The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1403 Pursuing Nikolai

Chapter 1403 Pursuing Nikolai

At this time, Qin Lang was already standing outside Nicholas' villa, and with a quick sweep of his consciousness, he had already sensed Nicholas' position in the villa.

However, if he wanted to deal with this guy, he still needed to clear out the dozen or so mutant bodyguards who were in charge of security around the villa.

These dozen or so mutant bodyguards are basically top-level strength, and there is only one extraordinary-level captain, so it is much easier for Qin Lang to deal with.

He slowly approached the villa, and because he didn't deliberately conceal his appearance, he was immediately discovered by more than a dozen mutant bodyguards.

One of the bodyguards was expressionless, and immediately shouted coldly: "Who is it?"

"What, it's you again!"

When they found out that the intruder was a familiar face like Qin Lang, the mutants changed slightly and immediately entered a fighting state.

They can enter the real fighting state at any time, no need to warm up, no need to find the feeling, and they can ensure that the first shot is a perfect level. This is the innate ability of a mechanical mutant warrior.

Now that Qin Lang suddenly appeared, of course they had to do everything possible to intercept Qin Lang.

"Beep beep."

"Beep beep."

The alarm in the villa suddenly sounded, and the brain systems of these mutants were connected to the alarm system of the villa, and the alarm system had already been activated at this time.

And Nicholas, who was doing spa treatment in the villa, also changed his face. At this time, he clicked the remote control in front of him, and the monitor on the opposite wall suddenly lit up, showing the situation outside the villa clearly.

"Qin Lang, the boss of Lanrun Company... he actually came to the door."

Nicholas also knew something was wrong. There was no news from the five extraordinary mutant assassination teams he had sent out, so he had a faint feeling that something was wrong.

And now that Qin Lang came directly to the door, all of this is certain, the five extraordinary mutant assassination teams he sent out must have been wiped out.

Thinking of this, Nicholas knew that the current security forces in the villa area could not stop this powerful enemy, so he immediately thought of running away.

At this time, he patted the soft little hand of the female technician behind him, got up from the bed, and at the same time pressed the remote control, an underground passage suddenly appeared on the floor of the room.

After getting dressed, Nigu directly got into the underground passage and left the villa quickly.

Outside the villa, Qin Lang also snorted coldly when he saw the dozens of mutants attacking at the same time. At this time, the purple eagle fire sword directly swept away with the flying sword, and a long sword aura struck one of these mutants. The top level mutant in the healing department was beheaded first.

After killing the nanny in the opponent's team with one move, the next battle will be much easier. Except for the extraordinary leader of the bodyguard captain, other top-level mutants are not a concern for Qin Lang now.

"Sword Illusory Crack!" As soon as Qin Lang's Sansheng Jianjue came out, the sword qi split out, split into countless tiny sword qi, and shot out to the surrounding mutants. Except for the extraordinary mutant, All other less powerful top-level mutants have been recruited.

"Um" "Um" "Um"...

Moaning for a while, the mutants who were recruited all took a step back.

And Qin Lang even laughed, and directly used the fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art.

The fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art is overwhelming.Send out 32 huge sword qi slashes, radiating in all directions. This is also a group attack skill, and its power is not bad, and the coverage of sword qi slash is not small.

The powerful wave of sword energy swept the surroundings directly. With Qin Lang Yuanying's mid-level power, the dozen or so top-level mutants around could not resist at all. They were directly broken into countless pieces by the 32 huge sword energy pieces.

After the sword qi slashed, among the mutant bodyguards outside the villa, there was only one superhuman mutant bodyguard captain left.

The superhuman mutant bodyguard captain saw his companions die one after another, but his expression didn't change much.

At this moment, the system in its brain is running fast, analyzing Qin Lang's battle data just now, knowing that it is not Qin Lang's opponent at all, without hesitation at all, it turned around and rushed into the villa without any further contact with Qin Lang The idea of ​​playing against each other.

"Want to run? Not so easy."

Qin Lang smiled coldly, and directly swung a huge sword energy to chase after him.

While the extraordinary-level mutant was running, he didn't look back when he felt the sword energy behind him, and threw the weapon in his hand fiercely behind him. The alloy sword collided with the sword energy in the air, and unexpectedly knocked Qin Lang This sword energy from him was offset.

At this time, the body of the extraordinary-level mutant disappeared in a flash, and finally disappeared before Qin Lang's eyes.

And Qin Lang didn't hesitate, he directly chased after him, and followed the extraordinary level mutant into the villa.

His consciousness locked the entire villa, and at this time he came to a large room, in which there were several women dressed as maids, one of whom was the female technician who had given Nicholas a spa treatment before.

At this moment, these ordinary women screamed in fright when they saw Qin Lang, an outsider who broke in, and curled up in the corner of the room trembling.

And Qin Lang didn't pay attention to these ordinary servants, he just glanced around, saw the entrance of the underground passage, and then slipped in.

Qin Lang pursued along this underground passage. He knew that Nicholas and the extraordinary mutant just now had left the villa through this underground passage.

Qin Lang knew that the time to escape was so tight, these two guys couldn't escape from his palm at all.

Not long after drilling in the underground passage, Qin Lang found an alloy gate blocking his way forward. This alloy gate is very thick, and ordinary people would definitely be trapped here.

But Qin Lang snorted coldly, drew a circle in the air with his sword directly, and the sword energy drew deep marks on the alloy gate, and then "Dang Lang" a large circle fell out of the alloy gate. Metal, alloy gates have been drilled by sword energy and can come out through a large hole in a person's body.

Swipe, Qin Lang directly passed the big hole of the alloy gate at this time, and continued to chase. The time he paused here just now was only two seconds, which did not delay him too much.

This passage is actually not very long. It is estimated that Nicholas did not consider that one day he would rely on this villa passage to escape, otherwise he would definitely set up more obstacles in the passage.

Qin Lang came to the end of the passage soon after breaking through the alloy gate. However, at this time, he met an extraordinary-level mutant with red eyes. Now this guy seems to have taken the genetic potion, and he is going to fight Qin Lang desperately to protect the target Nikolay fights for more escape time.

This must be because Nicholas issued a new order just now, ordering it to do so, otherwise, with the ability of the mutant brain system to judge the situation, he would definitely not have this kind of self-sacrificing thought.

Speaking of which, genetic monsters like mutants are no different from robots. Although they have certain thinking and intelligence, the first element of the program is to obey the master's orders.

The last Transcendent level mutant who swallowed the gene potion, even in an explosive state, is actually only slightly stronger than a Nascent Soul cultivator. He can fight two Nascent Soul cultivators with one enemy and two, but he will definitely not be able to challenge the Yuan Soul cultivator. A cultivator in the mid-infant stage.

Unfortunately, the current Qin Lang happens to be a cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period, so he is doomed to be a tragedy for this extraordinary-level mutant in an explosive state.

Dangdangdangdang, the extraordinary-level mutant in the explosive state fought against Qin Lang, and its arms were completely metalized, comparable to alloys.

It was still able to block Qin Lang with a dozen or so moves at first, but after a dozen or so moves, the arms of this extraordinary-level mutant in an explosive state could no longer block Qin Lang's attack, and was directly cut into a human stick by Qin Lang.

Clinking, the scraped metal from its arms scattered all over the ground, and after losing both arms, this extraordinary-level mutant did not lose his fighting spirit. The red light in his eyes fluctuated violently for a while, and activated the Core self-destruct device.


The extraordinary-level mutant blew himself up in advance, and wanted to rely on the power of the self-detonation to die with Qin Lang, but when this extraordinary-level mutant's body reacted abnormally, Qin Lang had already predicted it in advance.

Therefore, Qin Lang directly entered the magic treasure house just now, and at the same time activated the magic treasure house's teleportation function, flashed out of this underground passage, and avoided the self-destruction of the extraordinary level mutant.

There was a tremor on the ground, which rose and fell like a blanket for a few seconds, and then calmed down again.

And the exit where Qin Lang drilled out of the channel has completely collapsed. It is estimated that the internal channel has been blown up. The energy in the body of the extraordinary-level mutant who exploded just now has not been exhausted. The system should have a small nuclear device, so the self-explosive The movement is still quite loud.

At this time, Qin Lang's consciousness radiated to the surroundings, scanning around the beach, and found no shadow of Nicholas in the area of ​​[-] feet around the beach.

Turning his head, using his astonishing eyesight, he found a small silver-white dot in the air above the ocean, and immediately knew that this guy Nicholas had hidden a small aircraft in the villa area, and now he actually fled with the small aircraft.

However, since he was discovered by Qin Lang, it is destined that this guy will never escape again.

Next, Qin Lang directly manipulated the Magic Treasure House to catch up. Although Nicholas drove the small aircraft away from this sea area, about [-] to [-] miles away, Qin Lang had already manipulated the Magic Treasure House to catch up in just a few breaths. Made a small form.

However, Nicholas in the small aircraft did not notice a UFO approaching behind him at all. At this moment, he was thinking of driving this small aircraft to an island in the surrounding sea area for a rest, and then directly left the Asian region. Go back to the European and American Reizman headquarters to ask for help.

After several battles, Nicholas now understands that Qin Lang is very powerful. Now the strength of the entire Reizman Asian branch is like paper. If the Reizman headquarters does not send more powerful forces, it will not be able to deal with it at all. that kid.

When Nicholas was thinking about these things, Qin Lang in the magic house behind him looked at the small aircraft in front and smiled coldly: "Finally caught up, I said you can't escape! Now let my magic house give Come and have an intimate touch!"

After finishing speaking, he manipulated the Magic Treasure House and directly hit the small aircraft in front. With the power of the Magic Treasure House, the collision between the two sides was undoubtedly a stone smashing an egg, and the small aircraft was immediately penetrated by the magic weapon that was chasing Big hole, crash from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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