The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1491 Flight Accident

Chapter 1491 Flight Accident (Thank you Scorpio fyx for the monthly pass)
And holding this business card with the smell of expensive perfume, Qin Lang shook his head with a smile, and stuffed it on his body.

As Tanali said, there is no possibility of cooperation between the two parties now, and it may be true in the future, so this business card is also equivalent to a backup relationship!
In the business world, you have to do this to get along like a fish in water, plant more flowers and less thorns. There are still more smart people in this world. Those stupid people have already perished in the competition. Those competitors before Qin Lang are the best proof.

And Tanali, the Queen of AJ, is gaudy, but I have to say that her business talent is still very amazing, and she knows how to handle interpersonal relationships well, so she has her current status in the Middle East.

Next, while enjoying the delicious food at the banquet, Qin Lang also got along with these famous people around him, which also paved the way for the future development of the business empire.

And Qin Lang's fame was also spread in the banquet through the previous Nobel Prize Ceremony, so all the celebrities present were willing to deal with Qin Lang, which also made Qin Lang know many people who are not easy to see normally, and they are all at the top of the whole world elite.

When returning to China, Qin Lang took an ordinary flight, a large Boeing 747 passenger plane, which can carry more than 300 people.

When boarding the plane, although there was a tingling pain in Qin Lang's chest for no reason, a chill appeared in his heart.

The inexplicable throbbing feeling in his chest made Qin Lang feel strange, but at the same time, he couldn't help but secretly warn. This chill was so strong that he actually had a feeling of being stared at, which was not at all before. It never happened.

"It's strange... Could this be an illusion? With my current peak strength in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, I am already a well-deserved top of the pyramid in this world. What else can threaten me now..."

Qin Lang murmured strangely, he knew that the sixth sense this time was very different from before, and this strong sixth sense would only appear when the greatest life crisis occurred.

And this time such a strong sixth sense, it seems that he has never encountered it before, just like before fighting with high-level mutants, the early warning of the sixth sense was not so strong.

How is this going?what happened?what happened……

Qin Lang was puzzled, and he didn't know if his body had an illusion. Now there are almost no existences in this world that can threaten him. It is really unpredictable to have such a strange feeling now.

But he knew that the sixth sense of high-level cultivators has always been very accurate, so this should not be an illusion.

Because when he was in Qinghe Continent, when he encountered life-and-death crisis many times in advance, he had this strong feeling. Every time, he used this method of reminder and early warning to save his life.

So, after getting on the plane, Qin Lang opened up all his consciousness and scanned all the passengers on the plane, but found nothing.

This time he didn't let go of every passenger's expression and demeanor, but it was obvious that all the passengers on the plane looked normal.

However, if there is something abnormal, it is that as the plane took off, a faint look of death began to appear on the faces of these passengers, yes, it was death.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with the plane? It's about to crash..."

Qin Lang thought about it, there have been several famous crashes in this world before, so it is normal for Qin Lang to have such a guess.

However, if the plane crashes, it doesn't seem to affect Qin Lang's life safety. After all, Qin Lang is a cultivator at the peak of the mid-Yuanying period. Even if the plane crashes from an altitude of [-] meters, he can still escape.

And after the plane flew at an altitude of [-] meters for an hour, Qin Lang's uneasiness and irritability became more intense. He suddenly stood up from the seat at this time, and that nervous performance also attracted a flight attendant.

"Sir, please don't make loud noises and unnecessary noises on the plane, so as not to affect other passengers!"

The flight attendant's sweet voice sounded, and began to appease Qin Lang who seemed a little emotionally unstable.


Qin Lang's heartbeat is very strong now, and he can almost hear it casually. The strong feeling of uneasiness has not disappeared under the comfort of the stewardess, but it has become more intense.

At this time, he was still standing, smiled at the flight attendant with a stiff expression, and said, "I, I want to go to the toilet."

After speaking, regardless of the flight attendant's reaction, she left her seat and went to the plane's toilet.

In the toilet of the plane, Qin Lang closed the toilet door heavily, then leaned against the door and sighed.

The strong beating of the heart and the vibration of the plane are now almost at the same frequency. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable, so he thinks of this toilet to relieve pressure, not really wanting to pee or anything.

After flashing his eyes, Qin Lang began to meditate and adjust his breath to restore his body to normal. Although he didn't know why this inexplicable sixth sense appeared now, Qin Lang knew that there was no reason for this sixth sense to appear, so he now It is necessary to adjust the essence, energy, and spirit to the best state to cope with the powerful crisis that may appear in the near future.

Over the Atlantic Ocean, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the sky changed. This kind of weather change was not even predicted by the weather forecast of the whole world.

The plane was flying through the dark clouds. This kind of weather that seemed to be accompanied by lightning, thunder, and heavy snow was definitely not a good weather for the flight, and the passengers who were starting to feel drowsy in the passenger flight were also disturbed by the change in the weather outside the window. Woke up a lot.

"What's going on... Didn't you say that today is a sunny day? Why is it like this now? It's going to rain heavily, it seems to be a heavy rainstorm!"

While the passengers were talking about it, suddenly there was a creaking sound, and a thick and almost hundreds of feet long lightning appeared in front of the flight out of thin air, as if it was not far away.

The entire Boeing 747 also resonated during this huge lightning and thunder. All the belongings of the passengers in the cabin jumped up, and some even fell to the ground, and the passengers in the cabin also screamed. .

However, these screams were drowned in the huge echoes of the world, and now this huge thunder crackling is the theme of the whole world.

However, Qin Lang in the toilet sensed something different in the loud noise of heaven and earth. It seemed that the sky in front of him began to fluctuate violently amidst the loud noise of heaven and earth. It was an extremely powerful space. The vibration seemed to tear apart the entire space in the area in front of it.

what happened?

Qin Lang woke up with a start at this time, and began to pay attention to the movement in the area in front of him. There was already a strong and unstable atmosphere in that area, as if it was about to collapse. If his own flight accidentally rushed into that area , I'm afraid it might not be possible to destroy the plane and kill people.

"Boeing 747 flight, call the ground! Boeing 747 flight, call the ground! Encountered sudden weather, the plane has lost its way! Encountered sudden weather, the plane has lost its way! Please ground base station for guidance..."

Boeing's nose, the captain, the co-pilot and other important crew members have been busy and started to call the ground, but they couldn't get in touch with the base station on the ground.Under such severe weather, the electromagnetic waves of the base station can no longer be received. Now the channel only hears a series of rustling sounds, and the screen is covered with snowflakes.

In desperation, the captain could only use his years of experience to manually control the aircraft to adjust the course. During this adjustment process, when he was about to avoid the area in front of him where the spatial vibration was relatively intense, suddenly there was another earth-shattering crackling sound. !

Following this earth-shattering crack, several members of the crew made a loud sound of panic, because during the process of this crack, an extremely thick lightning bolt with hundreds or tens of millions of volts began to strike. The Boeing 747 hits.

The moment the lightning struck the Boeing 747, huge sparks appeared on the entire aircraft shell, forming a large fireball that surrounded the 747.

Immediately, all the electronic equipment on the plane failed, and the whole flight began to fall directly, as if it began to fall into an infinite abyss.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

The interior of the plane was also in chaos at this time, and the panic of the passengers was continuous.

"Not good! It really crashed..."

Qin Lang knew that the situation was not good, so he quickly summoned his magic house, entered the magic house, penetrated the window of the toilet, and escaped from the unexpected plane.

However, the accident outside the window is far from over!Crack!Crack crack crack!More than a dozen thick lightning bolts appeared at the same time, and they all attacked Qin Lang's magic house.

At the same time when the lightning hit the magic treasure house, the defensive shield of the whole magic treasure house also lit up, and Qin Lang's defense ability was activated to the maximum.

The moment the lightning hit the magic house, Qin Lang's true energy consumption also increased directly. Fortunately, the material of the magic house was stronger than the Boeing 747, and Qin Lang's body itself had a part of the thunder force attribute, so it was The Magic Treasure House was not damaged.

However, when resisting this powerful natural force just now, Qin Lang also consumed [-]% of his true energy when shooting arrows, so he had to take out spirit stones to supplement his consumption.

And just when Qin Lang took out the spirit stone, the fluctuations in the area in front of him escalated again, and the whole space seemed to be torn apart in an instant, and a huge black hole appeared, and an earth-shattering voice came out of the black hole: "Hahaha, Hahaha... the spatial channel of this world was finally broken by this deity..."

The sound was like thunder, resounding through the Atlantic Ocean, and even spread to far away places in this world.

After Qin Lang heard this voice, his expression suddenly changed. He finally knew why he had such a strong sixth sense before he got on the plane.

Song Zixing...he is here!

(End of this chapter)

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