. It is estimated that the five extraordinary mutants did a good job. Now there are about a dozen large and small cars. stuck on this road.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qin Lang smiled slightly, and called Li Lengfeng in the rain, asking this old friend to help him clean up the mess, including covering up the truth of the battle scene and dragging away his vehicle.

"Okay, little brother Qin Lang, I will let people take care of everything immediately."

Li Lengfeng, the Patriarch of the Li family over there, started to act immediately after receiving Qin Lang's call.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief. He can trust Lao Li's ability to handle affairs, so he no longer needs to worry about the scene of the battle just now, and just leave it to Li Lengfeng to handle it.

Afterwards, Qin Lang hailed a taxi that was blocked due to impassable roads, and directly stuffed it with five or six hundred dollars, making the taxi turn around and return to the sea of ​​clouds.

But after returning to the city, Qin Lang did not get out of the car, but let the taxi run in another direction to the suburbs, heading for the farm under his own name.

After entering this suburban farm that he hadn't visited for a long time, Qin Lang walked directly into the hut in the farm.

This suburban farm had arranged a large-scale spirit-gathering formation long ago, which was also the purpose of Qin Lang's coming. He needed this large-scale spirit-gathering formation to repair the damaged magic house.

However, before repairing the magic house, Qin Lang still needs to heal his injuries and adjust his physical condition to the best condition.

Fighting against five extraordinary level mutants in the rainstorm, in the end, these five guys turned against the army by accident, arousing the power of the world, and using the power of thunder and lightning to injure his internal organs a lot.

However, Qin Lang had the Creation Pill in his hand, so these injuries were nothing to him. After laying down the prohibition defense around the hut, Qin Lang swallowed a Creation Pill and began to meditate and recuperate.

The good luck pill melts in the mouth, and it is a top-grade panacea-level pill. This kind of pill can live and die, flesh and bones, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a magic pill.

Under the effect of the powerful spiritual power of the elixir, the internal injuries in Qin Lang's internal organs that were baked by the powerful electric current also healed little by little, and some internal organs that had been scorched and scorched began to slowly return to their original vitality.

This time Qin Lang's body injury can only be regarded as moderate, so it only took about three hours to recover, and he was completely healed.

The reason why it is so fast is that one reason is that the injury is not particularly serious, and the other reason is that Qin Lang is now a cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his physical strength and recovery ability are also incomparable in the past.

After recovering from his injuries, Qin Lang then swallowed more than a dozen pills of essence and energy, holding a large number of mid-grade spirit stones and began to meditate to restore his true energy, adjusting his essence, energy, and spirit to the best state.

The farm where Qin Lang lives is a large-scale spirit-gathering formation, and the hut in front of him is built on top of the eyes of the large-scale spirit-gathering formation. 40 times more.

Practicing in such an environment, it only took Qin Lang more than an hour to fully adjust his energy and spirit, and restore his energy and spirit to the best state.

This is also because he is in this farm with a large spirit gathering array, so it has such a good effect. If it is replaced in Yunhai City, I am afraid that it will not be possible to achieve such a level in one day, and the recovery process is spent. There are also more resources.

After all the preparations were done, Qin Lang took out his magic house, and he couldn't help frowning when he saw three deep cracks in the metal shell of the ghost ship in the magic house.

During this period of time, with the improvement of the combat level, he felt that he became more and more dependent on this top-grade magic house. The ghost ship of the magic house has almost become his first hole card, and it is gone against those high-level enemies. It barely works.

Now that the trump card was accidentally damaged, it also made him feel a little uneasy, that's why he rushed to this suburban farm in such a hurry, hoping to restore the magic house as soon as possible.

The restoration of the Magic Treasure House required a lot of resources. Qin Lang, who had never experienced the trip to Miaojiang, would not be able to produce so many resources. Once the Magic Treasure House was damaged, there was almost no way to repair it.

Fortunately, Qin Lang got a lot of various resources during his trip to Miaojiang, so it is not a problem to repair this magic treasure house now. He even plans to upgrade these parts to time after time.

In that case, the entire Magic Treasure House will be upgraded from the original three-layer restriction to the fourth-layer restriction, and both defense and attack capabilities will soar.

However, the first step in the restoration is to dismantle the entire Magic Treasure House.

As a magic house, the structure is basically composed of multiple parts, and the structure of the ghost ship is the hull, cabin, sails, and rudder. That is to say, the magic ship of the ghost ship is composed of four separate components.

Qin Lang began to carefully inspect the entire ghost ship, and then began to disassemble it carefully, trying not to expand the cracks on the zero part. If the cracks expand, it will be more troublesome to repair and consume more resources. Isn't this What Qin Lang wished to see.

After dismantling the four parts, Qin Lang found that the four parts of the magic weapon basically had cracks of different severity. Looking at these cracks, he also felt frown. Shi, I'm afraid that even if his true energy was exhausted at that time, the damage to the Magic Treasure House would not be as serious as it is now.

After all, if there are high-grade spirit stones placed in the energy tank in the magic treasure house in advance, even if there is no real energy to maintain the magic treasure house's defensive force field, then the top-grade spirit stones can last for a period of time until the energy of the spirit stones is exhausted.

This can be regarded as my own carelessness, but the magic treasure house consumes a lot of spirit stones, and the more restrictions are opened, the greater the consumption of spirit stones, I am afraid that a piece of high-grade spirit stone is not enough to open the three-level forbidden magic treasure house for 3 minutes This is why Qin Lang has never placed top-grade spirit stones in the magic house.

If the four-level restriction is activated, the duration of a high-grade spirit stone may be even shorter at that time. At most, it can only last for 1 minute for the defensive force field of the magic house, and the energy inside the spirit stone will be completely consumed.

But this time Qin Lang decided that no matter what, he would install some high-grade spirit stones in the slots in the magic house in advance just in case. After fighting in the rainstorm, he understood a truth, that is, to be prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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