The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1430 Baker Forest Farm

Chapter 1430 Baker Forest Farm
After returning to Huaxia, Qin Lang immediately went to the Lanrun Medical Technology Laboratory. He wanted some of the researchers in the laboratory to stop their work and spare energy to study the mutant clone he had just obtained, and solve the mutant clone. Biggest trouble.

Of course, the biggest trouble is the self-destruction program embedded in the mutant brain system. If the self-destruction program can be removed, Qin Lang will be able to use this mutant clone with confidence.

Now?It's like carrying a time bomb by your side. If you meet other mutants, maybe Qin Lang's avatar will be detonated by the other party immediately.

The mutant genetic warrior is the cutting-edge technology of European and American M laboratories. It is a cutting-edge technology in the whole world. Of course, ordinary researchers can't do it. So Qin Lang directly found Guan Kunpeng this time, and asked his team to carry out this new research. Research.

And Guan Kunpeng's curiosity about mutant genetic warriors has always been the most in the whole experiment. Of course, when he joined "Sanhe Life Science and Technology", there was an insider. When the laboratory invited him, he revealed some news about mutants. Then Guan Kunpeng agreed without even thinking about it.

It is not so easy to research the top high technology involved in this world, so Qin Lang has also made a long-awaited decision. Anyway, getting a mutant clone is an accident, and he is not in a hurry to get this one. Doppelgangers come in handy.

However, getting some valuable news from this mutant clone made Qin Lang make a new decision. He was going to go to Maicheng in M ​​country again. Now Renault's real body has returned there, waiting for him Go kill him.

After killing Renault, Leizman's biggest backstage boss is finished, which means that Reizman has no possibility of rising again, and it will be easier to clean up Renault's remaining family members and deal with another big force, M Lab a lot of.

Qin Lang has always been a very decisive person, so once he made a decision, he immediately left. This time, he didn't bring anyone with him, but went quietly by himself.

Before boarding the plane, he used a disguise mask to change his appearance into a gray-haired old man, and this old man was still a local face in Europe and America.

Holding the fake passport, Qin Lang got on the plane smoothly. This fake passport was customized by Qin Lang and Li Lengfeng. It was almost as good as the real one.

"Hehe." When boarding the plane, Qin Lang smiled at an incomparably beautiful and delicate stewardess, with a very kind smile on his face.

The effect of the camouflage mask changes is vivid, and because Qin Lang is a cultivator, he naturally has an inexplicable temperament all over his body. The stewardess was stunned by his smile, only feeling that this European and American old man is very special, especially Those eyes are so attractive that people can't help but want to look at them more.

"How is this going."

The flight attendant also felt a little puzzled, but when she turned her head, Qin Lang had already entered the cabin and walked to her seat, leaving her with only a back view.

After several hours of flying, Qin Lang arrived directly at Luojishan, and then took the train to Maicheng.

From the memory of the mutant avatar he got, Qin Lang got a message that Lei Nuo had arrived in Maicheng, but now his hiding place is not in Woking Mountain, but in another property under his name "Baker Forest" farm .

Baker Forest Farm is close to Baker Forest National Park, and it is also a relatively large farm in M. The area is twice as large as the entire Woking Mountain, about 2000 acres.

There are rivers and lakes, forests, and large areas of original vegetation in this farm, which is very regional.

In the depths of the farm, there is a villa made of logs that looks very primitive on the surface, which is where Renault is currently staying. The villa that looks primitive on the surface is actually not ordinary inside. The log villa is just a disguise from the outside. The interior is completely high-tech, and the walls are separated by thick alloy steel plates, just like a missile that may not be able to blow up.

Renault is currently living in a villa, surrounded by sixteen superhuman bodyguards. Such defensive measures are not bad. Qin Lang wants to break through the blockade of a group of superhuman mutants openly. It is not easy to kill this person.

In fact, Qin Lang didn't think about dealing with Renault in a fair and honest way. After all, sixteen extraordinary mutants are not easy to deal with. If you don't take some measures, don't even think about it.

Qin Lang had already taken an invisibility talisman for himself when he came to the edge of the farm. He was well prepared this time, and with the invisibility talisman, he had a great chance of sneaking into the farm and killing Renault.

Gradually, Qin Lang in the invisible state is getting closer and closer to the villa area. The invisibility talisman in the cultivation world is very effective. Not only can it be invisible, it can even hide some of the body's breath.

500 meters, 300 meters, 100 meters... The villa is getting closer and closer, and Qin Lang sneaks into the villa from under the eyes of four or five extraordinary mutants and a lot of ordinary bodyguards standing guard.

As soon as I entered the villa, there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of my eyes. The material inside this villa is very special, and I don’t know what it is made of. It looks like foam but has some reflections.

It was strange that Qin Lang went through the halls and corridors and didn't meet anyone, and he didn't know which room Lei Nuo was hiding in.

I have to say that this villa is quite big, it is estimated that there are at least fifty or sixty rooms, like a small fortress.

At this time, Qin Lang released his divine sense, wanting to search to see where Lei Nuo was hiding. After all, it would be troublesome to search through fifty or sixty rooms one by one, so it is better to cover it with divine sense.

It's no problem for Qin Lang's consciousness to cover more than 300 feet, and the entire villa can be covered, and it can be seen at a glance with a search of his consciousness.

But as soon as his consciousness came out, there was a sudden sound of intelligence inside the villa, and the beep sounded so badly that Qin Lang immediately knew that it was very bad, and he didn't know what high technology was installed in the villa, which could actually detect it. The consciousness that escaped from oneself.

This time, Qin Lang also knew that he was exposed, and Lei Nuo who was hiding in the villa must have raised his vigilance because of the intelligence.

However, when Qin Lang lost his consciousness just now, he also found the specific location where Lei Nuo was hiding, and then rushed straight to the location of that room.

During this process, the brain systems of the extraordinary-level mutant bodyguards outside the villa also received a message that there was an invasion of foreign enemies, and four or five extraordinary-level mutants outside were asked to enter the villa to search.

Qin Lang soon came to Lei Nuo's original hiding place, but there was no sign of Lei Nuo in this room, only six extraordinary level mutants remained in place. It seems that Ren Nuo was already vigilant when the alarm sounded in the villa. Now I don't know where to hide.

Qin Lang, who was in the invisible state, frowned. In the current situation, it seemed that a tough battle was inevitable. With a sigh, Qin Lang directly launched a surprise attack, preparing to deal with the six extraordinary level mutants in front of him first.

After all, although the news of his sneaking into the villa has been exposed, he still hides from everyone's eyes in his stealth state. Now the mutants in the villa are scattered. If you launch a sneak attack before these mutants gather, kill them first A few can also greatly weaken the high-end strength in Renault's hands.

Brush brush!
As soon as he made a move, Qin Lang unceremoniously used his big move, the fifth form of the Three Lives Sword Art, overwhelming the sky and the earth.Send out 32 huge sword qi slashes, radiating in all directions. This is a group attack skill, and its power is not bad, and the coverage of sword qi slash is not small.

Now Qin Lang has obtained the attribute promotion of the forbidden fruit of heaven and earth, and has been promoted to the peak state of the Nascent Soul mid-stage, and is in the state of sneak attack. Unable to block the attack of sword energy, one by one was injured.

And Qin Lang didn't stop after using the fifth move of Sanshengjianjue, and then the sixth move, the earth ruptured.

With the appearance of this Nascent Soul-level big move, the entire room was shaking violently like an earthquake, and there were many cracks on the ground.

However, this villa is indeed terribly strong, and it didn't collapse under such a situation like a magnitude [-] earthquake. It can be seen that Renault spent a lot of money in building this villa.

Under the violent shaking of the ground, Qin Lang continued to disperse his sword energy to chase the surrounding mutants. Under the continuous display of power, the six mutants had no time to swallow the gene potion and explode before they were directly killed by Qin Lang.

All in all, this sneak attack was perfect. If the six extraordinary level mutants were transformed, it would be very difficult for Qin Lang to succeed in the sneak attack.

And after launching this wave of offensive, Qin Lang also consumed more than half of his body's true energy, but the self-recovery speed of the cultivators in the middle stage of Yuanying was far faster than that in the early stage of Yuanying. Qin Lang swallowed more than a dozen Jingyuan pills, and then squeezed Grabbing a handful of high-grade spirit stones while recovering himself, he was preparing to leave here.

However, just when he was about to turn around, the whole room was completely closed in an instant, turning into a structure similar to a secret room and cage.

It seems that the movement of the fight just now also alarmed the other people on Renault's side, and directly blocked this room.

Qin Lang, who was locked in the cage of the room, looked at the thick alloy walls around him. When he detected the alloy walls with his spiritual sense, he found that the alloy walls might be several meters thick. At this time, he smiled coldly. Maybe there is really no way to deal with the situation in front of him. It is probably difficult to get out of this room in a short time.

And when this room became a cage, light blue light spots began to appear around the walls, and Qin Lang's face changed when he saw these light blue light spots, and he directly entered the room he had summoned without any hesitation. Inside the magic house ghost ship.

At the same moment when Qin Lang entered the Magic Treasure House, light blue lasers sprayed out from the surrounding walls at the same time, hitting the energy defense field of the Magic Treasure House, and Qin Lang's true energy, which maintained the internal operation of the Magic Treasure House, was also constantly flowing. decline.

At this time, the Magic Treasure House moved, avoiding several laser beams that struck again, and piercing through this sealed high-tech cage room.

(End of this chapter)

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