The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1427 Gaining Control

Chapter 1427 Gaining Control

Up to now, Qin Lang has finally fully grasped the control over the body of this extraordinary mutant. In fact, after this extraordinary level mutant has been reshaped, the original consciousness is no different from being wiped out.

This result may not have been imagined by this extraordinary level mutant at all. It is really that the secrets of cultivators are too amazing. Many weird secrets and exercises are unimaginable in modern society, and the brains of mutants are all mechanical force-feeding Knowledge will not involve too much irrelevant knowledge in this world at all

From a certain point of view, these mutant genetic warriors are actually as simple as a child. The consciousness and instructions in their brains are forcibly added by European and American M laboratories.

After the divine consciousness controlled the consciousness of this extraordinary-level mutant and performed the soul fusion, the information mastered in the brain of this extraordinary-level mutant also began to feed back to Qin Lang's brain.

Shielding some irrelevant things, Qin Lang also knew why this extraordinary-level mutant surrendered. After being burned by his own Kanli fire, this mutant who turned into liquid metal had a slight Silk mutation, several key mandatory instructions in the system were cleared.

Thus, as those few key commands in the system were cleared, this Transcendent-level mutant instantly possessed his own personality and emotions, and was no longer a mere biochemical combat machine, so the scene of surrender followed.

After knowing these inside stories, Qin Lang smiled slightly. It turned out that all this was really a coincidence, but this coincidence also allowed him to have a high-level mutant incarnation, which feels really good.

However, what makes Qin Lang frown is that the self-explosion program of the mutant's internal system still exists, but now he has no way to clear it. It seems that after going back, he has to find relevant experts in the laboratory to study and see if there is any way to clear it. The self-destruct program in the mutant's brain system.

If the self-explosion program of the newly incorporated mutant's internal system cannot be cleared, Qin Lang will not dare to use this mutant's body in the future.

Otherwise, if the other party uses the control center to remotely activate the self-destruct level, he may suffer heavy damage after the big explosion.

The battle is over, and now Qin Lang has started to let the extraordinary-level mutants clean up the battlefield. After Qin Lang's Kanli fire, the body of this mutant is actually full of scars, but the genetic monster is really well-deserved. will be able to recover.

When the extraordinary-level mutants cleaned the battlefield, Qin Lang's avatar harvested another twelve second-generation genetic potions, plus the three originally owned by the avatar, reaching a total of fifteen.

These fifteen second-generation gene potions are also good things for the avatar. After using them, the combat power of the avatar can be greatly increased, reaching the level of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and there are basically no side effects.

After collecting these things, Qin Lang also collected the Transcendent Mutant Clone and put it directly into the storage bag.

"The development of modern science and technology is changing with each passing day, and such a powerful thing can be manufactured, but fortunately, it cannot be mass-produced, and the mutant fighters of the extraordinary level must have been produced with great difficulty by exhausting the efforts of everyone in the research center. Mutant fighters are flying all over the sky, and the whole world will be in chaos."

The super mutant clone is a cyborg and does not need to breathe, so Qin Lang can put it into storage bags and storage rings as items.

And after cleaning the battlefield and collecting mutant clones, the effect of the "Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death" on Qin Lang's body is almost over at this time. Suddenly, the aura on Qin Lang's body begins to weaken a little bit, slowly from approaching the stage of transforming gods. The cultivation base of the realm began to drop.

The whole process of the cultivation base falling was very gentle, not as violent as when the medicinal power erupted at the beginning, but Qin Lang felt uncomfortable with the feeling of being pulled away from the body.

However, there is no way to do this. Most of the strength boosted by the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death is unreal. It is a temporary state added out of thin air, and it will disappear after the time limit.

However, after using the "Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death", there will still be some benefits left in Qin Lang's body. This kind of treasure obtained from the secret place of the pyramid has the most rigid and yang properties. When the meridians were washed before, it also expanded the meridians of Qin Lang's body by three to five times .

In this way, Qin Lang's future practice will also be blessed. The body can accommodate more true energy, and if it can fully replenish the body's needs, Qin Lang can be regarded as the best among all Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivators. Yuan Li may not be comparable to him in the average Nascent Soul Late Cultivator.

After all, Qin Lang's body has two meridian systems, light and dark. If the meridian is expanded three to five times and then multiplied by two, it is still terrifying to accommodate the true energy.

Moreover, the medicinal effect of the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death did not disappear completely, and some medicinal effects remained and transformed Qin Lang's body, which improved Qin Lang's overall body attributes to a certain extent.

Qin Lang, who has used the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death now, has at least half of his body's overall quality after the end of the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death, and his reaction ability, speed, and agility have all increased slightly.

This feeling is very good. Qin Lang didn't feel that kind of extreme weakness after the medicine effect of the forbidden fruit of life and death. Although his whole body felt a lot weaker, he was still much stronger than himself at the moment before going to sea.

He took out some high-grade spirit stones to restore his aura. After a while, Qin Lang, who had recovered a lot, looked back at the entire battlefield again. Now the bloody aura left by the mutants' death has attracted sharks in this sea area group.

Seeing these sharks, Qin Lang also thought of his purpose of going out to sea this time, to hunt sharks.

Turning his head and looking into the distance, Liu Zhenzhen and Li Shan's yacht was floating in the sea like a black dot in the distance, Qin Lang smiled slightly, and at this time flew quickly to join the two.


"Brother Qin Lang, how do you feel? Are you injured?"

"Master, are you okay..."

As soon as Qin Lang came back, he attracted Liu Zhenzhen and Li Shan's concerned eyes, especially Liu Zhenzhen. Seeing Qin Lang's clothes becoming tattered and looking very embarrassed due to the battle, that kind of nervous expression was particularly impressive. move.

"How can something happen to me!"

Qin Lang laughed, stroked Liu Zhenzhen's beautiful hair, and then directly took out a spare set of clothes from the storage bag and began to change directly.

He didn't have any scruples in front of the two of them, so he took off his clothes, jumped into the sea and took a bath in the sea, and then returned to the yacht to change into new clothes.

Feeling relaxed, Qin Lang pointed to the front, vigorously: "Now let's start shark hunting! The target is right in front, and there are sharks gathering there."

The direction he pointed was the place where he had fought before, and the smell of blood lingered for a long time now, which attracted many sharks to gather in that area.

Shark is a kind of relatively fierce big fish in the ocean. It lives by preying on other fish in the ocean. It is a relatively fierce fish at the top of the food chain in the ocean.

The fins of sharks, commonly known as shark fins, are precious food. The skin can be used to make leather, and the liver can be used to make cod liver oil, which has the effect of improving eyesight.It can be said that the whole body of a shark is a treasure, and it is also a supreme delicacy that even rich people may not be able to afford.

This kind of fish is very sensitive to the smell of blood. It is extremely bloodthirsty and easy to kill. It is as ferocious as a tiger on land, so it is not so easy to hunt. Will be killed and bitten by sharks.

Of course, these sharks under the sea can't pose any threat to Qin Lang at all, and they can't even break his body's defense.

As long as the current Qin Lang sweeps the flying sword towards the sea, it is estimated that he can kill a group of sharks directly, but in order to ensure the integrity of the ingredients, he is not going to do so.

Activated the small silk winding hand, Qin Lang's hands produced a suction force out of thin air, and began to suck towards a shark in the sea. When the shark was sucked by the small winding silk, it flew into the air and fell into the yacht It is alive and kicking, and from time to time it opens its mouth full of sharp teeth to threaten the approach of those around it.

Next, the little white shark was harpooned by Li Shan, who was directly waiting at the side, and he became dizzy. As a martial artist in the middle stage of Wu Zun, Li Shan didn't bother to pick up a mere little shark.

Sharks are very energetic, and can survive for a long time even out of the water, so after Li Shan fainted it, it seemed to be motionless, but in fact it was just a state of suspended animation. This guy can come back to life when he encounters sea water bounce.

Got the first one!
At this moment, another bigger shark was attracted by the person who fell into the water here, and swam over. This shark weighed several hundred kilograms, and it was a ferocious black shark. Qin Lang was delighted to see Liexin again.

This time the target was too big, and it was obviously unqualified to use a small silk hand to get it inside the yacht, after all, the yacht was only that big.

Shuashuashua, Qin Lang not only let the sea fishing pass, but also threw a few spear guns, all of which were ready to stab the body of this big shark. The shark was injured and blood flowed out, but this guy was even more crazy, Started pulling on the line to get rid of it.The blood surged up, instantly staining a small area of ​​sea water red.

And the smell of blood here attracted more sharks not far away. Sharks are such bloodthirsty and ferocious creatures, sometimes even killing each other of their own kind.

Sure enough, after the three sharks in the distance rushed over, after eating the remains of several mutants on the sea surface, they entered into a fight with the injured big black shark caught by Qin Lang. The big black shark that was originally scarred was even more unbearable , was quickly defeated, and after being exhausted, he was directly speared to death by Qin Lang with a harpoon, and then dragged into the yacht.

The second great black shark is in hand.

After that, Qin Lang hunted and killed more than [-] sharks, namely eighteen white sharks and five big black sharks, and did not hunt any more sharks.

Now the sea surface here is already messy, there are schools of sharks cruising everywhere, and there are hundreds of them densely packed.But Qin Lang and Li Shan were sitting in the yacht, decomposing these fish and meat materials.

Even Liu Zhenzhen, Qin Lang and Li Shan are not prepared to let her intervene, after all, this is rough work.

Although sharks are ferocious, they are indeed rare delicacies, especially shark fins are hard to come by.

(End of this chapter)

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